335 | From the Earl of Halifax

    St. James’s 9th_ Febry1765.


    Upon the Receipt of your Letter of the 3d. of November,1 in which You acquaint me with the Clandestine Practices of Mor. D’Estaing, to induce the Acadians in New England to settle in his Government, I immediately transmitted a Copy of his Manifest to His Majesty’s Ambassador at Paris,2 with Directions to complain to the Court of France, of this additional Instance of the offensive and unjustifiable Conduct of that Governor. And His Excellency informs me that the French ministers received the Information and Proof of this Proceeding of Mor. D’Estaing with the greatest Surprize, & gave such Assurances that He was totally unauthorised in it, [h]as left no room to doubt that they would immediately take proper measures for  putting an effectual Stop to any farther Attempts of that Sort.

    With Respect to your own Conduct upon this Occasion, you have very rightly judged that altho’ it is in vain to prohibit the migration of the Acadians, if no Endeavours can induce them to become good Subjects, yet your Duty will by no means permit you to suffer them to be carried off by the secret or open Practices of a French Governor; and you will accordingly continue to exert your Endeavours in preventing the Success of such Attempts, in deterring the masters and Commanders of Vessels, from assisting in the Execution of them, and in punishing, according to Law, such of them as may have been concerned therein.

    I am with great Truth and Regard, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant

    Dunk Halifax

    Governor Bernard

    P. S.

    I have received Your Letters of the 9th, 10th, 12th, & 16th. Novr.3

    LS, RC BP, 10: 266-269.