153 Vote of the General Court Granting Salary to President Leverett

    [December 4–6 1707]

    Anno Regni Annae Reginae Sexto.

    At a great and Generall Court or Assembly for her Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in N. England, began and held at Boston upon Wednesday the 28th of May 1707 and continued by several Prorogations unto Wednesday the 29th of October following, being the 3d Session

    Thursday December 4th, 1707

    In Council.

    The Governour and Council having accepted and approved the choice made by the Fellows of Harvard College in Cambridge of Mr. John Leveret to be present President of the said College to fill up that Vacancy. Propose that the House of Representatives consider of and grant A Suitable Salary to be paid to the said President Annually out of the publick Treasury for his Encouragment and support during his continuance in said office, residing at Cambridge, and discharging the proper Duties to a President belonging and intirely devoting himself to that Service. And inasmuch as the first foundation and Establishment of that House and the Government thereof had its Original from an Act of the General Court made and passed in the year 1650, which has not been repealed or nulled: The President and Fellows of said College are directed from time to time to regulate themselves according to the Rules of the Constitution, by the Act prescribed, and to Exercise the powers and Authorities thereby granted for the Government of that House and support thereof.

    Saturday, December 6, 1707:

    The Representatives returned the Vote passed in Council the 4th currant refering to the College with their concurrance thereunto, and this further Addition thereon Viz: that the Sum for Salary be One Hundred and fifty pounds; to which the Council voted an Agreement.

    By his Excellency the Governour

    Isaac Addington Secretary

    A true Copy: Consented to Jos. Dudley.

    College Papers, i. 41 (No. 94). The second portion of the vote of December 4 is of great importance, since it reaffirmed the Charter of 1650 by which the College is still governed. A copy of that portion alone is also in College Papers, i. 41 (No. 90) and i. 43 (No. 96). Acts and Resolves, viii 257. Printed in Quincy, History, i. 611–612; also in Morison, Seventeenth Century, ii. 660–661. A facsimile of the official copy appears in the same volume, opposite p. 555.