858 | To Lord North

    Hampstead Sep 29 1770

    My Lord

    When your Lordship enter’d upon your Administration by the Cession ^Resignation^ of the Duke of Grafton I determined to apply to your Lordship to desire that there might be a reconsideration of the provision to be made for me pursuant to his Majesty’s gracious intention of granting me a reward for my Service1 & a support whilst I should continue unemployed. I have hitherto deferred submitting my Case to your Lordship only upon account of the multiplicity of business in which you have been continually engaged, since this Application has been due to your Lordship. I hope therefore that I shall now stand in as favorable light as I should have done ^if I had given you this trouble^ in times of greater business & hurry.

    If the Duke of Grafton had continued in his Office I should have made the same application to his Grace, which I do now to your Lordship. For tho’ I was obliged to submit to the contracted appointment which his Grace was pleased to assign to me in the hurry of business at a particular time; yet I considered that this Act of frugality was directed only by temporary considerations; & I doubted not but when His Grace should recollect at leisure the assurances of a larger appointment which I had received from the best Authority, His Justice would make good the full Bounty designed for me. And what I had to expect from his Grace’s justice, I may well promise myself from your Lordships favor, who after you have given so many instances proofs of your fixed intention of not letting those who have suffered in the Kings Service go unrewarded, will not leave me to be a single instance of disappointment, after I have had assurances formed ^derived^, as I have understood, upon ^from^ positive & determinate determination ^resolutions^.

    I have not set a value upon my own Merit; it has been estimated in the most honorable ^way^ for me by those to whom my Services were due: ^and^ I may be allowed to count upon that estimate, tho’ it should be overrated. His Majesty has been pleased to reward me by honour far beyond my desires & by emoluments fully ^as they were designed^ equal to my expectations. These were intended to go together: I received the former with great gratitude as it was a ^public^ testimonial of his Majesty’s approbation of my Service2 ^& in that light only most valuable to me.^ But If after this, the provision which was designed for the support of the ^honour^ should be contracted to one half, the Honour instead of a benefit will be a burthen; it will only serve to make me feel the more the defalcation which has been made in the allowance which was originally intended for me, at the time when the honour was conferred.

    Soon after the Intention to provide for me took place Mr Pownall (no doubt with Authority) wrote to me that it was resolved to grant me a pension equal to the certain Income of my Government untill I could be better provided for.3 When I came to England Lord Barrington, authorised by Lord Hillsborough’s ^desire^ informed me that I was to have a pension of 1000 pounds hard Money: and Lord Hillsborough afterwards acquainted me with this as a Matter resolved upon in the Cabinet. I could quote others whose Offices made them acquainted with this designation: but I beleive, I need not urge this Matter any further; for I am told that I might safely appeal to your Lordships memory for the truth of this Fact.

    As therefore this Designation is well known; and the imperfect Execution of it cannot be concealed, will it not afford opportunity for my Enemies, who are the same with the Enemies of Government, to triumph in this change of the disposition of Government towards me? Will they not suggest that so great a Defalcation as one half of the Allowance designed for me must be caused by some delinquency or default in me? And yet, my Lord, I am not conscious of any such Act; nor have I heard it insinuated that I have been charged with any ^that any such has been insinuated against me.^

    To the considerations which arise from my public Character, it will be some Recommendation of me to your Lordships favor to add those which are of a domestic Nature; that the Stations in which I have served his Majesty have been such as would not allow me to get any money; that I have suffered much in my private fortune by contending with the faction which has opposed Government; that I have a large family (nine children) of which one only is provided for. So that I really am in want of what I ask for.

    I am not used to eat the bread of Idleness: & therefore it will be equal to me whether your Lordship shall make good the deficiency of my present appointment by an addition to my pension or by an office to hold with it. In either Case I shall consider myself as engaged in the Service of the Crown, & shall probably serve it as effectually under the pay of a pension as of a salary: my Attention & Fidelity will be the same in either Case. But I humbly hope that whatever your Lordship ^shall^ propose for me will be done in some way which will afford a present releif.

    I am M4 ^with great respect, My Lord, Your Lordships most obedient & most humble Servant^

    The right honble The Lord North

    ADft, AC      BP, 12: 227–230.