337 Thomas Hollis to Benjamin Colman

    London October 10, 1726

    Mr. Benj. Colman

    Reverend Sir

    I wrote unto you the 26 September with a Sermon by Capt. Tyng and also Sept. 13 by Capt. Cary and have none since. On our 4 October we had a Court for our Indian affaires—our new Governour186 and a large number of the Community—he shewed himself a Gentleman that knew how to manage the affaire. Some few of his Freinds had prepared minutes, which were proposed and agreed unto. Most persons were offended at Mr. Winthrops doubling the usual sallary, ordred, that the Commissioners with you be desired to reconsider that article. One ill effect I think it had, it was agreed to raise our Clerks salary at London from 12 to £20 per Annum. The consequence is easy, the more we expend in Salarys the less remains for the Indian Service. And I remark no guift has been made to the Society since I have been a Member and now we are told our Receiver of Rents is dead or failed, and like to loose about £200. A list of 5 Gentlemen was prepared and proposed by our Governour to be added to the Society to fill up our number in place of them that are dead and agreed unto. Governor Talcots187 letters and Mr. Winthrops letters were read, and laid by. I expected a Committee to be appointed to examine them as I had proposed to our Tresurer some days before, but not minded. I produced Dr. Mathers abstract—and offred to read some paragrafs out of your long letter—but the Gentlemen dropt away—and I broke off. The Governor was pleased to answer me, he saw I wrote Sheldens188 shorthand. So I do sayes I Y H S-sr. I am sorry to see so very few have a heart to these things, more then a Cursory meeting and long to have done and begone. Mr. R. Ashurst before his last illness seemed to interest himself in the affaire cordially, but he is dead, and I feare the Successor will not tread in the same steps, at least not with like zeale. And I apprehend Connecticut Design will be dropt; Governor Talcot appears in his letters not to be well informed of the state of our Corporation, sundry things were not well worded, though I beleive honestly meant. Sir D. Dolins189 took Dr. Mathers abstract, put it in his pocket, and said he would read it at home.

    I am told Mr. Noble of Bristol, Minister, is newly dead, I presume you knew him, when you lived at Bath.

    Our Tresurer was ordred to Remit £300 on termes as the last which I suppose is sent in the ship this goes with £930 NE money. Our present annual income is about £600, or neare it.

    I think I formerly answered, if there be vacancy in my exhibition and you nominate to me Mr. Maihieus190 Son, when you think him proper I shall redily consent. As to Mr. Cotton and his bounty, you have such possitive orders from himself and as to Mr. Colmans perticuler gift, I think I gave you his own explication, in his own words, which he told me on sealing his letters in my closet; be not then scrupulous or Righteous over much.

    Your proposal what number of Mr. Mayheus books191 we will take off here—the Governour past by and said nothing, there is few of the Gentlemen would read it here. They seeme generally to think little good is to be done among the Indians, and mostly slight it. However if you print it at Boston I desire to have one sent to me. In relation to Pembertons sermons192 which I suppose are now printing here, I am of opinion few will sell but what are sent to Boston. I thank you for account of what Mathematicall instruments you have at the College.

    I desire you to explaine to me your 3 Colleges N1,2,3 where your library—your Hall is—your tutors lodgings &c. for a little conception of the buildings. But probably some student or other as calls on me may informe me viva voce without troubling you to write it.

    But I do desire the favour of you Sir to give me a particular account of my Profesor of Divinity, how he performs agreable to my written orders, and wherein he is wanting in complying with them.

    I suppose this will be my last letter to any of you this yeare. The account you give me how you imploy Mr. Boyle’s money is very pleasing to me. I have sent you many volume of sermons preacht at the lecture he founded, and shall soon send you 2 Vol. more, 1724, 1725 preacht by Tho[mas] Burnet D.D. Since writing the foregoing line the bookseller hath sent them to me stiled, the Demonstration of True Religion,193 and I now send them for the College Library by Capt. Steele. There has been a great Earthquake in Sicily, particularly at Palermo, where the Earth opened and sent forth a stream of Liquid Sulphure, terrible to recite, and there is a very great Plague at Constantinople. We expect our fleet under Admiral Norris home from the Baltick this month peaceably. Fighting seems to be deferred there and other places till next yeare.

    My love to you and all freinds

    Your very Loving freind

    Thomas Hollis

    [Endorsed:] By Capt. Steele; received and answered, January 4 and 6, No. 50.

    Hollis Letters and Papers, p. 75.