847 | To Thomas Hutchinson


    N[o] 31

    Hampstead June 20 1770

    Dear Sr

    Since I wrote my last1 I have talked with Ld Hillsborough about your declining the Government several times. He ask’d me if it was known to you that it was intended to assign a salary payable by the King to the Government of Mass-Bay; and if the Knowledge of such a measure being resolved upon wou’d make any alteration in your purpose of declining the Government. I told him that I was certain that you had no advice of such intention when you signified your desire to decline, to me, and I did not beleive that you had received any advice of it since; that I could not say whether such intelligence would have altered your desire or not; that such a Measure would not remove your objections, which arose more from the impractability of the Government in its presents state,2 than from a fear of the Governor not being paid.

    Upon talking upon this subject 2 or 3 days ago, I offered to write to you if the Government would probably remain vacant till I could receive an answer. He said He was in no hurry to fill up the Government, unless something should happen which would require an extraordinary appointment; and he had no desire of his own to appoint any other person than you; and therefore he was inclined to let the matter rest till it was determined what measures should be taken for remedying the disorders of the Government.

    I cannot give you any more particulars of what will be done to remove the disorders of your Government than I did in my last; the little I know is communicated in confidence. All that I can at present say is that the Measures which will be taken with your people promise to be such as will probably be effectual, and restore Government & good order; unless the People really intend to measure swords with Great Britain. But tho this is plainly the design of the Cheifs of the Boston faction, yet I cannot think they will engage any considerable part of the people in so wild & desperate a scheme. However Government will be prepared to encounter such an opposition & Parliament, notwithstanding their divisions in other matters, will be almost unanimous in supporting it in the maintenance of the imperial Sovereignty.

    You will probably receive with this an order to continue the assembly by short prorogations that it may be ready to give answer to what shall be proposed to them. Your application for leave to call the assembly at some other place than Cambridge will produce nothing in favor of Boston: you will have leave to call it at any other place, except Boston. Then what will the Town of Cambridge say to the College for depriving them of the benefit of the Assembly’s sitting there, which, besides the present advantages, must in time greatly improve the Town, & increase the Value of the Estates there: besides the objection is contradicted by the practice of every other College in America, which are purposely situated in the Towns where the Assemblys meet.

    I communicated the contents of your Letter No 193 to no one but the brother of the Gentleman who is the subject of it; & I concealed from him the person from ^whom^ I had the intelligence. But I have since had an account of it from two Gentlemen, one of which had recd a Letter to the same purpose & I yesterday heard that the Prime Minister was advised of it by an Anonymous Letter.4

    From what I have wrote you will see that you are not like to be soon releived from the cares of Government. & I am mistaken if you will not have as difficult work to come as any you have had as yet: But if it tends to restore Peace & good order, you will not grudge it. If what I expect shall come to pass, you may think it proper to reconsider your declining &c.

    I am – &c

    The Honble Govr Hutchinson.

    L, LbC      BP, 8: 99–101.