873 | From Walter Logan

    Roxbury Novr. 18: 1770.


    I have the honour of ^your^ Letter of the 17: Augst.1 I wrote you the 30: Oct: under its Cover you had my Accot. Currt. and other papers. My last was of the 5^.2 Instt informing you Mr. Bernard was then at the end of his Life. He died a few Hours after I had left him. I had watched every circumstance which did attend his indisposition, and related them to your Freinds but more particularly to the Lt. Governor. The accounts of which I hope have convinced you of my faithfulness. I had provided Lodgings for him on Jamaica Plain that he might have had the use of Lady Bernards Charriot and be nearer Doctor Perkins, he was to have been removed the day he died. My hopes were if he could have gained strength of Body, the Faculties of his Mind might have therewith returned. But others expected the contrary. His Funeral was decently conducted agreeable to his Station, without Pomp. His Body lay’s in a Brick Grave adjoining to his Brother Shute. I have delayed fixing an inscription at the Head of the Grave’s until I may have your direction’s and Form. I must do the Gentlemen of Cambridge the Justice to inform you, they behaved on this occasion with great civility. Major Vassall and Colo: Phip’s offered the use of their House’s, all of them attended the Funeral. Their expressions of you were respectful, and gave me an oppy. of mentioning the affair of the Plate to some of them.3 They seemed to wish to have it ended. I beleive most of them are sorry it appeared in Publick. I am desirous to save your former Freinds from reflection and to impute what they have done, to their indiscretion.

    I think it my duty to repeat to you, that Mr Bernard[’s]4 state of Health, may require your attention. I hope he will be now careful of himself, for if he should be attacked with any severe illness I fear his constitution would not stand it.

    I intended not to have troubled you with a relation of what has passed between me and Mr. Loring. But my Character which has ever been unblemished being now attacked in all companies, makes me alter my resolution. Mr. Pepperell had viewed the House and Farm, but no proposals were made on either side, he was intirely silent on his opinion. And I on my part made no positive offers of leting the Farm to him, havg reserved that for another time, intending again to apply to Mr. Loring before I should let it to any other. I was at a loss to know Mr. Pepperells intention, and hearing no House could be got for Commodore Gambier, who was hourly expected, I determined to bring this Business to a Close. Therefore on the 10^. Octr. in the morning ^on hearing^ the Salute on the Commodores arrival I immediately to went to see Mr. Loring, and I spent two Hours with him on the subject of the Farm. I offered it to him for another year on the express terms of your Letter to me, in answer to his applications to yourself, and to leave the doubtful expression of the cultivation to be determined by any fit judges. On that he should have it for the Rent of £60 Stg, and to abate him £5 Stg if he should put on the Grass Land sixteen Loads of Dung. I desired him to consult his Freinds and offered him any number of day’s for that purpose. He answered me, he was determined and ^did^ not require a moments consideration, and that he would not give more than £45 Stg with twenty loads of Dung on the Grass by him or £50 Stg without any Dung or other restrictions in the cultivation. I often repeated to him my fears that my refusing his offer would break our Freindship. but that nevertheless I must act the part of an honest man. I added that I had Mr. Pepperell and Commodore Gambier in my view for tennants, and that I now shoud do every thing that might be in my power to obtain one. That evening I sent an advertisemt to be inserted in Drapers Paper of the next-day.5 On Friday Mr. Pepperell came to my House & we agre’ed. On Saturday I made out the minutes, and carried them to Mr Price to draw the Loan.6 On Monday it was executed at Medford. I shall not proceed to give you an account of the false charges against me, as my intention by this relation is only to that I may be vindicated in case these reports should reach you. I am told Mr. Loring is determined to continue on the Farm until March, without Mr. Pepperell’s consent, I have applied to Mr. Hatch and Commode Loring (and by a Letter to Mr. Loring),7 desiring that might be settled with him, as I was resolved to put him into the possession. I am afraid I shall be obliged to have recourse to Law. I shall use no resentment, but be firm to in your service.

    Mr. Story’s affair you are freed from, The Lt. Governor has spoke with Mr. Gray, His conversation of itself at that time will be sufficient to prevent recourse agst. you, in this the Lt. Governor was careful that he might be a Witness in your favour. Therefore no application is now necessary to be made to Story.

    The Books and some other articles were intended to have been sent by the Tweed, But as they might give Lady Bernard some Trouble at Portsmouth it has been thought it will be better to send to them directly to London as the Freight will be small. Her Ladyship directs this to be delayed until I shall hear from you after her arrival, and says the Lt. Governor is of her opinion; there may be some reasons for this, and I hope no inconvenience. The articles in the Inventory unsold are also reserved for your further orders. Perhaps in the mean time I may have an opportunity of selling some of them at a price I may Venture to take. I shall consider every circumstance that may appear for your Interest, and when I may be in any doubt, I shall consult the Lt. Governor, on whose freindship to you, and abilities on every occasion I can depend.

    The disorders which were here have ended sooner than could have been expected. You must thereby receive great honour. It is happy for Britain now to be eased from apprehension’s of danger from the Colonies. The dangers from a popular Government which were lately seen, may make an alteration in this Province more readily submited to. Administration will not risque8 attacking its real liberties of the People. and Persons of Property will not now risque their ease and Estates for the support of imaginary rights. I now have greater reason for the continuance of my opinion, that you may be happy in America; and that your views should not be circumscribed by the abuses you have met with here. It is not in the power of a late set of men to disturb Government.

    With the utmost gratitude I acknowledge my high obligations to you, for your application to Lord North. I am glad to hear from you, that Mr. Robinson will be so good as to assist in serving me. I know not how to point ^out^ any thing myself, I must beg to put my intire dependence on you. Mr. Robinson I suppose will be able to give you intelligence of opportunity’s, and perhaps may think of a way to make an opening for me.

    Lady Bernard and Family are in Health. Her Ladyship has long been uneasy from the delay’s of the Tweed, (she is expected here every hour) A report of preparations for a Spanish War we just now have heard at Roxbury. If this is to be feared I hope to find Letters from you by the Ship which has brought this account.

    I am with the greatest respect and sincerest wishes for your happiness.

    Sir Your faithful obedt. humble Servant

    Walter Logan.

    Sir Francis Bernard Bart:

    ALS, RC      AO, 13/74: ff 59–62.