904 | From Thomas Hutchinson

    Boston, 26 Augst. 1772

    Dear Sir

    Mr. Bernard tells me that he has made over to Mr. Lechmor sufficient Estate to secure his Debt to Mr. Lane and that he has no doubt the remainder of his Effects will be equal to the remainder of the demands upon him but as he makes little or no surplus I doubt he will fall short but I hope not a great deal. He is to meet me at Milton on Saturday morning with a full state of his Affairs drawn out for my inspection. I found that he engaged in the Ship for the sake of the remittance to Mr. Lane but he had no Effects to pay for her and must have taken goods here on credit for part of the pay and drawn Bills1 for the remainder which was getting rid of one involvement & bringing another and a greater instead of it a few months after for all the fr[ei]g[h]t. Mr. Lechmor was to pay would not have paid wages of men provisions and Insurance and even at the high prices ships have ^lately^ sold at She would not have fetched in London so much by £500 — as She cost here. I advised him therefore to get rid of her here though he lost a couple of hundred pounds by it. He went to Portsmouth where a Trader offered to take the Ship of his hands at the price She cost & to pay him 7. or 800 £ Sterlg in Bills of Exchge and about the same sum by the assignment of a debt from a person in the County of York. Without any advice he struck a bargain[.]2 As soon as he came to Town I told him he would have ^a^ great deal of trouble in recovering this debt & I should much rather have taken £200 less in money but he was then of another opinion. He has since brought an Action & he says has attached more estate then the debt but I don’t see how he will apply it to the payment of his own debts. He has four or five hundred pounds more due from one Hobby for which he has a mortgage of his estate in the eastern Country but will find it as difficult to make this answer his purpose as the other. When I see him on Saturday I will after I know more fully the demands upon him and his ability of answering them give him the best advice I can.

    I have wrote you formerly of the compromise with Goldthwait and the breach it made between him & me.3 I have heard nothing from him since. Your Son tells me he has not complied even with that.

    Let me beg you not to be anxious about your Son[.] He is fully sensible that he must close all his Accots mercantile Affairs, & I hope he will never engage anew. He has a very fair mind and supposes other People to have as fair minds. He may do well in Plato’s Commonwealth but not in that of Massachusets Bay _

    I am &c.

    L, LbC      Mass. Archs., 27: 375–376.