803 | From Thomas Hutchinson

    No 14

    Boston 27 Octo 1763 [1769]

    My dr Sr.

    I have omitted saying any thing to you of Mr. Bernards unfortunate case because I was in hopes he would grow better & it must give you pain to know how much he is disordered but it cannot be concealed from you.1 He has very frequently called upon me since you sailed both at Milton & in Town & I did not observe anything new but in general very decent except when any thing was said of the Merchs or the T. of B.2 & then he could not help breaking out against them but upon the least intimation to be cautious & reserved he would check & recover himself. To morrow will be a fortnight since he came from Fort Pownall. He stopped first at my house after he came over the ferry & gave me an acco how much he had been exposed having been sevral night3 on M. Desart & sometimes lodged on the ground with only a blanket & part of the time that he was upon the Island was very stormy. After he left the Island he told me had no sleep for 8 or 10 nights[.] He seemed then to be very calm[.]4 A few evnings after he called again & gave me an acco of a Letter he had wrote to you from Fort Pownall which he said was at a time when he hardly knew what he did. The 21st he calld again & told me he suspected some design. He had passed thro several gangs of fellows & he believd they were raising a mob. I told him there would be no mob on Saturd. nights people collected on a post night to know what news. He seemed to agree to it & after a little conversation went to his lodging but all the night after he was so much disordered as to keep the family up & the next day discovered his disorder in passing the streets to that degree that Mr. John came to me early the morning after to tell me it was absolutely necessary he should be confined & he advised how to proceed with him. No place ap[pear]ed5 to me so proper as the Ca[stle] & it being proposed to him the next day to go down on a party of [pl . .] it took with him & he has been ever since confined in one of the officers rooms in the Barracks, which I ordered to be prepared for his reception. He will have all possible care taken of him & one of his Physicians seems to make no doubt by Regimen & proper administrations he will recover in a short time.

    I will go down my self to the Castle in the morning & see that evry thing is done wch can be done for his advantage. I hope soon to send you a more favorable account and am

    Sr Yo most faithl humble Serv

    AL, LbC      Mass. Archs. 26: 396–397.