Table 1

    Editorial Symbols

    Additions (insertions, interlineations, and substitutions) are marked with carets “^” at the intended location. When it is necessary to distinguish different hands or differentiate between insertions and substitutions the following will be used: roman.

    Bold type or heavily-inked letters are set in bold.

    Canceled text is shown in strikethrough font.

    Confusing passages are described “thus in manuscript” in an endnote.

    Conjectured readings for illegible material that can be inferred from the source text are in [roman text within square brackets]; there is a question mark before the closing bracket if there is considerable doubt as to the accuracy of the reading, [roman?].

    Editorial interpolations have been italicized and placed in square brackets, [editor’s comment].

    Ellipses signify material that is either illegible or missing. The number of suspension points corresponds to the number of missing letters or numbers, e.g. [. . .] for three letters missing. Missing words are rendered thus, [_ _ _].

    Emphasis is conveyed by italics and double underlining by small capitals.

    Lacunae are represented by [blank].

    Passages marked for deletion are indicated by <angled brackets>.

    Underlining in authorial tables, numbers, dates, and punctuation has been retained.