907 | From Thomas Hutchinson

    Boston 7 Octo 1772

    Kings Scooner

    Dr Sr

    The affair wch. I feared as most likely to distress Mr Bernard I have reason to think may be managed so as to avoid that distress. I expected as soon as his debt became due to Smith & Atkinson they would arrest him. This was full £600 sterl. I told your son I would be his bail rather than he should confine himself if there was a probability of his avoiding the demands of his other Creditors but he seemed to think if his other Creditors found that he had given security for this debt that they would all take the same measures to obtain security for their debts[.] I therefore sent for Mr Atkinson & represented to him Mr Bernards circumstances & told him unless I could have some assurance that when the debt became due he would not commence an Action I would advise to keep out of the way & I was of opinion that if he would give time the debt would finally be paid. Mr Atkinson with great politeness engaged that he would not molest him & that he would write to Mr Smith who is now in London to see you & talk with you upon the subject.

    I find your son has given notice to Mr Turner to quit his Office in April designing to reside at Salem himself. Mr Turner wrote to me upon it. I have not said any thing to divert your son from his intention because I would leave the matter entire to your consideration only I advised to put no part of the design in execution until he knew your mind and I wrote accordingly in answer to Turner who I advised to write you upon the Subject. The answer which he sent me I will enclose to you. I do not believe he has any means of supporting his family except his office & he is now old (63) & infirm however as you know better than I do what has passed respecting Mr Turner I need not say any thing to you further upon the Subject.1 You may depend on my attending to Mr Bernards difficulties as they come on & I repeat my desire that you would not let them ly with too much anxiety upon your own mind.

    I am DSr yr faithful & affect humble Servt

    AL, LbC      Mass. Archs., 27: 394.