897 | From Thomas Hutchinson

    Boston 13 Feb 1772

    Dr Sr

    As Mr Bernard will write to you by this ship1 & give you a particular account of his affair wth Colonel Goldthwait there is less need of my saying any thing about it. He has been blamed when he did not deserve it & considering his apprehensions that his debt was in danger or that it would be a great while before he should be able to get it I dont wonder he determined to secure it. In order to do it he made Goldthwait believe that he was easy with what passed between them here in Town respecting the manner of paying him altho he had at the same time determined he would have further Security from him. The great difficulty is in the neglect of insuring the Vessel. If Mr G relied upon him, & if it had not been for the Encouragement Mr Bernard gave, [it]2 would have procured the insure before the Vessel was burnt, in some other way it will be hard he should lose it. From the account Mr Bernard gives me of his affairs he might soon have expiated himself from difficulties if it had not been for his last concern in shipping. There is no helping it now & I dont see how he can get rid of the Vessel in any other way than by sending her to England to be sold. He had better sell her here if it could be done at £500 sterl loss. I believe no body would take her off his hands even at that discount.

    He has promised to call upon me frequently & to acquaint me with the state of his affairs from time to time which he must close without entring into new engagements. I am informed that Mr Gale is altogether unconnected with these affairs & has kept his business distinct & wholly under his own direction[,] and Mr Bernard has promised me to day to propose to him contracting the time of there partnership to three years[.] I do not believe the concern will afford any profit. Mr Bernard now tells me he sees the affair of the Ship just as I do & wishes he had not so suddenly engaged in it & without advice

    I am Dr Sr Yr faithful servt

    Sr FB3

    AL, LbC      Mass. Archs., 27: 294.