196 | To Jonathan Belcher

    Boston. Ap: 7 1763


    I am favoured with your letter of Jan: 21st.,729 Since I first wrote to you on the subject of ye Boundary between the two Provinces, the Question has been quite changed: instead of, which is the River St Croix? as I then apprehended it, it is now, “Whether the River St Croix shall be the Boundary?”730 We find this is the Question at home & like to be controverted. Therefore the General Assembly here appointed a Committee to examine their Right to the lands between Penobscot & St Croix; their report has been printed: & I shall order Mr Oliver to send you a Copy of it.

    I dont find that there is any probability that more grants of this kind, will be applied for. Only six of the 12 Townships voted for are as yet made out; & they are not as yet sent home; but will be by the first opportunity These lie between Penobscot River & a River called Mount Desart river, and are so compactly laid out that they dont extend to more than 15 miles longitude. Of the other 6 I am told only three will be taken up at all which will extend from the East side of Mount desart River about 18 miles of longitude more. These will reach beyond the Island of Mount Desart, about 6 miles more or less. The other three I understand, are given up, on account of the badness of land as they say; but I rather believe from the incapacity of the adventurers to bear the Expence. There has been some little application for some Islands, which lie opposite to these Townships, but I dont find that the Assembly is inclined to encourage them.

    Upon the whole I apprehend that we have Nothing to do at present but to wait for orders from home. My grant has not been brought upon the Carpet that I have learnt. I am advised that it’s success will not depend upon the determination of the boundary; but that it may be favored at all Events.

    I am with greatest &c your m obedt

    The Hon: Lt Govr. Belcher.

    L, LbC BP, 2: 299-300.