244 | To Welbore Ellis

    Boston Novr. 25. 1763

    Dear Sr.

    I am favoured with yours of July 18th,943 & cannot sufficiently admire your Sensibility fortitude & prudence. For my own part I have for a long time endeavoured to work up ^in^ myself a high sense of the duty of submitting, with as much ease as we can, to the Accidents of this Life, and yet I was allways aware that there were some strokes, to which I myself am particularly subject, that would quite wither me. In such a case I have often thought to have resorted to dissipation; but you have convinced me that intense business, where it is to be had, forms a more powerful Diversion.

    I cannot ask of you an account of the present State of Affairs, knowing what a tender Subject it is, from the quantity of Papers received from England, surely the foulest that ever were defiled by a press. We Americans are at too great a distance to join in the Parties of England: We can only look on & Lament, and pray that Great Britain may not, for ever, be deprived of the advantages of her foreign Acquisitions by domestic dissention.944

    I have been lately on a Voyage to the N Eastward: for you must know that this Province extends in Coast 300 miles N.E. of this Town. About 240 miles off I am nursing up a new Colony, in the midst of which I have a Very fine Island given me by the Province, as you must have heard. This has afforded me the first opportunity I have yet had of forming the plan of a Town: This I did about 7 Weeks ago with great advantages; & saw the whole markt out by actual Survey: I also built two small houses, in the centre of the Town; & having numbered my People left upon the Island 8 families consisting of 47 Souls, 3 of which were born this Summer, being the first English that were born ^produced^ upon the Island. Some more families are gone down Since: & next year I expect 40 or 50 more families to remove thither: And then the Town will stand upon its own legs.

    Another Business in that Country was to look after the Indians there, least they should catch the ill Humours of those in the Southern Parts. Our Indians are so much reduced that if they were to break with us, they would soon be exterminated. But then their first Blow, which they allways contrive to get, would do an infinite deal of Mischief, before they could be sufficiently opposed. I therefore take great care to prevent all real grounds of discontent: I have this Summer done some public ^act^ of Justice on their behalf; among which, I dismissed from the Service, as Commander of a Fort, upon the Indians having made & supported complaints of his injurious treatment of them.945 I believe I shall find it necessary next Summer to call them together to a general congress & public conference.946

    You see we little folks mimic you great people; We have our domestic policy & our foreign Negotiations: happily We are not important enough to make any hand of dissension; we leave that to our betters. Now & then a popular blast will arise among us; but with a little explanation or, if wanted, a little amendement, it soon blows over again. At present there is a great noise about seizing a Vessell laden with French Wines; but as soon as the Wine is circulated & the bottles begin to be put about, we shall be in good humour again. I am &c

    W Ellis Esqr Secry at War947

    L, LbC BP, 3: 108-109.