878 | From Thomas Hutchinson

    [No.] (52.)1

    Boston 8th Jany. 1770 [1771]

    Dear Sir

    Mr Boutineau was with me to day to mention a plan which his heart seems to be much set upon. He wishes to have three hundred a year settled upon Sewall as Attorney General and that he should quit his place at Halifax & Mr Robinson go there in his stead and Mr Franklyn succeed Mr Robinson. I told him I would mention it to you for I find Mr Sewall would like it well. I beleive he thinks he shall sooner or later be obliged to reside at Halifax which he would not like or that the Salaries will be reduced, the general voice here being for less Salaries to those Offices & what is taken from them to be distributed among the Courts of Common Law, or that the Office itself may be laid aside for it seems what little business there is ^is^ done by the ^Provincial^ Courts of Admiralty and I have not heard of one Appeal. This would interfere with the plan you & I laid of ^for^ bringing Putman to Boston who has depended upon it and who would be of great service here. There has been great talk since Mr Hallowells arrival that Mr Sewall would have Lisles place as Sollicitor to the Customs.2 Its [a]3 pity the poor Man had not as good a place which is better suited to his capacity. You know how much we stand in need of good Crown Lawyers. If the Judges places in the Superior Court were made more respectable it would encourage our Young Gentlemen to endeavour to qualify themselves for it. If this is not done whilst the other regulations are under consideration I shall give it up. Five hundred for the Chief & three for the puisne would not be too much but four & two or two hundred & fifty would be much better than what they now have.

    Mr Fitch says his Fees since his appointment have not equalled what he has lost by his clients leaving him because he belongs to the Admiralty & if nothing is allowed as Salary he will give it up.4 I know not who will take it.

    These hints may5 possibly be of some use.

    I am very glad I am not obliged to continue to give you an account of our disorders we are all in better temper than we have been at any time for years past and a plan is laying for an Assembly of Gentlemen & Ladies in which every person of Reputation is to be admitted without any party distinction. For the sake of peace I must cross my inclination & quit my Study for the Card room one Evening in a fortnight. The proposal is to be made by the Sons of Liberty the Commissioners not to be excepted and upon those terms I begin the Subscription. Dont suspect me of any concession out of Charracter. I shall give up nothing. I am with the greatest regard & Esteem

    Dear Sir Fath Svt.

    L, LbC      Mass. Archs., 27: 92–93.