316 Thomas Hollis to Benjamin Colman

    London February 23, 1724/[5]

    Deare Sir

    I have written to you alreddy this Conveyance a long epistle of divers dates, with a number of perticulars, to which I referr. Some time last yeare I wrote to you an affaire then meditating of laying out a summe of money in Boston then and now lying in Boston in Books for your library, such as you wanted, when any gentlemans library, as Mr. President Leveret, or the like should come to be sold. To which you answered you thought it was feasable and best, considering the great discount of Exchange, since which the Gentleman has sent me divers letters, and been divers times at my house, ere we could bring things to beare. This day the Reverend Mr. Cotton138 and his Wife have been at my house, and discourst many things, and left me this inclosed letter for Mr. Judge Sewal and Mr. Welstead, which I pray you to deliver as directed. He directed me to read part of it, with liberty to Communicate to you as I saw fit. I suppose I shall have another to forward, quickly, now he or they are resolved, explaining matters more fully, but affecting great privacy not to have it known, whence the charitable Bequests come, but as I think it cant and ought not to be a Secret to you, whom he looks upon as President of the College, I shall explain our conversation. Referring to the letter for surer information he has ordred £400 part of a larger Sum in their hands for charitable uses. First he appoints £100 for Mr. Colman, president of the college, as an augmentation to his Sallary and incouragment to accept, towards helping to remove a little, if it may be, some difficultys which may ly in his way against accepting. And then he requests Judg Sewall and Mr. Welstead to call in Mr. Benjamin Colman to consult in the best manner the disposal of the remaining £300.—by buying needed useful books for the library—or in some methods for propagating the Gospel among the Indians—or otherwise any usefull work relating to the College. He expresses a great deal of satisfaction in his old acquaintance with you, and beleives you are all 3 honest men and can safely trust you in the disposition. I thought you would not be displeased to share in this labour of distribution of publick charity, if it be too burdensome, pray pardon me this time and permit me to subscribe

    Deare Sir

    Your very Loving friend and humble Servant

    Thomas Hollis

    [Endorsed:] No. 37.

    Hollis Letters and Papers, p. 46.