130 Draft of the Address of Divers Ministers to Governor Dudley

    [ca. 1702]

    To his Excellency Joseph Dudley Esquire, Governour of the province of the Massachusets bay in New England &c. The Addresse of divers ministers of said Province Sheweth

    That as we acknowledge and adore the holy providence of God in assigning the cheif Government of these provinces under Her Majesty to Your Excellency, and granting you a safe conduct to, and settlement in it, promising our selves also to find singular favour from heaven under the tender care and naturall affection of a person who esteemes us his owne people, and peculiarly all encouragement to these Churches, for the maintaining and promoving of the true Religion and Worship of God in them so as we look upon our selves to be in duty bound, we assure You of our constant, ardent, and sincere prayers in Your behalfe, that the God of all grace would afford You all those aides from above whereby you may be led in a Right Way, and doe alwaies those things that please him which shall tend to his Honour, this peoples best good and Your greatest peace, and that he would Rightly dispose the hearts of this his people, so as that You may Encounter with nothing uneasy in Your administration. And we ask the Liberty to Commend to Your Excellency, as the speciall care, that the prevailing and provoking wills amongst us, which expose us to Gods just displeasure, may have a due testimony borne against them. So also a particular concernedness for the promoting of good Literature, by the regulation of Schools of Learning, and Settlement of the Colledge whose tottering and almost ruined state boads ill to this people, and as we doubt not of the gratefullnesse of this our motion to You, so we assure our selves, that if God please to Succeed your Endeavours in this matter, it will be a great Honour that he will conferre upon You and Your Remembrance will be precious to generations to come. We aske Your favourable interpretation of this our Address, and Remain

    Excellent Sir,

    Your daily Orators

    at the throne of Grace.

    College Papers, i. 30 (No. 67).