204 | Circular from the Board of Trade

    Whitehall April 29th. 1763761


    The King having judged it proper that a Publick Thanksgiving to Almighty God, should be observed throughout all his Majesty’s Colonies in America, on the happy Conclusion of the Peace; We have received his Majesty’s Commands to signify to you his Royal Pleasure that you do, upon receipt of this Letter, appoint a proper and early day of Thanksgiving762 to be observed by all his Majesty’s good Subjects under your Government, in such manner and with such Forms of Prayer as have been usual on like Occasions, We are Sir your Most Obedt humble Servts__


    Bamber Gascoyne763


    Soame Jenyns

    Edwd: Bacon

    John York

    Geo: Rice

    Francis Bernard Esqr. Govr of Massachusetts Bay

    L, Copy Prov. Sec. Letterbooks, 1: 418.

    This letter is the first communication from a new Board established by the Grenville ministry in Apr. 1763. JBT, 11: 354-356.