884 | To John Bernard

    Hampstead febry 15. 1771

    Dear John

    I wrote to you before to desire you to make out an Account of your Brothers personal Estate & what you have expended in the Administration of it. Since that, Lady Bernard, who arrived at this house on the 4th inst, after a most distressed & dangerous voyage, has informed me that she desired you to deliver to Mr Logan all the goods &c ^besides what you will see excepted in this Letter^ which your Brother had in his possession at the time of his death. I can have no objection to this but the triflingness of the gift, which must fall short, in a great degree, of what we consider as due to him for that service only. If therefore you have executed this commission in any part, I hope you have done it with a proper Apology for it’s not being considered in any light as a satisfaction for the extraordinary kindness Mr Logan showed in his care of your brother; which must be recompensed in the best ^a much better^ way.

    In making up your account therefore, set down evry thing which your Brother died possessed of, & much what has been disposed of by Lady B’s order. His pair of pistols cap’t with silver I should be glad to have, as I want such a pair at this instant. His pocket pistols Lady B has brought, but without the screw or mold. This is of no use to any one else, but not worth while giving any trouble about, at this distance.

    <His books are of no ^great^ Value except his Musick books, of which a Set of Handells Overtures in score ^in 8 vols.^ ^for the Harpsichord^, & Correlli’s Concertos in Score ^in 7 vol (this we are not sure of)^ I desire you will return to me.1 These you ^will^ probably find in Mr Hartley’s custody. There are also two Volumes of Corelli’s works in Score ^in rough binding^ which your Brother had of me: Lady B sayes she left one of these at your Store; the other you will find with Hartley if no where else.>2

    His Books I desire you will send a Catalogue of: & pack them up in a Box to be placed with mine concerning the Disposal of which I shall send Orders: His Music Books should be sent me as soon as may be; they are among them, Handel’s Overtures for the Harpsichord; Corelli’s Works in Score, one vol of which Lady B left at your Store; the other I suppose Hartley has; I cannot particularise the rest of them but expect you will collect them as well as you can & send them me over

    There must be a considerable Account due from Hartley to your Brother. He owned to Lady B that he had 12 guineas 6 Sov[ereign]s of him, for which no plausible consideration could be given. There are the 15 guineas which you remitted to Harris to purchase an Harpsichord which Harris still refuses to pay.3 It is said that Hartly averred that He had had of your brother at times ^35 guineas,^ which you was informed of by a person who heard him say it ^said he heard it^. It is also probable that Hartley may claim some of the books before-mentioned, or other books not now thought of, as free gifts. I will not charge Hartly with having taken advantage of my Sons infirmities, untill I know his answer. But if he is an honest Man, as must be supposed till the contrary appears, He will account for all the Money he has received & the Value of ye books &c if any, which he claims as gifts, & set against it the Services he has done or other ^valuable^ Considerations & strike a ballance. If he does not act as an honest Man in this, I certainly shall not let the Matter rest so. When you talk to Mr Hartley on this subject take Mr Logan with you.

    In reckoning up Your brothers assets you must bring to the account what was due from the Naval Office, at the rate of two thirds for the year expiring at the beginning of Octr last & in the same proportion for one other month. I have wrote to Mr Taylor to make good the Account of the last year in the manner before mentioned, which I hope he wont hesitate about: for I should be sorry, upon his account, to have a dispute with him.

    Mr Gale came to me t’other day to ask if I had had any letters from you by the last ships. Upon my answering no He seemed surprised: I told him I was also surprised at not hearing from you on my own part. Lady B informs me that she left in your hands 2 casks of Cranberries which you promised to send to me by Capt Calef who came in before Christmas day.4 I have never received them nor heard any ^thing^ of them. Whether you did not send them, or have not sent a letter of advice so that they have miscarried, it is a cruel disappointment, at this time when my house is filled with young people & the Season affords nothing to make fruit pyes of. If your whole attention is so directed to your self only that you have no time to take any care of the concerns of your friends, you will soon have none. Pray be punctual in your engagements, even in trifles: for Disappointments create an ill humour, which sometimes has effects ^operates works^, without ones knowing it.

    Since I

    The Love & good wishes of this family attend you I am Dear John Your affecte father


    Send Whatever you have to send to me must be directed to the care of Lane & Frazier send the Musick books by the first opportunity: the other books may wait for a further consideration.

    ADft, LbC      BP, 8: 171–174.