418 | From John Pownall

    Saturday. Decr. 13. 1765.

    Dear Sir

    I have used every means that the most sincere ffriendship and regard could suggest to remove every prejudice that had been made at the late Treasury Bd. in respect to your Conduct1 and which otherways might have been taken up by the present, and by the assistance of your other ffriends, particularly Fitzherbert and Roberts who are now both at this Board, all doubts are removed & your Conduct in Genl. as well as in respect to every ^thing^ that has passed with you from the 14 of August to the 8. of Novr. stands not only justified but approved.

    Let me intreat of you however not to think of Stirring from your Govt. without Leave; I know of nothing nor can forsee any thing that either can or ought to induce such a resolution on your part___I think Govr Mc:intoshes reign will be short___in this however I speak more from reasoning than any facts I have to lead my Judgement, for every body here (tho’ the parliamt meets on Tuesday) seem to be at a loss what part it would be advisable to take____a little time will clear away those Clouds which arisen2 out of the Western Hemisphere & which at present look so black___nil disperandum.3

    I was sorry to see in your last Letter4 a repetition of the wish for orders to remove out of Boston if troops are sent thither___I cannot any how account for a wish of that sort and it is with concern I find it continues to make such an Impression on you because I am certain such an order never can be obtained, for your sake never ought to be asked, & herein I speak the Sense of all your Friends, amongst whom none is more sincerely so than

    Dear Sir Yours most faithfully

    J Pownall

    ALS, RC BP, 10: 324-327.