
    The editor prepared the index with a view to facilitating searches by correspondence and their contents as well as by people, places, events, and topics. To that end, Gov. Bernard’s papers can be found under the following entries: “Bernard, Francis, CORRESPONDENCE; —IN-LETTERS; —LETTERS TO; —OUT-LETTERS; —PAPERS.” “Bernard, Francis, LETTERS TO,” arranges out-letters by correspondent, with subentries covering the topics that were discussed thus, “Amherst, Jeffery, about: Acadians.” In addition, “Bernard, Francis, LETTERS RECEIVED FROM” catalogues in-letters by their authors. Entries for individual correspondents, such as for “Amherst, Sir Jeffery,” permits a search for “letters to FB about” particular topics given in subentries. Both the entries for “Bernard, Francis” and those for individual correspondents contain the subentries “replies to” and “writes to” that pertain to discussions of correspondence rather than to the contents of the transcripts printed in this volume; “letters ... listed” refers the reader to items calendared in Appendix 3. Information on Bernard can be found under the entry “Bernard, Francis, ABOUT,” while Bernard’s views are given under “Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON”. Entries for “Legislation, British; —English; —Massachusetts” contain subentries of short-titles of acts as an aid to reading the governor’s instructions printed in Appendices 1 and 2. Italicised locators indicate pages with a reference to an endnote containing biographical information.


    Acadia, Territory of, 234, 263–64, 310, 343, 346, 355, 369, 375. See also Sagadahoc, Territory of Acadians

    arrival at Boston, 260–61, 267, 271–72

    deported from Nova Scotia, 260–61, 266

    and France, 13, 386, 393–94, 397, 419, 422

    in Massachusetts, 273, 394

    and religion, 386

    resettlement of, 267, 273, 386, 394, 397

    Achilles, HMS (warship), 52n

    Acquart, Benjamin (of Martinique), 157–58, 195–96

    letters from FB listed, 508

    Admiralty, 137, 381, 421

    Admiralty, High Court of, 414, 446

    Affleck, Sir Edmund (Royal Navy officer), letter from FB listed, 505

    Albany (N.Y.), 48, 50, 74, 206, 438. See also Massachusetts Regiments: musters: at Albany

    Alexander, Sir William (first earl of Stirling) and Nova Scotia, 238, 264–65, 308, 356, 369, 392

    Alexander, William (of New Jersey), 356

    Alexandria (Va.), 434, 439–40

    Alsop, Anthony ([1672-1726], stepfather of FB), 3

    American Colonies

    government of (see under Government, Colonial)

    governors of (see under Governors, Colonial)

    and Great Britain, 360, 366 (see also Trade, Colonial)

    new colonies, 361

    north of Massachusetts, 390

    revenues from, 420

    south of Massachusetts, 63, 209–10, 213, 398, 431, 441

    trade (see under Trade, Colonial)

    westward expansion of, 392

    mentioned, 13, 297, 351, 414, 462, 464, 466

    Amherst, Sir Jeffery (British general)

    on deportation of Acadians, 261, 272

    on Assembly and Crown requisitions, 91–92, 101, 188

    on Belcher, 261

    and embargo

    continues, 211–12, 222–23

    imposes, 195

    lifts, 230–31

    returns to England, 430, 439

    knighthood of, 125

    letters from FB listed, 497–511

    letters to FB about

    Acadians, 260–61, 272

    Boston trading with Quebec and Montréal, 56

    Simon Butler, 86

    Council, congratulations of, 85–86

    Crown requisitions for provincial forces, 86, 90–93

    embargo, 194–95, 211–12, 222–23, 230–31

    Massachusetts regiments, organization of, 497–509, 86, 106–7, 188–89, 291

    Massachusetts regiments, raising of, 93–94, 100–102, 186

    St. John’s, French invasion of, 245–46

    letters to FB listed, 497–509

    on raising Massachusetts regiments

    and Assembly, 93, 186, 271

    and deserters, 291

    and enlistment certificates, 291

    enlistments, progress in 107

    and terms of service, 101–2, 186, 188

    and Pontiac’s Rebellion, 437

    on British POWs, 272

    replies to FB, 55, 75, 86, 93, 101, 104, 106, 118, 148, 151, 184, 186–88, 209, 211, 222, 245, 247, 267, 271, 291, 380

    on intelligence concerning smuggling

    and Boston merchants, 212, 220

    from Havana, 214, 223

    and Newfoundland, 261

    and North American ports, 195

    on spruce beer, 189

    on truckhouses, 87

    mentioned, 46, 48, 50, 95, 115, 121, 178, 187, 243, 246, 248, 262, 423

    Amherst, William (British army officer), 13, 50, 262, 278, 281, 287, 291

    Anglicanism, 15. See also Church of England

    Anne, Queen, 64

    Anneau (smuggler), 115

    Antelope, HMS (man of war), 242, 250, 253–56, 262, 278, 280, 287

    Antigua, 350

    Ashurst, Henry, 318

    Assembly (the Council and the House of Representatives). See also under Council; House of Representatives

    and Acadians, 266–67, 271–73

    address to FB, 368, 374

    and boundary dispute between Massachusetts and

    New Hampshire, 331

    Nova Scotia, 232, 290, 308, 343, 346

    cessation of arms, address on, 322, 324, 328

    and Mashpees, 181–82

    and Massachusetts regiments (see under House of Representatives: and Massachusetts regiments)

    and Mount Desert Island grant, 180–85, 239, 290, 344, 437

    and Mount Desert Island grant listed, 502

    and Penobscot township grants, 334, 345, 347, 391

    prorogation of, 61, 74

    and province agent, 239, 319–20, 327

    and truckhouses, 75

    mentioned, 349, 356

    Atchikou (Nichicun), Lake, (Labrador), 76

    Atchoua (Ashuanipi) Lake (Labrador), 76

    Atkins, Henry (ship’s captain of Boston), 76–82

    Atkins, Silas (master of schooner Dolphin), 244

    Atkinson, Theodore (of N.H.), 179n

    letter from FB listed, 508

    Atlantic Ocean, 398, 399

    Attorney General and Solicitor General (Great Britain), 289, 330

    Attorney General of Massachusetts, 411–12

    Auchmuty, Robert (Mass. official), 160n, 445–46, 450

    Augustus II ([1696-1763], king of Poland), 209

    Azores, 251, 402, 487


    Bacon, Edward (mp), as co-signatory, 105, 110, 161, 174, 230, 310, 323, 330, 351, 361, 421

    Bahamas, 214, 245, 247

    Baker Island (Maine), 275

    Baker, John (Boston merchant), 116n

    Baker, William (mp), 153

    Barbados, 350

    Barbarie, John, letter from FB listed, 508

    Barnard (N.H.), 389

    Barnet, William (physician of Philadelphia), 429

    letter from FB listed, 511

    Barons controversy

    about, 15

    Barons v. Craddock, 134, 136

    Barons v. Lechmere, 134, 136

    Barons v. Paxton, 134, 136, 178

    discussed, 72, 83, 94, 176–77, 374 (see also Erving v. Craddock)

    Barons, Benjamin (customs officer)

    and Barrington, 138

    dismissal of, 161, 172

    and England, 146

    friends of, 139

    and Greenleaf, 119

    and House of Representatives, 177

    and merchants, 72, 83, 132, 153, 175 (see also Otis, James Jr.: and Barons)

    and Mississippi smuggler, 119–20

    suspension of, 126, 138, 161

    mentioned, 88, 94, 126, 145, 170–71

    Barrington family, 166

    Barrington, John (British army officer), 43, 46–47, 49, 58

    Barrington, Lady, 362

    Barrington, Lord (British politician)

    about, 33

    Barrington-Bernard Correspondence, 1

    and FB (see Bernard, Francis, ABOUT: and Barrington)

    on career prospects of FB, 47, 58

    on Francis Bernard Jr., 47, 58

    letters from FB listed, 497–510

    letters from FB received, 42, 47, 58

    letters to FB about

    Barrington family, 43, 47–48, 58, 172

    governor of Massachusetts, FB’s appointment as, 42–43

    Naval Office, 171–72

    Seven Years War, 43, 58

    letters to FB listed, 497–508

    replies to FB, 47, 58

    mentioned, 39, 68–69, 82, 165, 239, 327, 390

    Barrington, Samuel (Royal Navy officer), 51

    Barrington, Shute (canon and future bishop of Llandaff and Durham), 58, 69, 172, 434

    Bartlet (master of Bristol Packet), 237

    Bass Harbor (Mount Desert Is., Maine), 275–76

    Bass, Rev. Edward, 152n

    letter from FB listed, 501

    Bastide, John Henry (British army officer), 151n, 221

    letter from FB listed, 500

    Battle of Devil’s Hole Road (nr. Fort Niagara), 439

    Battle of Signal Hill (Nfld.), 13

    Bay of Bulls (Nfld.), 12, 243, 246, 248, 259

    Beauclerk, Lord (British army officer), 47

    Beckett House (Berks., Eng.), 172

    Belcher, Jonathan (colonial governor)

    on deportation of Acadians, 260–61, 267

    letters to FB about

    Acadians, 267

    boundary dispute between Massachusetts and Nova Scotia, 263–65

    letters to FB listed, 500, 505–6, 508

    Penobscot township grants, alerts Board of Trade to, 14

    reinforcements, requests, 247–48

    replies to FB, 234, 263

    Sagadahoc, disputes Massachusetts’s claims to, 234–35, 263–65

    mentioned, 13, 232, 266, 273, 310–11, 343, 346

    Belle Isle (Quiberon Bay), capture of, 137

    Belle Isle Straits, 76, 81

    Belouan, Mons. (merchant of Bordeaux), 445

    Benjamin and Samuel (merchant ship), 99

    Beresford, Jane (cousin of FB), 7, 33, 41

    Beresford, William (husband of Jane Beresford), 42n

    Berkshire County (Mass.), 130, 229, 266, 411

    Bernard, Amelia (née Offley, [c.1719-26 May, 1778], wife of FB), 17, 43, 47, 49, 58, 129, 172, 178, 203. See also Bernard, Francis, ABOUT: marriage of

    and America, 47

    as clerk, 17, 176, 179

    at Portsmouth (N.H.), 277

    recipes of, 172

    Bernard, Frances Elizabeth [b.25 Jul. 1757], daughter of FB), 33

    Bernard, Francis, ABOUT

    Anglicanism of, 15

    and Barrington, 6

    and Board of Trade, 2, 356

    Cape Breton, receives coal from, 380

    career positions of, 3, 6

    Castle William, refurbishes apartments at, 286

    childhood of, 3

    children of, 6

    and Cockle, 359

    England, personal affairs in, 65

    family life, 6–7

    family, portraits of, 6

    finances of, 7, 66, 68, 70–71, 90, 142, 286, 300, 364

    friendships of, 288

    as governor of Massachusetts

    appointment, 6, 45–46

    instructions, 2, 6, 8, 27, 39, 46–47 (see also Governor of Massachusetts, Instructions as)

    opposition to, 15–16

    political strategy, 9–11

    responsibilities, 8

    salary, 66

    as governor of New Jersey, 66, 70

    and Halifax, 9

    and Harvard College, 14–15

    health of, 61n

    inheritance of, 3

    marriage of, 3–6

    and Mount Desert Island, 7, 14

    Privy Council, petitions, 436–37

    first visit, 273, 274–77, 296, 301

    second visit, 238, 378, 424, 426, 431

    and New Jersey, 42

    and Pownall, Thomas, 46n

    and province agents, 15

    Bernard, Francis, CORRESPONDENCE. See Bernard, Francis, IN-LETTERS; —LETTERS TO; —OUT-LETTERS

    with British administrations, 8–9

    colonial governors, receives letters for, 64

    contemporary editions of, 1

    as co-signatory, 182

    legislation, sends copies of Massachusetts, 99, 192, 348

    letterbooks, 1–2

    letters published, 26

    listed, 495–511

    original letters, 2

    with John Pownall, 8–9 (see Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Pownall, John: correspondence with)

    privacy and secrecy of, 26, 315, 364

    Bernard, Francis, IN-LETTERS. See under Amherst, Sir Jeffery: letters to FB about; Barrington, Lord—; Belcher, Jonathan—; Board of Trade—; Egremont, Earl of—; Gage, Thomas—; Halifax, Earl of—; Pitt, William—; Pownall, John—; Warburton, William—; Wilbraham, Randle—. See also under Bernard, Francis, LETTERS RECEIVED FROM

    enclosures to, 361, 382

    Belcher’s message to Nova Scotia Assembly, 235

    Board of Trade heads of enquiry, 111

    Board of Trade minutes, 310

    enlistment certificates, 124

    Halifax, letter from, 39

    Lamb’s opinion for the Board of Trade, 230

    orders-in-council, 60

    Pitt, letter from, 63

    John Pownall’s letter to James West, 161

    provincial acts, titles of, 174, 324

    Treasury memorial, 421

    Bernard, Francis, LETTERS RECEIVED FROM

    Amherst, 55, 74, 102, 121, 147, 162, 169, 231, 266

    Barrington, 45, 48, 69, 142, 153, 159, 164, 166, 177, 309

    Board of Trade, 140, 176, 341, 367

    Bollan, 65

    Boone, 73

    Colvill, 137, 255

    Egremont, 183, 186

    England, 50, 141

    Halifax, 44

    Jackson, 285, 354, 385

    Keen, 372

    Pitt, 60, 95, 97, 99

    Pownall, John, 67, 394

    Bernard, Francis, LETTERS TO

    Amherst, Jeffery, about

    Acadians, 266–67, 271, 273

    Benjamin Acquart, 218–20

    Amherst’s departure, 430

    British Army, recruitment to, 295

    Simon Butler, 112–14

    Canada, reduction of, 55

    Castle William’s defences, 169

    embargo on coastal trade, 204, 209, 255–56, 212–14, 224–26, 231–32

    French forts, 111–12

    Jotham Gay, 357–58, 372–73

    Gut of Canso, alarm in, 267–68

    Kennebec River survey, 357–58, 373, 379, 424–25

    Massachusetts regiments

    mutiny in, 372

    organization of, 74, 123–24, 147–48, 162, 295–96, 359, 373, 379

    raising of, 95–97, 102–4, 118, 121–22, 125, 137, 147, 151, 183–84, 198–99, 208–9, 220–22, 224, 233–34, 291–93

    POWs (from St. John’s), 256–58, 266, 269–71

    replies to, 55, 74, 93, 102, 121, 147, 162, 169, 187, 204, 255–56, 261, 267, 269, 273, 295, 359, 372, 377, 379, 430

    smuggling, 215–17

    St. John’s, French invasion of, 242–44, 246–47, 249–50, 253–54

    St. John’s, recapture of, 255–56

    writes to, 95, 115, 216, 246, 248, 331

    Barnet, William, about

    replies to, 429

    smallpox inoculation, 428–29

    Barrington, Lord, about

    Barons controversy, 138–39, 170–71, 177

    Barons, dismissal of, 179n

    Barrington family, 48–49, 362

    Francis Bernard Jr., 288

    Canada, reduction of, 49–51

    government, reform of colonial, 167–68, 362

    governor of Massachusetts, FB’s appointment as, 45–46

    governor of Massachusetts, FB’s commission as, 69–71

    merchants, 177–78

    Mount Desert Island grant, 288–89, 378

    Naval Office, appointment of sons to, 89–90, 142–43, 164–65

    Pemberton’s commission, 142–43, 153, 159, 48, 284–85

    replies to, 43, 45, 48, 58, 69, 142, 153, 164, 172, 177, 362

    St. John’s, French invasion of, 261–63

    St. John’s, recapture of, 279–81

    writes to, 142, 153, 164–65, 280, 362, 390

    Bass, Rev. Edward, about religious disputes, 152

    Belcher, Jonathan, about

    boundary dispute between Massachusetts and Nova Scotia, 232, 333–34

    replies to, 333

    St. John’s, French invasion of, 251–52

    writes to, 232, 356

    Board of Trade, about

    Acadians, 385–87, 393–94, 396–97

    Barons controversy, 132–35, 140–41

    Canada, reduction of, 53–54

    censure by Board, 345–48

    Customhouse appointments, 325–26

    legislation, Massachusetts, 190–94, 214–15, 282–83, 348–49

    Mashpees, petition of, 107–8

    Massachusetts regiments, raising, 108–9

    Molasses Act, renewal of, 447–49

    new towns, incorporation of, 130–31

    new towns, representation of, 352–54

    Penobscot township grants, 334

    replies to, 41, 60, 140, 174, 311, 345, 352, 447

    Sagadahoc, Massachusetts’s claims to, 345–48

    trade laws, enforcement of, 134–35, 140–41, 446–48

    writes to, 138, 153, 193, 214, 237, 307, 322, 334, 337, 353, 362, 366, 393, 397, 450–51

    Bollan, William, about

    Bollan, dismissal of, 239–40

    governor of Massachusetts, FB’s commission as, 65–67

    Mount Desert Island grant, 239–40

    replies to, 65, 239

    Vice Admiralty court, 159–60

    Boone, Thomas, about

    charity, 72–73

    law, colonial, 296–97

    replies to, 73, 296

    Cockle, James, about enforcement of trade laws, 358–59

    Colden, Cadwallader, about Abraham Unkamug, 205–6

    colonels of Massachusetts regiments about suttling regulations, 149–51

    Egremont, Earl of, about

    Assembly, 226–27, 324

    Harvard College, 236

    Massachusetts regiments, raising, 197

    Mount Desert Island grant, 179–81, 303–4

    replies to, 164, 197, 324, 382, 426

    trade laws, enforcement of, 426–27

    writes to, 227, 237, 428

    Ellis, Welbore, about

    Mount Desert Island, 431

    replies to, 430

    Fitch, Thomas, about Pontiac’s Rebellion, 442

    Fitzherbert, William, about potash production, 395–96

    Franklin, Benjamin, about sons of FB, 439–40

    Gage, Thomas, about

    Massachusetts regiments, raising, 440–41

    replies to, 439, 441

    Halifax, Earl of, about

    Canada, reduction of, 56

    governor, FB’s appointment as, 44–45

    Halifax’s appointment, 443–44

    Naval Office, 89

    public affairs, 61

    replies to, 39, 44

    writes to, 322, 451

    Harvard College, Board of Overseers of, about western college, 189–90

    Jackson, Richard, about

    Assembly, 322, 376

    government, reform of colonial, 387–89, 390

    Harvard College, 241–42

    Molasses Act, renewal of, 390, 432–33

    Mount Desert Island grant, 286–87, 309

    Penobscot township grants, 339–40, 391

    province agent, election of, 318–20, 327–28, 384–85

    replies to, 384

    Sagadahoc, Massachusetts’s claims to, 237–38, 307–9, 313–15, 354–56, 364, 375, 391–92

    St. John’s, recapture of, 287–88

    writes to, 237, 240, 313, 315, 327, 339, 364–66, 390, 391, 432

    Mauduit, Jasper about

    Mount Desert Island grant, 293

    replies to, 293

    Monckton, Robert, about Benjamin Acquart, 196

    Murray, James, about Ichabod Wright, 331–32

    Pitt, William, about

    Mississippi, illicit trade with, 60–61, 114–16, 156

    Naval Office, 144

    replies to, 53, 97

    writes to, 143, 153

    Pocock, Sir George, about

    St. John’s, French invasion of, 247–49

    writes to, 244, 251, 254–55

    Pownall, John, about (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Pownall, John: correspondence with)

    Assembly, 95, 99, 201–2, 228, 328–29, 374

    Barons controversy, 71–72, 82–84, 94, 119–20, 122–23, 175

    Board of Trade, censure by, 341–42

    Bollan, dismissal of, 199–201

    George III, proclamation of, 64–65

    government, reform of colonial, 305–7

    governor of Massachusetts, FB’s commission as, 67–69

    legislation, Massachusetts, 202, 383

    Mashpees, petition of, 95

    merchants, discontent of, 122–23, 435

    Molasses Act, renewal of, 428

    Mount Desert Island grant, 184–85, 289–91, 305, 365–66

    Naval Office, 87–89

    official correspondence, 451–52

    Pemberton’s commission, 283–84

    Penobscot townships, 337–38

    replies to, 65, 175, 383

    Sagadahoc, Massachusetts’s claims to, 305–6

    St. John’s, recapture of, 277–79

    state of province, report on the, 383

    writes to, 83, 339, 132, 138, 185, 202–3, 237, 239, 278, 289, 297, 305, 307, 328, 339, 345, 364, 366, 451

    Pownall, Thomas, about (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Pownall, Thomas: correspondence with)

    Barons controversy, 126–27, 145–46

    Francis Bernard Jr., 433–34

    correspondence, 65

    Sandys, Lord, acknowledging his appointment, 140

    Shelburne, the Earl of, writes to, 390

    Shirley, William, about (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Shirley, William, correspondence with)

    Assembly, 218

    St. John’s, French invasion of, 244–45

    Stevens, John, about

    Francis Bernard Jr., 294–95

    replies to, 312

    writes to, 294

    Thwing, Nathaniel, about court martial of Edward Blake, 149

    Townshend, Charles, about

    Assembly, 368

    government, reform of colonial, 360

    Sagadahoc, Massachusetts’s claims to, 367–68

    writes to, 364, 366–67, 375, 390

    Wentworth, Benning, about

    boundary dispute between Massachusetts and New Hampshire, 331

    Massachusetts regiments, deserters from, 249

    Wilbraham, Randle, about dismissal of William Bollan, 202–3

    Williams, Israel, about opposition to western college, 187

    Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON


    and Assembly, 271, 273

    deported from Nova Scotia, 266

    illness among refugees, 266–67

    resettlement of, 266, 267, 386, 394, 397

    work ethic of, 394

    Acquart, 196, 218–20

    Amherst, 11–12, 55, 430

    Assembly, divisions in, 102–3

    Barons, 126–27

    complains of, 122, 171

    confederacy of, 132–33

    friends of, 139, 170

    libels of, 120, 175

    and merchants, 72

    and papers concerning, 88, 126, 139, 177

    and Paxton, 146


    and Egremont, 167, 309, 313

    gifts canoe to, 378

    and Naval Office, 144

    and patronage by, 166–67

    and Pitt, 153

    reimbursement, and request for, 68

    Belcher, 366

    Board of Trade, and his complaint to, 355–56, 363

    Bernard, Francis Jr.

    and Barrington, 154

    career prospects of, 49, 288, 433–34

    education of, 178, 439–40

    voyage to Boston of, 312

    Bernard, Thomas, education of, 440

    Board of Trade

    and apology to, 341, 345–46, 355, 366 (see also Board of Trade: censure of FB)

    censure by, 341–42, 345–47, 364

    censure revoked, 362–63

    Mount Desert Island grant, and confirmation of, 304–7, 362

    and official correspondence, 443


    dismissal of, 200, 203, 237, 239–40, 315

    and Mount Desert Island grant, 180, 237, 240, 290, 293

    Boston, removal to, 45, 47, 70, 90

    boundary dispute between Massachusetts and

    Connecticut, 399–400

    New Hampshire, 331

    Nova Scotia, 297–98, 303–4, 333, 343 (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Sagadahoc, Massachusetts’s claims to)

    British Army, recruitment to, 233, 292

    British politics, 431

    British victories, 44

    Butler, Simon and son, 74

    census, 404

    chancery courts, 414

    children, his, 45, 90, 165, 178, 286, 290, 300, 363

    civil list, American, 412–14

    Council, divisions in, 200

    counterfeiting, 191–93


    prosecutions by, 446, 451

    royal prerogatives, 191

    service, 289

    Customhouse and revenue collection, 447–48

    economy, colonial (see under Economy, Colonial)

    Egremont, 362

    embargo, coastal

    exemptions, 210, 213

    food shortage, 224–26

    inflation, 204, 209

    Erving v. Craddock, 146 (see also under Erving v. Craddock)

    Freemason (brigantine), seizure of, 445–46

    friends of government, 376

    friendships, 7

    Gay, Jotham, 357

    government, reform of colonial

    and honors system, 167–68, 387, 390

    and New England, 306, 309, 367–68, 387–89, 414 (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Maine and Sagadahoc, province of)

    proposed, 153, 167–68

    governor of Massachusetts, instructions as, concerning land grants, 185 (see also Governor of Massachusetts, Instructions as: gifts, on and concerning)

    governorship of Massachusetts

    appointment, 43–45

    arrival, 48

    commission, expenses of, 71, 175, 286

    opposition to, 364

    and political strategy, 218, 356, 379

    prospects, 48

    and public opinion, 355–56

    governorship of New Jersey, 44, 48

    Gut of Canso, alarm in, 253, 268


    and Barons controversy, 72, 83–84, 94, 138

    government, and reform of colonial, 364

    Molasses Act, and renewal of, 451

    and Naval Office, 88–90, 99, 128, 144, 153

    obligations to, 313

    reimbursement, and request for, 68, 71

    secretary of state, appointment as, 313, 444

    House of Representatives

    and cessation of arms, 328

    divisions in, 98–99, 135, 175, 177, 200, 202, 218, 376

    harmony in, 197, 226–27, 228, 374

    and opposition, 441

    and royalism, 324

    writs of assistance, undermining, 193–94


    chief justice, and appointment as, 61

    as province agent, 385

    Hyman, 424


    government, and reform of colonial, 364–65

    and Mount Desert Island grant, 237–38, 290, 293

    province agent, proposed as, 316, 318–19, 432

    and Townshend, 365

    King, Thomas, 178

    king-in-parliament, 387

    law, 370–71, 414 (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: trade laws: enforcement of; —: writs of assistance)

    appeals, 296–97

    legislation, Massachusetts, 383

    Faneuil Hall Lottery Act, 207

    Harvard College Lottery Act, 282–83

    Lord’s Day Act (1761), observation of, 214–15

    Maine and Sagadahoc, province of, 306, 309, 314, 340, 365

    Martinique, defences of, 157

    Mashpees, 108, 383


    constitution of, 412–14

    and England, 398

    government officers, and salaries of, 412

    and trade, 349–50, 401, 403, 427 (see also under Trade, Colonial)

    Massachusetts regiments

    accounts of, 162, 379

    deserters, 295

    discharge of, 55

    enlistment certificates, 295

    mutiny, 372–73

    raising of, 44, 46, 183, 204

    recruitment, 221, 224, 292

    suttling, 162

    terms of service, 97–98, 359

    Massachusetts soldiers, 11–12

    Mauduit, Israel

    animosity, 318

    ignorance of, 317

    as province agent, 318

    Mauduit, Jasper

    animosity, 320, 328, 355

    and friends of, 201

    and Otis, 327

    as province agent, 241, 315


    discontent of, 155–56, 432–33

    Molasses Act, and renewal of, 451 (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Molasses Act, renewal of)

    and newspapers, 435

    and trade laws, 139, 177–78, 403

    Molasses Act, renewal of, 15, 390, 428, 433, 448, 451

    Mount Desert Island

    development of, 238, 297–99, 301, 375, 378, 394, 396, 431

    motives concerning, 337

    and province agent, 22, 237–38

    Mount Desert Island grant, 328, 362, 366

    Assembly, and goodwill of, 176, 179

    as compensation, 185, 286, 301, 344

    and confirmation, 180–82, 286, 302, 304, 437

    confirmation, and problems with, 14, 204, 237–38, 285–90, 298, 305, 333, 364

    memorial concerning, 287, 290, 305, 307

    Privy Council, and petition to, 330

    Native Americans, 406–7

    Naval Office

    concerns about, 284, 362

    and Pemberton, 89, 88–89

    sons, and his, 7, 87–90, 128, 144, 153–54, 165–66, 175, 239 (see also Pemberton, Benjamin: and Naval Office; Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Halifax: and Naval Office)

    New Jersey, affection for, 45

    New Orleans, defences of, 112, 115

    new towns, representation of, 130–31, 352–53

    Nova Scotia, reinforcements for, 251


    and Barons, 122, 171

    and House of Representatives, 376

    libels of, 322, 375–76

    and merchants, 145

    and province agent, 327, 385

    temper of, 319

    and western college, 187

    peace, 183, 394–95

    Pemberton, 362

    Penobscot townships grants

    confirmation of, 337–38, 345

    and General Court, 346–47

    grantees, 339, 391

    Sagadahoc, and Massachusetts’s claims to, 335–36, 340, 343–44

    settlement of, 340, 370, 375, 378

    survey of coast, 339, 380

    Penobscots, 424, 431, 441

    Pietas Et Gratulatio Collegii Cantabrigiensis, 236, 241–42, 321

    Pitt, 153

    Pittsfield, incorporation of, 130–31

    Pownall, John

    and Barons, 145

    correspondence with, 64, 72, 99

    Pownall, Thomas

    correspondence with, 84, 100, 122, 126, 145, 435

    governor of Massachusetts, success as, 44–46

    and meeting with, 39, 44

    Penobscot, and claim to, 342, 346, 355, 370

    personal affairs of, 127

    province agent, 327, 384–85

    election of (see also under Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Jackson: province agent, proposed as; —Mauduit, Israel: —Mauduit, Jasper)

    joint agent, 201–2

    public finances, 191–92

    religion, 99, 317

    and province agent, 319

    retirement, 44

    Rhode Island, merchants of, 155–56

    Royal Navy, customs commissions and, 450

    Russell, James, 350

    Sagadahoc, Massachusetts’s claims to, 285, 305, 308, 340, 346, 391 (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Sagadahoc, Territory of)

    Sagadahoc, Territory of, 180–81, 306 (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Maine and Sagadahoc, province of)

    sensibility, 430

    Shirley, William, correspondence with, 217

    smallpox inoculation, 429

    smuggling, 60, 219

    and Hispaniola, 216

    and Mississippi (see under Bernard, Francis, LETTERS TO: Pitt, William, about: Mississippi, illicit trade with)

    Sally (sloop), 216

    society, colonial, 11, 398–415

    spruce beer, 147–48

    St. John’s

    alarm, 245, 248

    and British expeditionary force, 254–55, 262

    French invasion of, 243, 245, 249–50, 262

    recapture of, 256–60

    state of province, report concerning, 348–49, 360, 383, 414–15


    Board of Trade, as president of, 365

    government, and reform of colonial, 360

    trade (see under Trade, Colonial)

    trade laws

    contraband, indulgence of, 426–28, 431, 447

    duties, 349–50

    enforcement of, 15, 426, 447–49

    enumerated articles, 426–27

    and Superior Court, 156, 426

    Treasury, petition to, 71, 286

    western college, 189–91

    Wilbraham, 65

    Willard, Levi, 394

    Wright, Ichabod, 256

    writs of assistance, 202, 403

    Bernard, Francis, OUT-LETTERS. See also under Bernard, Francis, LETTERS TO

    enclosures not found, 65, 69, 89–90, 123, 129, 144, 154, 212, 217, 232, 244, 253, 299, 311, 312, 352, 363, 435, 442, 450

    enclosures to

    Akins, Silas, declaration of, 244

    Assembly, address of, 325, 329, 368, 374

    Assembly, message to, 329

    Assembly, speech to, 201, 228

    Barons controversy, cases concerning, 136

    Barons, papers concerning, 139

    Barrington, letter to, 143, 159

    Belcher, letters to, 346, 356

    Board of Trade, apology to, 342

    Board of Trade, letter to, 142, 341, 354, 356

    Boston Gazette, 51, 249, 322

    Boston Newsletter, 49, 51

    boundary commission papers, 233

    boundary dispute between Massachusetts and Nova Scotia, papers on, 299, 338, 341, 346, 348

    Brown, A Plain Narrative, 452

    Canada, newspaper accounts of reduction of, 54

    Castle William, lists of artillery from, 169

    Council, address of, 75

    Council, minutes of, 61, 194, 210, 214, 217, 267–68, 398

    customs officers, bill to enable, 194

    Dobel, William, declaration of, 247–49

    Doggett, Samuel, declaration of, 243

    Durfey, Richard, declaration of, 268

    Egremont, letter to, 236, 242

    General Court, report of, 109

    Harvard College Lottery Act, 283

    House of Representatives, address of, 227

    House of Representatives, journal of, 142

    House of Representatives, message to, 97

    Lamb, Thomas, declaration of, 250–51

    Layton, Francis, deposition of, 116

    Maddicks, George, declaration of, 250–51

    Massachusetts regiments, paper on, 104

    Meers, Garretson, declaration of, 243

    memorial of FB, 303–4

    Mount Desert Island grant, 181–82, 307, 328–29, 356

    musters, estimate of, 224

    newspaper, 436

    Oliver, Andrew, letter to Jasper Mauduit, 320

    Penobscot townships, grants of, 336

    Penobscot townships, plan of, 342

    Penobscot townships, survey of, 350

    Pitt, letter to, 143

    Pownall, John, letter to, 307, 309

    Sagadahoc, papers on Massachusetts’s title to, 369, 371, 376

    sermons, 100

    St. John’s, account of surrender of, 260

    Thoms, Benedict, deposition of, 116

    West Indies, account of imports from, 350

    Bernard, Francis, PAPERS OF

    Account of the Coast of Labrador listed, 498

    Account of the Surrender of St. John’s, Newfoundland, listed, 506

    Answer to the Queries of the Board of Trade

    about, 11

    listed, 510

    Apology to the Board of Trade listed, 508

    Correspondence (see under Bernard, Francis, CORRESPONDENCE)

    description of, 1–2, 17–26, 442–43

    and editorial policy (see under Editorial Policy)

    Journal of a Voyage to Mount Desert Island listed, 507

    letterbooks and clerks, 17–22, 286 (see also Clerks of FB, about)

    listed, 495–511

    Memorial to the Board of Trade listed, 507

    Petition to Privy Council, 436–37

    listed, 511

    State of the Facts Bearing on Massachusetts’s Title to Sagadahoc listed, 509

    Bernard, Francis Jr. ([27 Sept. 1743-20 Nov. 1770], son of FB)

    travels in American Colonies, 433–34, 439–40

    voyage to Boston, 285, 288, 294, 312

    career prospects of, 47, 90 (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Naval Office: sons, and his; —: Francis Bernard, Jr.)

    returns to England, 363, 434

    mentioned, 58, 153, 165, 172

    Bernard, Jane ([b.23 Aug. 1746], daughter of FB), 33n

    Bernard, John ([26 Jan. 1745-25 Aug. 1809], son of FB), 90, 178, 389. See also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Naval Office: sons, and his

    Bernard, Julia ([b.19 Nov. 1759], daughter of FB), 33n

    Bernard, Rev. Francis ([31 Dec. 1660-1715], father of FB), 3

    Bernard, Scrope ([1 Oct. 1758-1830], son of FB), 33n

    Bernard, Shute ([26 Jul. 1752-5 Apr. 1767], son of FB), 33n

    Bernard, Thomas ([27 Apr. 1750-1 Jul. 1818], son of FB), 17, 33n, 440

    Bernard, William ([27 May 1756-1776], son of FB), 33n

    Bethune, George (merchant of Boston), 250n

    Bishop, Thomas (Royal Navy officer), 445, 446

    Black Colonists, 404

    Blackbourne, Leverett (London lawyer), 41, 65–66, 68, 175

    Blake, Edward (provincial officer), court martial of, 149, 151

    Board of Customs Commissioners (London),

    and Barons controversy, 94, 132, 135, 170

    letter from FB listed, 505

    and smuggling, 156

    mentioned, 133–34, 325–26, 361, 381

    Board of Trade

    about, 8

    and Acadians, 13, 387, 395

    appointment of, 111

    and Barons, 161

    and Barons controversy, 136, 138, 142

    and boundary dispute between Massachusetts and

    New York, 399

    Nova Scotia, 14, 299

    on boundary dispute between Massachusetts and Nova Scotia, 310

    Canada, and reduction of, 54

    censure of FB, 17, 310, 341

    withdrawn, 329

    Customhouse, on appointments to, 326

    on divorce, 208

    George III, King, on proclamation of, 59

    governor of Massachusetts, on appointment of FB as, 6, 39, 40

    governor of Massachusetts, on FB’s instructions as, 453

    governors, circulars to (see under Governor of Massachusetts, Circulars to)

    legislation, on Massachusetts, 106, 173–74

    Harvard College Lottery Act, 311–12

    Hunt, Mary, act to enable, 208

    impost and tonnage acts, 173–74

    Lord’s Day, repeal of acts concerning observation of, 173

    suspending clauses, 173

    letters from FB listed, 498, 501–3, 507–11, 511

    letters from FB received, 160

    letters to FB about

    censure of FB, 310, 329 (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Board of Trade: and apology to)

    George III, proclamation of, 58–60

    legislation, Massachusetts, 104–6, 172–74, 228–30, 311

    Mount Desert Island grant, 329–30

    new towns, incorporation of, 323–24

    new towns, representation of, 160–61, 229–30

    peace, proclamation of, 350–52

    trade duties, 174

    letters to FB listed, 498-99, 502, 504, 509–10 (see also Governor of Massachusetts, Circulars to)

    on lotteries, 105–6, 311

    Mashpees, on complaint of, 109

    Molasses Act, on renewal of, 15

    and Mount Desert Island grant

    confirmation refused, 329–30, 361

    considers, 182

    on national debt, 382

    and patronage, 366

    on Penobscot township grants, 311, 336

    on incorporation of Pittsfield, 230

    replies to FB, 131, 136, 160, 299, 311, 361

    on smuggling, 156, 381

    on state of province, 110–11, 323

    on towns, 131, 160–61, 230, 324, 354

    trade laws, and enforcement of, 382, 420–21

    trade, on colonial, 174, 420–21

    mentioned, 140, 184, 287–88, 313, 356

    Bollan, William (province agent)

    and Assembly, 123–24, 203, 385

    dismissal of, 15, 200–203 (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Bollan: dismissal of)

    England, leaving, 237

    and FB, 22

    governor of Massachusetts, and FB’s commission as, 68–69

    letters from FB listed, 498, 501–5

    and parliamentary subsidy, 123–24

    and Vice Admiralty Court, 160

    mentioned, 8, 84, 154, 180, 416n

    Boon Island (Maine), 274

    Boone, Thomas (colonial governor), 44–45, 66, 68, 175

    governor of New Jersey, appointed, 39, 40, 42

    letters from FB listed, 497-98, 504, 507

    Bordeaux, 427, 445


    artillery company of, 405

    and Boston (Lincs., Eng.), 84

    defences of, 158

    and embargo, 222

    Great Fire (1760), 11, 73

    harbor, 119, 274

    latitude and longitude, 399

    ministers of, 187

    newspapers of, 322, 436

    Point Shirley, 82n

    riots in, 1

    selectmen, 73, 429

    mentioned, 42, 44, 58, 107, 115, 121, 129, 182, 187, 219, 252, 273, 277, 308, 352, 367, 388, 399, 436, 440

    Boston Gazette, as enclosure, 51, 54, 395

    Boston Newsletter, as enclosure, 51

    Boundary Disputes between Massachusetts and

    Connecticut, 319, 399–400

    New Hampshire, 399

    New York, 399

    Nova Scotia, 399, 14, 232, 234, 263–65, 306, 341 (see also Brief State of the Title of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay to the Country between the Rivers Kennebeck and St. Croix)

    boundary commission, 263–64, 346

    Boylston, Nicholas (Boston merchant), 416n

    Brest, 12, 246, 249, 251

    Brief State of the Title of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay to the Country between the Rivers Kennebeck and St. Croix, 14, 308, 338–39, 341, 371

    Brinley, Thomas (Boston merchant), 325

    Bristol (Eng.), 67, 237, 307, 337, 339

    Bristol Merchant (snow), 305, 307

    Britannia (merchant ship), 50, 69

    British Army

    40th Regiment, 257, 267

    60th (Royal American) Regiment of Foot, 74, 87

    80th Light Armed Foot, 439

    Corps of Rangers, 233

    HQ at New York, 332

    provisions for, 230

    recruitment to, 186, 198, 205, 209, 220, 223, 231, 233, 252–53, 292, 295

    mentioned, 46, 63, 373

    British Empire, 180, 392

    Brookes, Capt. (ship’s captain), 273

    letters from FB listed, 507

    Brown, Thomas (of Mass.), 451

    Burnet, William (colonial governor), 48

    Bute, Earl of (British politician), 9, 111

    Butler, Simon (of Leominster, Mass.), 74, 86, 113

    Butler, Simon Jr. (recruit to provincial regiment), 74, 221

    Byron, John (Royal Navy admiral), 52n


    Cambridge University, 236

    Canada, xx, 46, 50–56, 58, 75–77, 96, 112, 180, 386, 399–400, 407, 425. See also Quebec; Montréal

    Caner, Rev. Henry (Boston minister), 99, 100, 152

    Canso (N.S.), Gut of, alarm in, 252–53, 268

    Cape Ann (Mass.), 274

    Cape Bonavista (Nfld.), 243

    Cape Breton Island (N.S.), 76, 380, 399

    Cape Charles (Labrador), 76

    Cape Chudley (Labrador), 76

    Cape Elizabeth (Maine), 274

    Cape Porpoise (Maine), 274

    Cartel Ships, 251, 258, 269–73, 397. See also Dorothée, Le (French cartel ship)

    Casco Bay (Maine), 306, 309

    Casey (Irish smuggler), 261

    Castine (Maine), 308

    Castle William

    apartments at, 6, 178, 286, 300, 344, 380

    barracks at, 97, 107

    defences of, 169, 405–6

    garrison at, 115, 120, 221, 225, 292, 357

    hospital at, 429

    Massachusetts soldiers at, 295, 359

    mentioned, 111, 115, 119, 157, 250, 256, 261, 274, 358, 402, 406, 445

    Census, 349, 383. See also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: census

    Centre for Buckingham Studies (Eng.), 2

    Chamberlain, Lord, 67

    Chambers, William (ship’s captain), 294, 312

    Champlain, Samuel de (French explorer), 232–33

    Chancery Courts, 165, 414

    Charity, 73

    Charles I, King, 264

    Charles II, King, and Acadia, 346, 347, 369

    Charlotte, Queen, 236n

    Chauncy, Rev. Charles (1705-1787), 318n

    Chesterfield, HMS (man of war), 137, 153, 165–66, 170

    Chief Justice of Massachusetts, 411–12. See also Hutchinson, Thomas

    Child & Co. (bank), 66

    Christ Church, Oxford, 3, 8, 49, 89, 440

    Church of England, 3, 99, 152, 317

    Clerk no. 1 (clerk of FB)

    papers in handwriting of, 45–46, 49, 51, 56, 65–66, 69–72, 73, 84, 94–95, 100–102, 107, 120, 123, 127, 139–40, 143–44, 146, 147–52, 154, 156, 159, 166, 181, 185, 188, 195, 201–3, 218, 228, 230–31, 238, 240, 242, 244, 246, 249, 251, 255, 263, 279, 284–85, 288, 291, 311, 312, 331, 374, 384–85, 389, 428

    Clerk no. 2 (clerk of FB)

    papers in handwriting of, 260, 281, 289, 294–95, 297, 309, 321, 356, 360, 363, 365–66, 368, 376, 379, 391, 393, 395, 414, 429, 431, 433, 435, 440, 442–43, 447, 450, 452

    Clerk no. 3 (clerk of FB)

    papers in handwriting of, 124, 299, 303–4, 307, 315, 317, 320, 322, 328–29, 332, 334, 338, 341–42, 345

    Clerks of FB, about, 17–22

    Clevland, John (British administrator), 288

    Cochran, William (ship’s captain), 249

    Cockle, James (customs officer), 359, 447

    letter from FB listed, 509

    Cognehew, Reuben (Mashpee), 11, 108–9, 383

    Colden, Alexander (N.Y. postmaster), 95n

    letter from FB listed, 508

    Colden, Cadwallader (colonial governor), 63, 91, 206, 211, 223

    letters to FB listed, 503, 498, 499, 503

    College of Philadelphia, 282, 440

    Colvill, Lord (Royal Navy admiral)

    and customs commissions, 450

    and French raid, 424

    letter from FB listed, 511

    and North Atlantic station, 242, 253

    St. John’s, and recapture of, 254, 256–63, 278–79, 278–80, 281, 287

    mentioned, 253, 279

    Commander in Chief (North America), 2, 438. See also under Amherst, Sir Jeffery; Gage, Thomas

    Commissary General of Massachusetts, 411–12

    Comte, Mons. (smuggler), 211


    and Acadians, 267

    charter of, 387

    government, and reform of colonial, 167, 388–89, 392

    Massachusetts, boundary dispute with (see under Boundary dispute between Massachusetts and: Connecticut)

    and Pontiac’s Rebellion, 441–42

    regiments of, 103

    settlers from, 389, 392–93

    and smuggling, 212, 400

    mentioned, 63, 204, 209, 213–14, 222, 225, 231, 319, 387–88, 391

    Connecticut River, 246, 388

    Cooper, Rev. Samuel (Boston pastor), 100, 376

    Cotton, John (dep. province secretary), 352


    and Acadians, 266–67, 397

    address enclosed, 75

    and Amherst, 75n, 86, 204

    and boundary dispute between Nova Scotia and Massachusetts, 285

    consitutional role, 8, 411, 454

    and embargo, 204, 210, 213, 217, 222, 225–26

    George III, and proclamation of, 64

    and Gray v. Paxton, 140

    Mississippi, on illicit trade with, 60

    powers of appointment, 411

    province agent, and election of, 239

    records and journal, 443

    Court of the King’s Bench (Eng.), 296

    Courtemanche, Augustin Le Gardeur de (French army officer and colonial governor), 76

    Courts-martial, 260. See also Blake, Edward (provincial officer), court martial of

    Craddock, Elizabeth, 326n

    Craddock, George (customs officer and judge), 133–34, 139, 141, 145, 170–71, 180n, 447

    Craggs-Eliot, Edward (British politician), as co-signatory, 361

    Cromwell, Oliver, 434

    Crossart, Mons. (merchant of St. Eustatia), 445

    Crown, 422. See also King, the

    civil list, 71 (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: civil list, American)

    courts, 134

    fees from seizures, 133, 446

    governors, circulars to (see under Governor of Massachusetts, Circulars to)

    and land grants, 264, 285–86, 290, 310, 334, 392

    proclamations, 351

    and provincial boundaries, 298, 306, 355

    requisitions for provincial forces, 62, 74, 91, 96–97, 163–64, 423, 438

    royal government (see under Government, Royal; see also under Governor of Massachusetts, Instructions as)

    royal instructions (see under Governor of Massachusetts, Instructions as)

    royal prerogatives, 8, 14, 412

    royal seal, 454

    in service of (see under King, the: in service of)

    subjects of, 52, 308

    writs, 140 (see also Writs of Assistance; Writs of Error)

    Crown Point, 75, 87, 266, 292

    Crown requisition for provincial forces, 45n

    Cruikshanks, Charles (British army officer), 74, 86, 113

    Cushing, John (Mass. judge), 412

    Cushing, Thomas (Speaker of House of Representatives), 429n

    Customhouse, 15, 120, 139, 142, 145, 165, 177, 399, 403, 447–48

    appointments to, 326

    and Barons, 72, 83, 132–33, 153, 171, 202

    record keeping, 349–50

    trade laws, and enforcement of, 134, 139, 361


    D’Eon de Beaumont, Charles-Geneviève, 419

    D’Haussonville, Comte Louis-Bernard de Cléron (French army officer), 251n

    Dana, Richard (Boston magistrate), 120

    Danae, HMS (man of war), 251

    Dartmouth, Earl of (British politician), 32n

    Dashwood, Samuel (ship’s captain of Boston), 50–51

    Davies, Elijah (ship owner), 125n

    Davies, Jonathan (ship master), 125n

    Davis Inlet (Labrador), 79

    Davis Strait, 76, 79

    Deer Island (Mass.), 274

    Delaware River, islands in, 41–42

    Devonshire, HMS (man of war), 364, 366

    Distilling, 401, 403

    Divorce, 207–8

    Dobel, William (fisherman of Ferryland, Nfld.), 247–49

    Doggett, Samuel (ship’s captain), 243, 364

    Dominica, 125

    Dorothée, Le (French cartel ship), 257–58, 270–71, 273

    Doty, Samuel (master of schooner Swift), 268

    Douglas, Sir James (Royal Navy officer), 125n

    Drummond Family (of Scotland), 41–42

    Drummond, John (titular Earl of Melfort), 42

    Durfey, Richard (sailor on schooner Swift), 268

    Dwight, Joseph (of Sheffield, Mass.), 206

    Dyer, Eliphalet (of Conn.), 391–93

    Dymond, George (ship’s captain), 184, 239


    East Indies, 58

    Easton Conference and Treaty (1758), 69, 71, 178, 389

    Economy, Colonial. See also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: public finances

    currency exchange rate, 183

    labor costs, 11, 400

    prices, 150, 204, 209, 231–32, 402

    wages, 147, 184n

    Edes, Benjamin (printer of Boston), 376n

    Editorial Method, 26–36

    Editorial Policy, 2–3, 17

    Egremont, Earl of (British politician), 9

    death of, 428

    letters from FB listed, 502–5, 508–9, 510

    letters to FB about

    Crown requisitions, 162–64

    trade laws, enforcement of, 9, 380–82

    letters to FB listed, 502, 508, 509

    and Naval Office, 172

    mentioned, 165, 179n, 241, 284, 305, 307, 362, 364

    Elliot, John (British army officer)

    letters from FB listed, 507

    mentioned, 199, 209, 221, 258, 269, 271, 291

    Ellis, Welbore (British politician)

    about, 432n

    letter from FB listed, 511

    Embargo on Coastal Trade, 204, 210–12, 224–26, 231–32

    Enclosures. See under Bernard, Francis, IN-LETTERS: enclosures to; —OUT-LETTERS: enclosures to

    Enfield (Conn.), 399

    England, mentioned, 39, 44, 87, 100, 123, 169, 191, 209, 262, 278–79, 283–84, 325, 346, 369, 401, 426

    Erving v. Craddock, 134, 141, 176

    Erving, George (Boston merchant), 217

    Erving, John Sr. (Boston merchant and councilor), 15, 99, 134, 141, 145, 176. See also Erving v. Craddock

    Eskimo. See under Inuit

    Espionage, 158

    Evans, Lewis, A General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America, 392

    Eveille (French warship), 254, 262, 278, 280, 287

    Exchequer, 165


    Fahrenheit thermometer, 398

    Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel (physicist), 415n

    Falmouth (Eng.), 23

    Falmouth (Maine), 91, 276, 309, 399

    Faneuil Hall, 69. See also Legislation, Massachusetts: Faneuil Hall lottery acts (1761, 1762)

    Faneuil, Peter (merchant of Boston), 69n

    Fauquier, Francis (colonial governor), letters from FB listed, 498

    Fishermen, 81, 274. See also Fishing

    Fishing, 109, 225, 252–53, 268, 274, 375, 400–401, 449

    Fitch Inlet (Labrador), 79

    Fitch, Thomas (colonial governor), 212, 443n

    letters from FB listed, 504, 511

    Fitzherbert, William (British politician), 396

    letter from FB listed, 510

    Folger, Timothy (ship’s captain of Nantucket), 84

    Forbes, John (British general), 178

    Fort Chartres, 112

    Fort Cherokee (Fort Massac), 112

    Fort Duquesne, 178

    Fort Edward, 113

    Fort George, 406

    Fort Halifax, 75n, 358, 373, 406, 407

    Fort Kaskaskia, 112

    Fort les Natchez, 112

    Fort Loudon, 112, 116

    Fort Niagara, siege of, 178

    Fort Oswego, 50, 54, 438

    Fort Pemaquid, 406

    Fort Pownall, 75n, 181, 274–75, 370, 378, 406, 407

    Fort Western, 406

    Fort William (St. John’s), 257, 259

    Fortune Bay (Nfld.), 80

    Fortune, HMS (sloop), 445

    Foster, William (British army officer), 162, 372, 377

    Fox Islands (Maine), 274

    France, 9, 56, 87, 183, 243, 248–49, 251, 257, 264, 266, 281, 310, 330, 346, 355, 369

    Franklin, Benjamin (deputy postmaster-general for American Colonies), 26, 440

    letters from FB listed, 511

    Franklin, William (colonial governor), 354, 356

    letter from FB listed, 508

    Frederick II ([1712-1786], ‘the Great’, king of Prussia), 209

    Freeman (shipowner), 235

    Freemason (brigantine), 445, 451

    French and Indian War (1754-63), 11, 56, 286, 402. See also Peace (1763)

    French Colonies, trade with, 12, 112, 157, 218, 402

    Friends of Government, 376

    Furniture, 402


    Gage, Thomas (British general), 11, 50, 439, 442

    on Crown requisition, 438–39

    letters from FB listed, 500, 511

    letters to FB about raising Massachusetts regiments, 437–39

    Gale, William (Boston merchant), 180n

    Gardner (master of New Swallow), 237

    Garonne (French warship), 254, 278, 280, 287

    Gascoyne, Bamber (mp), as co-signatory, 351, 361

    Gates, Horatio (British army officer), 312

    Gay, Jotham (provincial officer)

    career of, 357, 372–73

    case against, 119, 332, 357–58

    mentioned, 163n

    Gay, Martin (coppersmith of Boston), 332

    General Court

    about, 8

    acts of, 443 (see also under Legislation, Massachusetts)

    Assembly (the Council and the House of Representatives) (see under Assembly [the Council and the House of Representatives])

    Governor’s Council (see under Council)

    General Wall (New York packet-boat), 159

    George I, King, 66

    George II, King, 6, 39, 59, 64, 67, 88, 100, 144

    portrait of, 66, 68

    George III, King, 7, 9, 85, 125, 197, 236, 241, 303, 453

    proclamation of, 64

    Georges River, 406

    Germany, 46, 58, 85, 127, 209

    Gibbons, William (arctic explorer), 76

    Gibson, Edmund (bishop of London), 466

    Gill, John (printer of Boston), 376n

    Gill, Michael (Nfld. judge), 260

    Glasgow, 305, 307

    Gloucester (Mass.), 400

    Goldthwait, Thomas (Mass. sec. at war), 81, 163n, 224, 256, 291, 296, 432n

    letter listed, 498

    Good Intent (schooner), 243, 245, 248, 251

    Gorham, Joseph (British army officer), 234

    Gosport, HMS (man of war), 251, 254–56, 262, 278, 280, 287

    Government, Colonial, 165, 167, 362. See also Massachusetts: constitution of

    Government, Royal, 8, 297, 412–13. See also Governor of Massachusetts, Instructions as; Governor of Massachusetts, Circulars to

    Governor of Massachusetts, Circulars to

    George III, on proclamation of, 59

    Massachusetts regiments, on raising of, 62–63, 163–64

    peace, on proclamation of, 351

    state of province, on reports concerning, 110

    trade laws, on enforcement of, 52–53, 381–82, 420–21

    Governor of Massachusetts, Instructions as

    about, 453 (see also Bernard, Francis, ABOUT: as governor of Massachusetts, instructions)

    American Colonies mentioned, 459–60, 468, 472, 473

    concerning arms and ammunition, 468

    on articles of war, 467

    Assembly mentioned, 460, 467–68, 470

    attorney general mentioned, 464

    auditor general mentioned, 457

    Belcher, Jonathan (colonial governor) mentioned, 470

    concerning bills of credit, 457

    Board of Customs Commissioners (London) mentioned, 462–63, 481, 485–88, 490

    Board of Trade mentioned, 456, 458, 461–62, 464–72, 486, 491

    on cartography, 468–69

    on census, 467

    churches mentioned, 456, 466

    clerk of the House of Representatives mentioned, 459

    on coinage, 460

    commander in chief mentioned, 472

    correspondence, on transmission and security of, 469


    advice and consent of, 455, 457, 461–62, 467–70

    on freedom of debate in, 455

    mentioned, 456, 459, 471

    president of, concerning, 458

    on records and journal of, 459

    on royal instructions and, 455

    on criminal proceedings, 461

    currency mentioned, 460


    appointments to, 325–26, 361

    collectors mentioned, 482, 486–89

    on vacancies in, 462–63

    customs officers, on public service of, 462

    on duties on imports and exports, 460–61

    on emergencies and war, 470

    enemy, on trade with the, 469

    concerning fees, 462–64

    fines and forfeitures, on and concerning, 457, 462, 492, 495

    on fishing, 471

    on foreign neighbors, 469

    and forts, 454, 468–69

    concerning General Court, 455

    general instructions, 453–72

    general instructions to FB listed, 497, 500 (see also Governor of Massachusetts, Circulars to)

    gifts, on and concerning, 185, 458

    concerning government officers, 455, 457–59

    government officers, on appointment of, 461

    government, on succession in, 471

    governor’s commission, 454

    as captain-general, 467–68

    death or absence, 471

    publication of, 454

    responsibilities and obligations, 457-58, 464, 493–94

    governor’s title, 454

    as vice-admiral, 463

    reports to Board of Trade and secretary of state, 472

    concerning governor’s salary, 459, 470, 471

    governors, colonial

    mentioned, 455, 458, 460, 464, 470

    penalties affecting, 457–59, 460, 495

    House of Representatives

    journal of, on, 455, 459

    on industry, production, and trade, 469–70

    judges mentioned, 461, 464

    juries mentioned, 462

    law courts, on proceedings and expenses of, 464

    laws, on digest of province, 459–60

    on leave and absence, 471

    legislation, on and concerning Massachusetts,

    amendments, 455, 459

    appropriation acts, 457

    audits and accounts, 457–58

    continuation acts, 455

    declaratory acts, 459

    enactments, 455

    extraordinary laws, 456

    governor’s assent, 456–59, 466, 470

    imposts, 458

    limitations of time, 458

    private acts, 456–57

    repeals, 456, 459

    revenue acts, 457

    supply acts, 457–58, 470

    temporary laws, 456

    transmission of acts and abstracts, 458–59

    wine imposts, 458

    liberty, 461

    liberty of conscience, 466

    lieutenant governor mentioned, 458, 471

    magistrates mentioned, 461, 464

    province of Maine mentioned, 465

    manufacturing mentioned, 461

    marque and reprisal, on commissions of, 463–64

    on martial law, 467

    concerning masters, 461, 467

    merchants of London mentioned, 458

    merchants mentioned, 463, 469, 482

    on military arms, 467

    on military arsenals and stores, 468

    on military defences, 468

    on military fortifications, 468

    on military training, 467

    militia mentioned, 454, 462, 467, 471

    mutiny and desertion mentioned, 467

    concerning Native Americans, 461, 469–70

    native-born colonists mentioned, 458

    concerning Naval Office, 481–82, 485–86

    new towns, on representation of, 465–66

    Non-Christians mentioned, 466

    Nova Scotia, and boundaries of, 14

    on oaths of office, 454

    concerning ordnance, 468

    concerning penalties, 457, 484, 491–92, 495

    piracy, on suppression of, 464

    planters mentioned, 467, 469, 491

    prisons and prisoners, on and concerning, 461

    concerning private property, 456, 460, 461, 483, 490–91

    Privy Council mentioned, 381, 460, 464, 471, 490

    province secretary, penalties affecting, 459

    provinces and colonies, on assisting other, 469

    Roman Catholics mentioned, 466

    concerning royal assent, 456, 459, 460

    royal family, on prayers for, 59

    Royal Navy mentioned, 465

    royal prerogatives mentioned, 456

    royal subjects mentioned, 456, 459–60, 463, 467, 471, 483, 491, 494

    on royal writs, 461

    concerning salaries, 462, 470–72

    secretary of state mentioned, 472

    servants mentioned, 467

    on servants, slaves, Native Americans, and black colonists, 461

    sheriffs mentioned, 461

    shipping mentioned, 456, 458–59

    slaves mentioned, 467

    soldiers mentioned, 467

    surveyor general of the Customs for the Northern District mentioned, 462–63

    on surveyor general of woods, 464–65

    concerning suspending clauses, 214, 455–56, 460, 466

    concerning taxes, 457

    trade instructions, 493–95

    trade instructions to FB listed, 497, 499–500

    trade laws and, on and concerning

    Admiralty Courts, 483, 491

    Assembly, 488

    Board of Customs Commissioners (Edinburgh), 485

    Board of Customs Commissioners (London), 485, 490

    bonds and certificates, 461

    bonds and vessels, lists of, 486–87

    clearances, 488

    Customhouse, 482

    customs officers, 485, 489–90, 493–95

    customs officers, assisting, 488

    East Indies trade, 493–94

    enumerated articles, 484–86, 494

    Exportation of Wool Act (1698), 492

    foreigners and property, 490

    fraud, 487–88, 490

    government officers, 489

    governors, colonial, 473

    Greenwich Hospital levy, 488–89

    Importation of Indigo Act (1747), 491–92

    imports and exports, 482, 487

    law courts, 489

    legislation, provincial, 488

    Molasses Act (1733), 489

    Naval Office, 481–82

    prosecutions under, 489

    province treasury, 489

    shipping and crews, British, 458, 461, 490–91

    shipping registers, 490–91

    shipping, foreign, 482, 490

    slave trade, 494

    surveyor general of the Customs for the Northern District, 482, 486, 461

    Tobacco Duties Act (1750), 492

    trade, colonial, 456, 461

    Treasury, and Lords Commissioners of, 457–58, 462, 463, 462–63, 486, 488, 490

    on vice, virtue, and education, 466

    on Vice-Admiralty courts, 463–64

    vices mentioned, 466

    on vital records, 467

    concerning war, 470

    on whaling, 470–71

    Governor’s Council. See under Council

    Governors, Colonial, 42, 60, 119, 450.

    about appointments of (1759), 39

    Gramont, HMS (frigate), 251, 259, 278, 280

    Grand Manan Island (N.B.), 235, 265

    Graves, Thomas (Royal Navy officer), letter from FB listed, 499

    Gray v. Paxton, 133, 140–41, 176

    Gray, Harrison (Province Treasurer), 133, 135, 140, 176, 312, 376, 412. See also Gray v. Paxton

    Great Britain

    and American Colonies, 1, 52, 56, 59, 110, 163, 182, 264, 310, 370, 378, 386, 394, 400–402, 407, 414, 426–27, 433, 447–48

    exports to American Colonies, 458

    Great Lakes, 393

    Great Wardrobe and Jewell Office (Lord Chamberlain’s department), 67

    Greenleaf, Stephen (Mass. sheriff), 111, 115, 119–20

    Gregory, David (dean of Christ Church, Oxford), 49, 58, 433–34

    Grenville, George (British policitian), 9, 352, 433

    Greyhound, HMS (warship), 137

    Grosvenor, Sir Richard (mp), 85


    Haldane, George (colonial governor), 6, 42

    Hale, Robert (Customs officer), letter from FB listed, 500

    Halifax (N.S.), mentioned, 12, 26, 55, 57, 74, 107, 188, 199, 204, 212, 221, 232, 242–43, 245–57, 262–63, 270, 273, 278, 280, 291–92, 359

    reinforcements for, 247, 266

    Halifax, Earl of (British politician)

    on Acadians, 419–20, 422

    as co-signatory, 40, 59

    on FB, 39, 43

    letters from FB listed, 498–99, 506, 508, 511

    letters to FB about

    Acadians, 419–20

    governor of Massachusetts, FB’s appointment as, 39

    Pontiac’s Rebellion, 423–24

    letters to FB listed, 39, 510

    mentioned, 9, 39, 51, 69, 94, 100, 144, 175, 313, 328, 338, 442, 444

    on Thomas Pownall, 39

    replies to FB, 398, 419

    writes to FB, 41

    Hallowell, Benjamin (Boston merchant), 100n

    Hallowell, Benjamin (Capt. of King George), 216, 219, 251, 253, 255, 279

    Hamburg, 402

    Hamilton, William Gerard (British politician), as co-signatory, 40, 59

    Hampshire County (Mass.), 130, 189, 266

    Hancock, Thomas (Boston merchant)

    Amherst, employed by, 195

    and Henry Atkins, 81

    and embargo, 210, 213

    Massachusetts regiments, and transporting of, 107, 216

    mentioned, 199, 204, 208–10, 256–58, 260–61, 267, 270–73, 292, 507

    and Thomas Pownall, 129, 145–46

    Hannah (brigantine), 364, 366, 391

    Hardy, Charles (colonial governor), 72n

    Hardy, Josiah (colonial governor), 171

    letter from FB listed, 502

    Harriot (New York packet-boat), 95, 342

    Harvard College

    board of overseers, 187, 365

    letter from FB listed, 503

    Hollis Hall, 282, 311–12 (see also Legislation, Massachusetts: Harvard College Lottery Act (1762)

    and Pietas Et Gratulatio Collegii Cantabrigiensis, 235–36, 240–42, 321

    president and fellows of, 236

    and western college, 187

    Havana (Cuba), 245, 247–48, 254, 263

    British capture of, 263, 269, 280, 283, 287

    Haviland, William (British army officer), 50, 54

    Hayes, William (ship’s captain of Boston), 416n

    Hemp, 14, 298, 305

    Henley, Lord, 85

    Hewitt, James (mp), 85

    Hills, Stephen (ship’s master), 99

    Hillsborough, Earl of (British politician)

    as co-signatory, 421

    letter from FB listed, 511

    His Majesty. See under King, the

    Hispaniola, 216, 219, 224, 225

    Hoar, Jonathan (provincial officer), 104, 252. See also Massachusetts Regiments: Col. Hoar’s regiment

    letter from FB listed, 501

    Holland, trade with, 403

    Holt Island (Maine), 276

    House of Lords, 296, 413

    House of Representatives

    and Barons controversy, 133, 175

    Crown requisition, refuses, 442

    divisions in, 95–96, 379

    on governor’s salary, 50

    and Harvard College, 321

    and inoculating hospital, 429

    journal of, 443

    and Massachusetts regiments, 55, 74, 95–96, 183–84, 186, 197–99, 271

    Howe, Joshua (counterfeiter), 192

    Hubbard, Thomas (Mass. councilor), 412

    Hudson, Henry (explorer), 82n

    Hudson, Seth (counterfeiter), 192

    Hudson’s Bay, 77

    Hudson’s Strait, 79

    Hunt, Mary, 207–8

    Hunter (ship’s captain), 364

    Hutchinson, Thomas (Lt. Gov.)

    Brief State of the Title of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay to the Country between the Rivers Kennebeck and St. Croix, author of, 307

    about, 2, 40, 371

    Amherst, and, 57

    chief justice, appointment as, 9

    and Erving v. Craddock, 141

    governor of Massachusetts, as acting, 39

    governor of Massachusetts, instructions as, 472

    letter from FB listed, 497

    mentioned, 61, 171, 412, 426

    Pietas Et Gratulatio, contribution to, 322

    province agent, proposed for, 201, 385

    salary, 412

    Hyman (soldier and gardener), 424


    Île-aux-Coudre (St. Lawrence River), 51

    Île-aux-Noix (St. Lawrence River), 50, 53

    Impost Officer of Massachusetts, 411–12. See also Russell, James

    Indians. See under Native Americans

    Indigo, 115, 216

    Inner Temple, (Inns of Court), 240

    Inuit, 79-81

    Ireland, 59, 175, 182, 313

    Iron, 115, 403, 404

    Isles of Shoals (N.H.), 274

    Italy, 401, 402


    Jackson, Richard (mp)

    and Grenville, 433

    letters from FB listed, 505, 507–11

    mentioned, 8, 363, 383, 450

    and Mount Desert Island grant, 237–38, 240, 293

    and Penobscot township grants, 337–38

    and province agency, 201–2, 319

    province agent, as solicitor to, 201, 237, 293, 316, 385

    Jacobite Rebellions, 33n, 42

    Jamaica, 111–12, 115, 119, 216, 223, 350

    James I, King, 369

    James II, King, 369

    Jarvis, Leonard (Boston merchant), 107, 257

    Jarvis, Thomas (ship’s captain), 366, 391

    Jenkinson, Charles (British politician), 32n

    Jenny & Nelly (merchant ship), 305, 307

    Jenyns, Soame (British politician), as co-signatory, 40, 106, 110, 161, 310–11, 323, 330, 351, 361, 421

    Johnson, William (colonial administrator), 112

    letter from FB listed, 503

    Jones, John (surveyor), and Mount Desert Island, 275–76


    Kennebec River, 264, 369, 399, 406

    survey of, 357–58, 373, 379, 425

    Keppel, Augustus (Royal Navy admiral), 137n

    Kerr (master of the Bristol Merchant), 305, 307

    Kinderhook, N.Y., 205

    King George (province sloop)

    convoy duty, 147

    description of, 197–98, 209, 254, 278

    Halifax, sent to, 251, 262, 279, 280, 287

    mentioned, 253, 268, 280

    on cruise, 137, 216, 252, 253

    St. John’s, and recapture of, 255, 278, 280, 287

    King William’s War (1690-1697), 369

    King, the, 11, 39–40, 44, 62–63, 92, 105, 110, 133, 160, 164, 173, 179, 181–82, 185–86, 236, 265, 310, 334, 344–45, 347, 361, 368, 370, 374, 381–82, 394, 400, 412, 422–23, 444. See also under Crown

    in service of, 57, 62, 98, 103, 163–64, 176, 178, 195, 209, 252, 270, 357, 373, 424

    King, Thomas (Hougougsaniyonde or Segughsonyut, Oneida sachem), 178

    King’s Chapel (Boston), 64

    Kortright, Lawrence (merchant of New York), 216, 223


    Labrador, 76. See also Bernard, Francis, PAPERS OF: Account of the Coast of Labrador listed

    Lamb, Sir Matthew (British politician and lawyer), 9, 106, 174, 208, 229, 230, 324

    Lane, Thomas (British merchant), 51n

    Launceston, HMS (man of war), 225, 241–42

    Law, Colonial, 418n. See Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: law; Massachusetts: law courts

    Lawrence, Charles (colonial governor), 235, 379n

    Lawyers, about, 3

    Layton, Francis (smuggler), 111, 115–16

    Lear, King (Shakespeare), 94

    Lechmere, Thomas (senior customs official), 72, 83, 94, 122, 126, 134, 138–39, 161, 325

    letter from FB, to listed, 500

    Legislation, British

    American Trade Act (1710), 474

    Bubble Schemes, Colonies Act (1740), 477

    Calendar (New Style) Act (1750), 480

    Calendar Act (1751), 481

    Clarification of East Indies Trade Act (1738), 477

    Coinage in American Plantations Act (1707), 460, 474

    Colonial Trade Acts

    (1729), 475

    (1738), 477

    continuation acts

    Book Act (1746), 479

    Coffee and Importation Premiums Acts (1751), 481

    Coffee and Plantation Trade Acts (1738), 476

    Coffee and Sugar Trade Acts (1745), 478

    Customs Acts (1752), 481

    East Indies Trade Acts (1739), 477

    Exportation of Sugar Acts (1750), 480

    Laws on Exportation of Gunpowder and Importation of Naval Stores Act (1743), 478

    Laws on Theft and Rapine and Exportation of Sugar Act (1743), 478

    Masts and Sail Cloth Acts (1739), 477

    Premiums on Importations Act (1750), 480

    Rice and Customs Acts (1746), 479

    Sail Cloth and Silk Acts (1746), 479

    Taxation Act (1709), 474

    Customs Acts

    (1718), 475, 484

    (1721), 475, 484

    (1736), 476

    East India Company Act (1730), 487

    East India Company Acts (1730), 475

    East Indies Trade Acts

    (1718), 475

    (1720), 475

    (1731), 476

    Exportation of Gunpowder Act (1730), 476

    Exportation of Tea Act (1747), 479

    Further Improvement of Revenue of Customs (1763), 381, 450

    Greenland Fishery Act (1723), 475

    Greenland Fishery Act (1731), 476

    Greenwich Hospital Act (1728), 488

    Growth of Coffee Act (1731), 476

    Growth of Raw Silk Act (1749), 480

    Hat Manufacture Act (1731), 476

    Importation Act (1730), 476

    Importation of Indigo Act (1747), 479, 491

    Importation of Iron Act (1749), 480

    Importation of Prize Goods Act (1711), 474

    Insurances on Foreign Ships Act (1751), 481

    Making of Sail Cloth Act (1741), 478

    Manufacture of Sail Cloth Acts

    (1730), 476

    (1735), 476

    (1746), 478

    Molasses Act (1733), 134, 489

    renewal of, 15, 390, 428, 448, 451

    Naturalization Act (1740), 477

    Naturalization of Foreign Protestants Act (1746), 479

    Naval Prize Acts

    (1743), 478

    (1746), 479

    Naval Stores Act (1721), 475

    Navy Acts

    (1739), 477

    (1740), 477

    (1747), 479

    (1748), 480

    Northwest Passage Act (1744), 478

    Paper Bills of Credit, American Colonies Act (1750), 480

    Piracy Acts

    (1717), 474

    (1721), 475

    (1744), 478

    Plantation Trade Act (1741), 478

    Popish Recusants Act (1678), 454

    Pot and Pearl Ashes Act (1750), 480

    Preservation of Woods in America Acts

    (1728), 475

    (1731), 465

    Recovery of Debts in American Plantations Act (1731), 476

    Security of the Sovereign Act (1714), 454–55

    Settlement of Moravians Act (1748), 479

    Silk Manufactures Act (1721), 475, 484

    Starr and Bent Act (1741), 478

    Sugar Trade Act (1745), 478

    Taxation Act (1725), 475

    Tobacco Duties Act (1750), 480, 492

    Trade and Naval Act (1739), 477, 487

    Trade to America Act (1707), 474

    Whale Fishery Acts

    (1732), 476

    (1748), 480

    White Pines Act (1710), 465

    Wills Act (1751), 481

    Wool Act (1738), 477

    Legislation, English

    Customs Act (1662), 473

    East India Company Act (1697), 474

    Encouragement of Trade (1663), 381, 426, 445–46, 450, 473

    Exportation Acts

    (1698), 474

    (1704), 474, 484

    Exportation of Wool Act (1698), 474, 492

    Governors of Plantations Act (1698), 474

    Greenland and Plantation Trade Act (1672), 473, 481, 486–87

    Massachusetts Charter (1691). See under Province Charter (1691)

    Naval Acts

    (1696), 473

    (1697), 473

    Naval Stores Acts

    (1704), 465, 474, 484

    (1721), 465

    Navigation Act (1660), 381, 426, 473, 482–83

    Piracy Act (1698), 474

    Plantation Trade Acts

    (1670), 473, 486

    (1695), 381, 426, 455, 473, 481–83, 485, 490

    (1696), 193

    Taxation Act (1704), 474

    Union of England and Scotland Act (1707), 474

    Legislation, Massachusetts

    Berkshire County (1761), establishment of, 130

    coinage of silver and gold (1762), 191

    continuation acts, 348

    customs officers (1762), bill to enable, 193–94, 202

    Faneuil Hall lottery acts (1761, 1762), 207

    Great Barrington (1762), incorporation of, 353

    Harvard College Lottery Act (1762), 282, 311–12

    House of Representatives (1692), regulation of, 160–61, 229–30, 352

    Hunt, Mary (1761), act to enable, 207–8, 383

    impost and tonnage (1761), duties of, 173–74

    Lord’s Day (1692, 1716, 1727, 1763), observation of, 173

    lottery acts (1760), 105

    Mashpees (1763), incorporation of, 383–84, 406

    new towns (1761), bills for incorporating, 130, 323

    Pittsfield (1761), incorporation of, 130

    Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge (1762), incorporation of, 190

    treasurer’s notes (1762), counterfeiting of, 191–92

    treasury supply acts (1761, 1762), 192

    western college (1762), bill for incorporating, 190–91

    Leicester (New York packet-boat), 48, 91, 95

    Licorne (French warship), 254, 262, 278, 280, 287

    Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, 411–12. See also Hutchinson, Thomas

    Lincoln County (Mass.), 411

    Lincolnshire (Eng.), 6, 84, 298

    Lincolnshire Archives, 2

    Liqor, 407

    Lise, Thomas (lawyer of London), 437

    Little Cranberry Island (Maine), 275

    Liverpool (Eng.), 397

    Liverpool (N.S.), 445

    London, 403

    dissenters in, 327

    newspapers from, 433

    London Gazette, 39

    Long Island (Maine), 274

    Lord Chamberlain, 69

    Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. See under Board of Trade

    Lotteries, 283

    Louis XIV, King, 263

    Louisbourg (N.S.), 51, 55, 57, 80, 104, 123, 258, 273, 380, 405

    Louisiana, 60. See also Mississippi: French settlements on

    Lowder, Jonathan (express rider), 26, 213, 222

    Lucretia (merchant ship), 84, 165

    Lyall (master of Jenny & Nelly), 305, 307

    Lynde, Benjamin Jr. (Mass. judge), 412

    Lyon, HMS (man of war), 245

    Lyttleton, Henry (colonial governor), 39, 42


    Madeira, 288, 294


    from Boston, about, 26, 99, 237

    about coastal, 26, 50, 246, 250

    about delivery of, 22–26, 48, 50, 66, 74, 246, 345


    about, 22, 337, 339, 349, 354, 364, 390, 428

    by Bristol packet-boat, 67, 237, 262

    by merchant vessels, 50, 69, 83, 84, 165, 184, 237, 239, 263, 305, 307, 364, 366

    by New York packet-boat, 48, 61, 64–65, 83–84, 88, 91, 95, 119, 126, 159, 165, 172, 184, 237, 320, 342, 345, 374

    problems with, 99, 169–70, 313, 320, 321, 328, 338, 366, 374, 433–34, 451

    by Royal Navy, 50, 91, 153, 165–66, 170, 364, 366

    to West Indies, 243, 245, 248, 251, 254

    Maine, Province of, 263, 308, 331, 380, 399. See also Sagadahoc; Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Maine and Sagadahoc, province of

    survey, 378

    Marblehead (Mass.), 400

    Martin, Daniel (ship master), 115, 155

    Martinique, 157, 196, 216, 219, 245, 248

    Maryland, 73, 401, 434


    complaint and petition of, 94

    population of, 406

    self-determination of, about, 384


    agriculture, 398, 403

    borders, provincial, 399

    climate, 6, 398–99

    clothing, people’s, 402

    coinage, 434

    constitution of, 229, 296, 412–14

    demography, 229, 371, 404–5

    exports, 401

    fish, 172, 204, 212–13, 226, 402–3, 427, 433

    grain, 402

    horses, 403

    lumber, 402–3

    rum (see under Rum)

    fishing (see under Fishing; Whaling)

    government officers and salaries, 411–12

    imports, 401–2

    corn, 401

    flour, 204, 216–17, 222, 226, 232

    foodstuffs, 55, 115, 149, 204, 209–10, 212–14, 225, 231–32, 267, 272, 372, 387, 401, 402, 420

    fruit, 427, 432

    hemp, 402–3

    lemons, 402, 407, 426, 428

    oil, 400, 403, 432

    olives, 432

    pork, 204, 225, 401

    sugar, 215–16, 349–50, 402, 449

    sugar and molasses, 349–50

    sugar, foreign, 215, 349, 390

    wine (see under Wine, Imports of)

    imposts and excises, 407–11

    latitude, 398

    law courts, 411, 464, 466, 489 (see also Superior Court of Massachusetts)

    registrars, 411

    legal system, 296–97

    legislation (see under Legislation, Massachusetts)

    legislature (see under Assembly; General Court)

    manufactures, 401, 403–4

    merchants (see under Merchants)

    militia, 405

    mining, 403–4

    and Native Americans (see under Native Americans)

    Naval Office (see under Naval Office of Massachusetts)

    navigable rivers, 399

    and Penobscots, 370 (see also Native American Peoples: Penobscots)

    ports of, 399

    public finances, 12, 96, 344, 411

    rateable polls, 404

    royal charter (see under Province Charter [1691])

    shipbuilding, 400, 402

    shipping (see under Shipping)

    soldiers (see under Massachusetts Regiments)

    towns, representation of, 352 (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: new towns, representation of)

    trade, foreign, 402–3

    Massachusetts (sloop), 274, 277

    Massachusetts Historical Society, 2

    Massachusetts Regiments

    arms of, 92

    billeting accounts, 74, 86, 162, 224, 296, 379

    bounties, 96, 107, 125, 183, 197, 198–99

    Col. Hoar’s regiment, 106, 118, 121, 221, 224

    Col. Saltonstall’s regiment, 118

    Col. Thwing’s regiment, 106, 118, 121, 137, 147, 151, 357

    courts martial, 149

    deployment, 104

    deserters, 249, 291, 295

    desertion from, 57, 183, 199, 295

    discharge of, 55–57, 162, 359, 372 (see also Butler, Simon)

    disease, 405

    enlistments, 118, 121, 186

    enlistments, certificates of, 123–24, 291, 295

    Halifax, at, 57, 102, 162, 204, 210, 213, 252, 292, 372, 377

    Halifax, sent to, 106–7, 118, 121, 125, 147, 183, 198, 208, 211, 224

    Louisbourg, at, 57


    at Albany, 44, 102, 107, 113, 151, 199, 224

    at Castle William, 137, 198–99, 204, 216, 221, 331

    at Crown Point, 102, 107

    at Springfield, 118, 125, 198, 208, 224

    at Worcester, 208

    mutiny in, 372, 377


    appointment of, 104, 208

    ranking of, 63, 64

    raising of, 44, 95–96, 163–64, 183–84, 197–99, 227–28, 437–39 (see also Crown: requisitions for provincial forces)

    recruits to, 220–21, 256

    resourcing of, 63, 405

    service, terms of, 96, 101, 103–4, 183, 373, 377

    spruce beer, and, 148

    St. John’s, at, 281

    and suttling, 149–51

    Matinicus Island (Maine), 276

    Mauduit, Israel (brother to Jasper), 316. See also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Mauduit, Israel

    deputy province agent, proposed as, 328, 385

    mentioned, 317, 320.

    province agent, proposed as, 318, 327, 385

    Mauduit, Jasper (province agent). See also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Mauduit, Jasper

    land grants, and province, 238

    letter from FB listed, 507

    mentioned, 8, 201–2, 240–41, 307, 316, 318, 320, 327, 365, 385, 391, 428

    and Mount Desert Island grant, 293

    as province agent, 15, 22, 237, 293, 327

    Maurice, Jacques (Acadian), 394

    Meers, Garretson (fisherman), 242

    Melfort, Earl of (first earl), 42

    Merchants, 139

    and Boston newspapers, 435

    of Boston, 15, 26, 56, 107, 135, 156, 210–11, 220, 222 (see also Barons, Benjamin: and merchants)

    and Canada, 55, 56, 232

    colonial, 216, 428

    discontent of, 15–16, 156, 177–78, 403, 432

    and embargo, 12, 209, 222–23, 223, 225, 230

    of England, 401

    General Court, petition, 451

    of London, 141

    Molasses Act, and renewal of, 15, 134, 451

    and smuggling, 7, 9, 26, 211–12, 220

    trade laws, and enforcement of, 139, 155, 426

    Merrimack River, 388, 399

    Metnick Island (Maine), 276

    Miller, Francis (British army officer, surveyor and cartographer), 221, 233–34, 275–76, 292–93, 357, 373

    Miquelon (nr. Nfld.), 407

    Miramachi (N.B.), 394


    French settlements on, 52, 112 (see also Bernard, Francis, LETTERS TO: Pitt, William, about: Mississippi, illicit trade with)

    trade with, illicit, 114–15, 155, 216 (see also Smuggling)

    Molasses, 119, 350, 401

    customs entries of, 350

    distilling of, 401 (see also Distilling)

    duties on, 174, 215, 349

    foreign, 350

    trade in, 15, 349–50, 390, 402, 449

    Molasses Act (1733). See under Legislation, British: Molasses Act (1733)

    Monckton, Robert (British army officer and colonial governor), 196, 205, 242

    letter from FB listed, 503

    Moncrieff, James (British army officer), 107, 114, 147

    Monhegan Island (Maine), 274, 276

    Monson, Charles (British politician), 33n

    Monte Cristo (Hispaniola), 115, 402

    Montréal, 53, 55–56, 56, 75, 178

    Mouat, Patrick (Royal Navy officer), 259

    Mount Desert Island (Maine)

    description of, 179

    mentioned, 182, 274–75, 276, 285, 300, 307, 333, 436 (see also Bernard, Francis, ABOUT: and Mount Desert Island)

    survey of, 431

    Mount Desert Island Grant, 179–80, 237, 288–89, 297, 305, 322, 437 (see also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Mount Desert Island grant)

    Mount Desert River, 333

    Murder, 205

    Murray, James (British general and colonial governor), 13, 50, 54, 268

    letters from FB listed, 506, 508

    Muscle Ridge Islands (Maine), 274


    Naskeag (Maine), 275

    Native American Peoples

    Abenakis, 407

    Arasagunticooks, 407

    Cherokees, 111–12

    Delawares, 438

    Iroquois Confederation, 71, 178, 389, 391

    Machiases, 407

    Mashpees (see under Mashpees)

    Norridgewalks, 407

    Ottawas, 451

    Passamaquoddies, 407

    Penobscots, 370, 378, 407, 441

    Boston (1763), conference at, 407, 417n, 431

    Massachusetts, relations with, 370

    Senecas, 439

    Shawnese, 438

    St. John’s Indians, 407, 424

    Stockbridge Indians, 205, 406, 417n

    Wewonocks, 407

    Native Americans, 63, 112, 181, 355, 392, 404

    Connecticut, and settlers from, 392

    and law, 205, 308

    in Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, 406

    Massachusetts regiments, recruits to, 221 (see also Wright, Ichabod)

    at Natick (Mass.), 407

    in Nova Scotia, 370

    trade with, 75, 87

    treaties with, 407

    Naval Office of Massachusetts, 283–84, 362, 403, 443. See also Bernard, Francis, OPINIONS ON: Naval Office

    Neptune (brigantine), 249

    Nether Winchendon House (Bucks., Eng.), 6, 42n

    New England, governments of, 167

    New Hampshire

    and deserters, 249

    government, and reform of colonial, 306, 309, 388

    land grants, 388–89

    mentioned, 63, 83, 405

    New Jersey, 6, 17, 45, 47, 63, 73, 90, 392, 497

    New Orleans, 112, 115, 119, 155

    New Providence (Bahamas), 217, 222, 245, 247–48, 250, 254

    New Swallow (brigantine), 237

    New York, 44, 137, 155, 158, 162, 169, 216, 243, 251, 258, 262–63, 271, 278, 280, 288, 293–94, 404, 434, 451

    New York, Province of, 45, 63, 216, 266, 273, 294, 392, 399, 437, 487

    Newbury (Mass.), 258, 399

    Newcastle (Eng.), 445

    Newcastle, Duke of (British politician), 8, 49, 58, 71

    Newfoundland, 76, 79, 80, 158, 168, 204, 209, 212, 222, 242–43, 245–46, 254–56, 263, 401. See also St. John’s (Nfld.)

    fishery, 209, 487

    refugees, 257

    Newfoundland Banks, 250

    Newichewannock River (N.H.), 306, 331, 399

    Newport (Rhode Island), 155, 219, 225

    Niagara, 438

    Nivernais, Louis Jules Mancini-Mazarini, the duc de, 386, 419

    Noel, William (mp), 85

    Norfolk (Eng.), 43

    North America, 43, 44, 52, 56, 62–63, 65, 77, 91–92, 101, 163–64, 167, 195, 207, 246, 269, 280, 286, 304, 306, 309, 313, 334–35, 341, 350, 361, 369, 378, 387, 394, 398, 401, 403, 412, 419, 420, 422, 424, 426, 444, 446, 448, 456

    North Carolina, 451

    Northumberland, HMS (man of war), 242–43, 254–56, 262, 278, 280, 287

    Nova Scotia

    charter, 346

    Crown grants, 263–64

    and embargo, 212

    governor’s instructions, 263

    legislature, 260

    Massachusetts, boundary dispute with (see under Boundary Disputes between Massachusetts and: Nova Scotia)

    mentioned, 102, 107, 123, 209, 264, 306, 308–9, 369, 388

    Sagadahoc, claim to, 263–65, 306. See also Sagadahoc, Massachusetts’s claims to


    Offley, Edmund (son of Joseph Offley), 33n

    Offley, Hannah (daughter of Joseph Offley), 33n

    Offley, Joseph (half-brother to Amelia Bernard), estates of, 33n, 47

    Offley, Urith (daughter of Joseph Offley), 33n

    Ohio River, 393

    Oliver, Andrew (Province Secretary)

    and Belcher, 235

    co-signatory, as, 182, 237, 336

    handwriting, 206, 233, 283

    mentioned, 8, 34, 317–18, 320, 333, 412

    Oliver, Peter (Mass. judge), 412

    Orwell, Lord (British politician), as co-signatory, 323, 330, 351, 361

    Oswald, James (British politician), as co-signatory, 40

    Otis family, 9

    Otis, James Jr. (Mass. politician)

    and Barons, 122, 171

    and FB, 11, 27

    censure of, House proposes, 320

    as co-signatory, 182, 237

    mentioned, 145, 187, 322, 385

    and merchants, 134

    and province agent, 319

    Vice Admiralty Court, as advocate general of, 133, 160n

    Otis, James Sr. (Mass. politician), 376

    Otis, Samuel Allyne, 376n

    Owls Head (Maine), 274

    Oxford University, 236


    Parker, James (of New Jersey), letter from FB listed, 508


    acts of. See under Legislation, British

    authority of, 413

    subsidy to colonies, 63, 92, 123, 295

    Partridge, Samuel (Boston mariner), 65n

    Passamaquoddy Bay (Maine), 308

    Passamaquoddy River (Maine), 355

    Paxton, Charles (customs officer), 72, 83, 115, 119, 126, 133–35, 139–40, 146, 176, 178, 325

    Peace (1763), 322

    Peach, Joseph (British army officer), 332

    Peggy (Royal Navy transport ship), 235

    Pemaquid (Maine), 264, 406

    Pemberton, Benjamin (Naval Officer, Mass.)

    commission, renewal of, 128, 142–43, 144

    mentioned, 88, 128, 165, 172, 175, 284

    and Naval Office, 88, 142–43, 153, 159, 165–66, 284

    Penn, John (proprietor of Pennsylvania), 393n

    Penn, John, (colonial governor), letter from FB listed, 511

    Penn, Richard (proprietor of Pennsylvania), 393n

    Penn, Thomas (proprietor of Pennsylvania), 393n

    Penn, William ([1644-1727], original proprietor of Pennsylvania), 392

    Pennsylvania, 8, 204, 209, 213–14, 222, 225, 389, 440, 487

    proprietors, 392

    Penobscot Bay (Maine), 181, 237, 274, 288, 300, 436

    Penobscot River (Maine), 13, 14, 181, 263–64, 285, 298, 306, 263–64, 322, 334–36, 343, 355, 369, 380, 399, 425

    Penobscot Township Grants

    confirmation of, 339–41, 345

    mentioned, 240, 322, 333–39, 343, 364

    survey of, 366, 380

    Penobscot Townships

    development of, 375, 378

    grantees, 337, 339, 391, 432

    map of, 338, 342, 364

    Pentagoet (Acadia), 263, 369

    Penzance, HMS (brigantine), 137, 263

    Perth Amboy (N.J.), mentioned, 44–45, 68

    Perth, Earl of (fourth earl), 42

    Peter III ([1728–62], czar of Russia [1762]), 209

    Philadelphia, 8, 204, 222, 225, 404, 434, 439–40

    Philips, Richard (colonial governor), 264

    Phipps, Constantine (Mass. councilor), 318

    Phips, Sir William (colonial governor), 308

    Pietas Et Gratulatio Collegii Cantabrigiensis, 236, 241, 321, 365

    authorship of, 322

    Piracy, 268

    Piscataqua River (N.H.), 277, 306, 309, 380

    Pitt, William (British politician), 8

    letters from FB listed, 500–501

    letters to FB about

    Crown requisition for provincial forces, 61–64

    trade laws, enforcement of, 51–53

    letters to FB listed, 497–98

    mentioned, 46, 91–92, 96, 103, 108, 119, 153, 159, 165

    Mississippi, circular on illicit trade with, 119

    Pitts, Evan (ship’s captain), 246

    Pittsburg, 71

    Pittsfield (Mass.), 130, 160, 229

    Placentia (Nfld.), 245, 253, 255–56, 262, 278, 280

    Plymouth (Mass.), 157, 400

    Plymouth Colony, 399

    Plymouth Company, 238

    Pocock, Sir George (Royal Navy admiral), 245–47, 251

    letters from FB listed, 505–6

    Point Shirley (Mass.), 267, 429

    Pontiac’s Rebellion, 393, 423, 437–39, 442, 451

    Pontoosuck (Mass.), 130

    Popple, Willian (colonial governor), letter from FB listed, 508

    Pork, 231

    Port aux Cayes (Hispaniola), 216, 224

    Port Royal ([Annapolis], N.S.), 308

    Port Royal (Martinique), 157

    Porter (associate of Offley family), 47, 49

    Portsmouth (Eng.), 70

    Portsmouth (N.H.), 26, 84, 274, 277, 509

    Portugal, 260, 401, 402, 426, 432, 447

    Portugal Cove (Nfld.), 260

    Potash, 298–99, 305, 394, 396

    Potberry, Thomas (ship’s master), 263

    Pownalborough (Maine), 130

    Pownall, Harriet (née Churchill, wife of Thomas Pownall), 127

    Pownall, John (British administrator)

    on Barons controversy, 128–29

    and Barrington, 66, 70

    on correspondence with FB, 41, 66, 128

    in Ireland, 175

    letters from FB listed, 503–11

    letters to FB about

    governor of Massachusetts, FB’s appointment as, 41–42

    governor of Massachusetts, FB’s commission as, 41, 128

    New Jersey, lands in, 41

    Pemberton’s commission, 128

    letters to FB listed, 497–98, 500, 509

    Maine and Sagadahoc, and province of, 315

    and Mauduit, Jasper, 355

    mentioned, 8, 354, 361, 364

    and Mount Desert Island grant, 287, 307, 322

    on peace, 129

    on Pownall, Thomas, 129

    replies to FB, 447

    Sagadahoc, and Massachusetts’s claim to, 339

    Pownall, Mary (wife of John Pownall), 84, 129

    Pownall, Thomas (colonial governor)

    and Amherst, 57

    and Atkins, 81

    Boston, leaves, 39

    career aspirations of, 127

    in England, 127, 435

    governor of Massachusetts, instructions as, 453

    governor of Massachusetts, success as, 6, 64

    governor of South Carolina, appointed, 39, 40, 42

    and Hallowell, 279

    and Jackson, 201

    letters from FB listed, 500–501, 511

    mentioned, 7, 175

    personal affairs, 176


    British, 219 (see also St. John’s (Nfld.): British garrison at: as POWs; Cartel Ships)

    French, 74, 87, 257, 266, 273

    Pratt, Benjamin (chief justice of N.Y.), 294

    Preble, Jedidiah (provincial officer), 80–81, 378, 431

    Prerogatives, Royal. See under Crown: royal prerogatives

    Privy Council

    and Barons controversy, 161

    George III, and proclamation of, 59

    governor of Massachusetts, FB’s instructions as, 453

    governor of Massachusetts, FB’s appointment as, 39, 43

    His Majesty in Council

    appeals to, 141, 296–97

    Connecticut, on boundaries of, 400

    Hunt, Mary, and act to enable, 208

    Mashpees, on complaint of, 109–10

    and Mount Desert Island grant, 330, 341

    confirmation of, 437

    Penobscot township grants, confirms, 341

    royal family, instruction regarding prayers for, 59

    Providence Plantation and the Narraganset Country. See under Rhode Island

    Province Agent. See also under Bollan, William; Jackson, Richard; Mauduit, Israel; Mauduit, Jasper,

    election of, 201–2, 239, 384–85

    and Penobscot township grants, 339

    Province Charter (1691), 160, 167, 180–81, 191, 229–30, 235, 237, 239, 265, 285, 298, 306, 308, 330, 339, 344, 346, 352, 370–71, 392, 405, 412, 457

    Province House, Boston (FB’s residence), 286, 300, 344

    Province Secretary of Massachusetts, 334, 342, 411–12, 443. See also Oliver, Andrew

    Province Treasurer of Massachusetts, 332, 411–12, 443. See also Gray, Harrison

    Provincial Soldiers. See under Massachusetts Regiments

    Pufendorf, Samuel Freiherr (Baron) von, 371


    Quebec, 13–14, 51, 55, 56, 74, 204, 209, 212, 222, 232, 256, 268, 331–32, 357, 419

    Queen Anne’s War (1702-13), 369


    Rainsford Island (Hospital Island), 157

    Regulars. See under British Army

    Religion, 152, 327

    Rhode Island

    government, and reform of colonial, 306, 309, 387

    government of, 167

    mentioned, 63, 109, 137, 216, 219, 399, 454, 467, 471

    and smuggling, 115, 134, 155, 400

    Rice, George (British politician), as co-signatory, 105, 110, 230, 323, 351, 361

    Richards Coffee House (London), 241

    Richardson, James (of Mount Desert Is., Maine), 277n

    Rivière Chaudière (Qu.), 357, 425

    Roberts, John (British politician), as co-signatory, 105, 174, 230

    Robins, Jacques (French protestant), 394, 397

    Robinson, Andrew (British army officer), 256

    Robuste (French warship), 251, 254, 262, 278, 280, 287

    Rockingham, Lord (British politician), 32n

    Rodney, George Bridges (Royal Navy admiral), 245

    Rogers, George (British army officer), 259

    Rollo, Lord (British army officer), 125n

    Roman Catholics, 422. See also Acadians

    Ross, Thomas (of Falmouth, Maine), 277

    Ross, Walter (British army officer), 259–60

    Rover (merchant sloop), 216

    Royal Family, 241

    Royal Government. See under Government, Royal

    Royal Instructions. See under Governor of Massachusetts, Instructions as

    Royal Navy

    customs commissions, 381, 432, 450

    seizures of vessels, 268 (see also Freemason [brigantine])

    Royal Prerogatives. See under Crown: royal prerogatives

    Royal Seal. See under Crown: royal seal

    Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce (Eng.), 298, 394, 396

    Royalism, 414

    Ruggles, Timothy (provincial officer), 104, 228, 336

    letter from FB listed, 499

    Rum, 12, 189, 401, 403, 405

    duties on, 215, 407

    Russell, Chambers (Mass. judge), 83, 332, 412, 450

    Russell, James (Mass. official), 215, 349, 412


    Sagadahoc River, 181

    Sagadahoc, Territory of, 180, 237, 289, 302, 310, 343, 369, 400

    and Canada, 425

    Massachusetts, conquered by, 369

    and Province Charter, 235, 298, 302–3, 305, 308, 330, 340, 346, 369, 436

    settlement of, 237, 306

    Saglek Bay (Labarador), 82n

    Salem (Mass.), 350, 359, 399–400

    Sally (merchant sloop), seizure of, 216, 223, 225

    Salt, 276, 402, 427, 487

    Saltonstall, Richard (provincial officer), 104. See also Massachusetts Regiments: Col. Saltonstall’s regiment

    letter from FB listed, 501

    Sanders, Mr., 114n

    Sandys, Lord (British politician)

    as co-signatory, 105, 110, 161, 174, 230, 311, 323

    letter from FB listed, 123, 501

    Scaife, John (Royal Navy officer), 137, 153

    Scarborough (merchant ship), 50

    Schulyer, Harmanus (of N.Y.), 205


    American Colonies, and trade with, 402

    army in, 47, 58

    burghs, representation of, 131

    Seal, Royal. See under Crown: royal seal

    Secretary of State (Great Britain), 91, 307, 313, 348, 366. See also under Pitt, William; Egremont, Earl of; Halifax, Earl of

    Acadians, and, 387, 395, 398, 419

    appointments, concerning, 165

    FB, and, 2, 8

    governors, circulars to, 120, 165

    on lotteries, 106

    Southern Department, 444

    trade laws, and enforcement of, 421, 451

    Segwin Island (Maine), 274, 276

    Seven Years War (1756–63), 9, 209

    Sewall, Stephen (chief justice), 61n

    Sharpe, Horatio (colonial governor), letter from FB listed, 498

    Sheaffe, William (customs officer), 145

    Shelburne, Earl of (British politician)

    as co-signatory, 351

    letter from FB listed, 510

    Shipping, 84, 214, 250, 262, 272, 275, 339, 400, 402, 445

    Shirley (schooner), 250

    Shirley, William (colonial governor)

    letters from FB listed, 503, 505, 507

    mentioned, 254, 325

    Shoals, John (ship’s captain), 216–17, 223

    Shute Barrington family, 3

    Shute, Ann (mother of Amelia Offley), 3, 33n, 168n

    Shute, Benjamin (grandfather of Lord Barrington), 178

    Shute, Samuel (colonial governor), 167, 370

    Sirene, HMS (frigate), 242, 243, 250, 253–56, 262, 278, 280, 287

    Slavery. See also Wright, Ichabod (slave?)

    Slaves, 404

    Sloper, William (British politician), as co-signatory, 40, 59

    Small, John (British army officer and surveyor), 357, 373

    Small, John (British army officer), 86

    Smallpox, 3

    Smallpox Inoculation, 158n, 429

    Smuggling, 52, 261, 401

    Snelling, Mary, 82n

    Soames, Abraham (of Mount Desert Is., Maine), 277n

    Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 383, 406

    Somers (Conn.), 399

    South Carolina, 111, 415

    South Carolina Gazette, 217, 223

    South Seas, 392

    Southwest Harbor (Mount Desert Is., Maine), 275

    Spain, 226, 401–2, 432

    Spender, George (capt. of Britannia), 51n

    Spicer (friend of FB), 434

    Springfield (Mass.), 107. See also Massachusetts Regiments: musters: Springfield, at

    Spruce Beer, 12, 147–48, 188, 405

    St. Croix Bay (N.S.), 238, 308, 343, 355, 407

    St. Croix River (N.S.), 233, 238, 264, 289–90, 306, 289–90, 355, 399–400, 407

    boundary line, as, 13–14, 233–34, 264, 298, 306, 310, 333, 343, 346, 369

    St. Eustatia, 427, 445

    St. Francis River (Maine), 425

    St. James’ s Bay (Canada), 76

    St. John’s (Nfld.)

    British expeditionary force, 254–55, 278, 280–81

    British garrison at, 251, 258–59, 273

    as POWs, 39, 257–58, 269–70, 272, 273

    British plans for recapture of, 255, 262–63, 288

    British recapture of, 278–81, 283

    French defences and forces, 250, 254, 278, 280, 281, 287

    French invasion of, 12–13, 243, 248, 250, 251, 253, 260

    Massachusetts, and alarm in, 245, 248

    reports of enemy activity, 242–44, 245–46, 268

    St. John’s River (N.S.), 306, 308, 332

    St. Lawrence River, 50, 54, 81, 400, 407, 424–25, 441, 497

    St. Peters Bay (Nfld.), 80

    St. Petersburg, 402

    St. Pierre (Martinique), 157

    St. Pierre (nr. Nfld.), 407

    St. Thomas (Danish colony), 115, 119

    Staaten Island, N.Y., 219

    State of Province, Governor’s Report on, 323

    Stevens (Boston mariner and POW), 157

    Stevens, John (merchant of New Jersey), 252

    letters from FB listed, 508

    Stone, Andrew (British politician), 49, 88, 106, 128

    as co-signatory, 59

    Stott (capt. of Scarborough), 50

    Straits of Gilbraltar, 432

    Suffield (Conn.), 399

    Suffolk County Court, 134

    Sugar, 115, 119, 216, 401

    customs entries of, 349–50

    duties on, 174, 215, 349

    Superbe, HMS (man of war), 251

    Superior Court

    and Barons controversy, 171

    and Craddock v. Erving, 133, 179

    and Erving v. Craddock, 141, 145, 179

    and Paxton v. Gray, 133, 140–41, 176

    Superior Court of Massachusetts, 192, 296, 403, 411

    justices, 411–12

    and Privy Council, 297

    Surinam, 402

    Susquehanna Company, 388–89, 388–89, 391–93

    Susquehanna River, 388–89


    Tamar, HMS (sloop), 91, 94

    Tartar (brigantine and privateer), 254

    Tavistock (merchant ship), 83–84

    Tax Evaluation, 121, 122

    Taylor and Blodget (brewers), 148n

    Teedyescung (Delaware sachem), 389, 393

    Temple, John (customs officer)

    and Barons, 119–20, 170

    and FB, 15, 359

    deputy, proposes brother as, 325–26

    mentioned, 439

    and seizures, 116, 119

    Temple, Robert (customs officer), 115, 119, 325, 361

    Ternay, Charles-Henri-Louis d’Arsac de, 251, 258, 279n

    Terry, Moses and Sarah (guardians of FB), 3, 7

    Thanksgivings, 351

    Thomas, Edmund (British politician), as co-signatory, 110, 161, 174, 230, 310, 323

    Thoms, Benedict (smuggler), 111, 115–16

    Thwing, Nathaniel (provincial officer), 104, 149. See also Massachusetts Regiments: Col. Thwing’s regiment

    letters from FB listed, 501–2

    Timmons, John (Boston merchant), 7, 180n

    Touche, Louis-Charles Le Vassor de La (French colonial governor), 157, 196, 219

    Townshend, Charles (British politician), 360, 362, 371, 375, 390

    as co-signatory, 330

    letters from FB listed, 509

    Trade Duties, 448

    Trade Laws

    enforcement of, 178, 382, 403

    seizures, 332, 446

    Trade, Colonial, 446, 448, 451. See also Massachusetts: exports; —imports; French Colonies, trade with enumerated articles, 403

    imports, 349–50, 448–49 (see also Massachusetts: trade, foreign)

    Travel Times, 26

    Treasury, Lords Commissioners of, 68, 123, 138, 291, 361, 420, 437

    and Barons, 135, 136, 138, 142, 170, 176

    smuggling, and, 156

    subsidy to colonies, 295

    Treaty of Breda (1667), 310, 330, 369, 370

    Treaty of Ryswick (1697), 310, 369

    Treaty of Utrecht (1713), 263–64, 310, 369

    Trowbridge, Edmund (Mass. attorney general), 412

    Truckhouses, 75, 87

    Tucker, Richard (merchant of Rhode Island), 155

    Tulleken, John (British army officer), 380

    letters from FB listed, 507, 510

    Tyrawley, Earl of, 209

    Tyringham, John (husband of Mary Winlowe), 42n


    Unkamug, Abraham (Stockbridge Indian), 205–6


    Vaudreuil, Pierre de Rigaud (French army officer), 54n

    Vengeance, HMS (man of war), 50

    Venus (merchant ship), 155

    Vice Admiralty Court, 120, 129, 145, 156, 159, 177, 216, 445, 488

    and Barons, 72, 83, 146, 171, 202

    and Erving v. Craddock, 133, 141, 145

    trade laws, and enforcement of, 132–33, 134, 139

    Virginia, 8, 73, 137, 242–43, 401

    Vyner, Robert (mp), 85


    Waldo, Samuel Jr. (of Falmouth, Maine), 276–77

    War. See under King William’s War (1690-1697); French and Indian War (1754-63); Seven Years War (1756-63)

    Warburton, William (bishop of Gloucester), 117n

    letters to FB about Congregationalists, 116–17

    receives letter from FB, 117

    replies to FB, 117

    Ward, Artemas (provincial officer), letter from FB listed, 500

    Watts, Samuel (Mass. councilor and judge), 145

    Welles Samuel (Mass. judge), 145

    Wentworth, Benning (colonial governor), 61n, 277, 326

    letter from FB listed, 502, 505, 508

    letter listed, 509

    West Indies, 52, 57, 109, 211, 226, 246, 262, 280, 350, 401, 403, 448

    climate of, 47

    French colonies in, 52

    merchants’ lobby of, 428

    West, James (British administrator), 161

    West, Stephen (missionary), 383, 406

    Westminster School, 3, 47, 89

    Westminster studentship, 58

    Westminster Studentship, 49

    Whale (fishing vessel), 76

    Whaling, 81, 400

    Wheelwright, Nathaniel (Boston merchant), 185n

    Whitmore, Edward (British army officer), 168

    Wilbraham, Randle (British politician), 65n, 239

    letter from FB listed, 503

    letter listed, 498

    letter to FB about general election of 1761, 84–85

    Wilkes, John (English radical), 432n

    Willard, Levi (of Mass.), potash production by, 394, 395–96

    William III, King, and Mary II, Queen, 181, 436

    and Province Charter, 302, 303, 305, 457 (see also Sagadahoc, Territory of: and Province Charter)

    William III, King, mentioned, 264, 369–70, 303, 308, 369–70, 493

    Williams, Israel (provincial officer and politician), 15, 188

    letters from FB listed, 500, 502

    Williamson, George (British army officer), 169, 269, 273

    Wilmot, Montague (colonial governor), 13

    letter from FB listed, 510

    Windham County (Conn.), 400

    Wine, Imports of, 15, 157, 402, 426–28, 431-32, 445, 447, 487

    duties on, 407

    Winlowe, Margery ([1681-1718], mother of FB), 3

    Winlowe, Mary (maternal aunt of FB), 42n

    Winthrop, John Prof., 378, 379

    Witty, William (ship’s master), 243, 245, 248, 251

    Wolfe (merchant ship), 184, 239

    Wood Island (Maine), 274

    Wood, Robert (British administrator), 53, 63, 284

    letter from FB listed, 501

    Woodbridge, Timothy (of Stockbridge, Mass.), 206

    Woodstock (Conn.), 399

    Worcester (Mass.), 107. See also Massachusetts Regiments: musters: at Worcester

    Worcester County (Mass.), 266

    Wright, Ichabod (slave?), 256, 331–32, 357

    Writs of Assistance, 193–94, 202, 403

    Writs of Error, 296

    Wyer, David (express rider), 26, 149, 245, 246, 271, 439

    Wyoming Valley, 389, 393


    York, Duke of (later King James II), 369

    York, John (British politician), as co-signatory, 310, 311, 351, 361, 421