848 | To Thomas Hutchinson

    No 32

    Hampstead, June 23rd. 1770

    Dear Sir

    Since I wrote my last I have received your letter No 15 by Mr Bridgham, who made an Apology for not delivering it sooner.1 Before I opened the Your Letter I acquainted him with the Regard I had for his Father & my Readiness to serve him.

    In Regard to the turning out Goldthwait I am very sorry for it more upon Account of the Interest he has in those Parts than of the Place itself. I have been long prepared for his losing that Office; but I was determined that no one else should succeed him: and for that Purpose I intended to have negatived a new Man toties quoties and given for Reason that it was very improper that the Command of the Fort & the Office of Truckmaster should be in seperate Hands, and as I could not with Justice remove him from the former I could not with Propriety admit another to the latter, and so have left it to the Assembly to have put an End to the Office if they pleased. I beleive I never communicated this Plan to you but if I had, probably it would not have suited you to have pursued it at this time.2

    When I communicated your Letter to my Lord H & explained to him the Nature of the Command & the Office; he said that he hoped you had not superseded Goldthwait in his Command and given it to Prebble, for if you had it would be admitting these People, at a time they are threatning the King with Resistance by Force of Arms, by indirect Means to remove an Officer, upon Account of his Fidelity from the Command of a Fort of the Kings, & place therein a Man that has no other Recommendation but what arises from Opposition to the Kings Government. I said that I beleived you would not remove Goldthwait from the Command of the Fort, as you was very friendly to him: but I did not know how State Reasons may operate. He said, that you must be wrote to that if you have removed him you directly restore him to the Command. You will accordingly receive a Letter from Mr Pownall upon this Subject.3

    You will remember that this Fort was built by the King; and therefore the Province has no Right to use it as a Truck house. If they are permitted to use the Room appointed for that Purpose, that must be the utmost they can expect.4 If they withdraw the Garrison they must not expect that. In such Case you will undoubtedly appoint Goldthwait to the Custody of the Fort. If a Garrison shall be wanted, a Serjeant’s Guard may be sent by the Commanding Officer at the Castle, which will never want Troops. Upon this Movement the Truck Trade must be infallibly put an End to; & the Defence of the Fort will probably be left to Col Goldthwaits Company of Militia: which will not be a bad End to a Business which must otherwise be a perpetual Bone of Contention. I shall write to Goldthwait upon this Subject, & shall give him strong Assurances of your Friendship, which I hope you will confirm.5

    Altho I cannot now point out the Means from whence you are to derive your Comfort, yet I can assure you that you need not as yet despair of seeing Government & Order again restored among you. The Measures which are to be carried on for that Purpose are now preparing with all possible Diligence & Expedition: they promise to be such as will probe the Wounds to the Bottom & remove the first Causes of the Disorders. It was impossible to engage the Ministry to bring on the ^great^ Affairs of America before Parliament last Session; but they can’t avoid doing it the next, & will make the best Use of the intermediate time to prepare for it to Advantage. I understand that Orders are gone to Genl Gage to keep one Regt at the Castle; & I expect they will soon be followed by Orders to send another thither, in which Case they must build new Barracks. All the Ships that can be spared from Halifax will be stationed at Boston under the new Commander in Cheif. I beleive it will not be long before the refractory Part of your People will be obliged to give a categorical Answer to the Question whether they will be obedient to Great Britain or not.

    I am &c.

    The Honble Govr Hutchinson

    L, LbC      BP, 8: 101–104.