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    By Repentance: you further ad that the Innocent are not be In

    Twisted with the guilty: I answer

    1 Its hard to conceive that in a church divided & contending there will be

    many innocent though some usually farr more guilty then others I Cor 11 30 we

    read not of many clean[18]

    2 If there be particular persons men & women Innocent, yet till ye ch be in peace

    & offences healed in some measure they are to submitt to yt affliction to want ye

    lords supper: At Ipswich wn yr was least contentious about mr Nortons leaving of

    them some sadly clasht wh Revrend mr Rogers & one with another, & though yr

    were diverse good men & women that never medled in yt business but sat silent

    yet ye Sacrament was not administered, & was it not ye duty (think you) of those In

    nocent ones to submitt to it tho for a time they wanted yt ordinance the church

    not being in capasity to celebrate it till matters were composed


    As to ye 3 particulars I mentioned as things wherein I conceived you had &

    have cause to blame yourselves yrin Time permitt not to argue farther wth you

    about them, onely a few words to ye 3d about your censure upon ye offending br I

    will not now discourse about ye nullity of yt sentence nor how farr Clavis yt Saying

    Clavis errans non legal[19] is applicable to your act, yet those two things I foremerly

    mentioned were omissions yt I still think could be justified


    1 The not calling upon ym to se ye sin in such an unheerd of act, you full

    knoe you had often warred ym to desist from their irregular meetings, & actings

    but not a word of any indeavour to bring ym to ye sight of yt sin or those sins

    you cheifly censured ym for; & yrfore yei could not be lookt upon as such as

    would not hear ye ch when ye church had not admonished ym nor called upon

    them for repentance & as onely such as refuse to hear ye church as were to be cen

    sured or withdrawn from by ye church: And for wt you say about good success

    could have bin expected if you had indeavoured to bring ym to asight of yr evills I

    Answer whether they would hear or forbear yet Gods rule is to be attended & yrfore

    your 3d ingreadient to right sentence is to seek viz ye law of God yt will [---]

    it allow it you mention withdraw from ym, obstinate oft does take censure

    & bringing to repentance neyther could yy be called obstinate offenders when you

    had not indeavoured to bring ym to asight of ye evills especially yt scandalous

    evill of deposing Mr Parker: Its true what you say its easier to find faults

    then to mend them, its alsoe as true its easier to make faults then to se them

    as appears by yor calling this an omission of you know not what, & let what I

    have sayd foremerly & now as to yr matter be accounted a private fancy, I am

    willing to hear it having a councill to hear it or me, & wch is more the Rule

    to stand by me according to my best understanding

    2 Touching ye other omission of calling in counsell, your own words doe evinc

    that it was an unjustifiable omission in that you once & again say (& I think

    truly that it was a case the like was never heard of that you know of in ye Xtian

    world the more necessity of serious deliberation & good advise, & you may

    be sure noe councill in ye countrey would have advised you to pass any sen

    tence against ym or withdraw from ym till due means had bin used by

    your selves together with ye help of other churches if need were to bring

    them to repentance: By ys you may perceive that I am farr from yt

    distructive notion yt particular churches have absolute power to carry on

    matters amongst ymselves, If some one church has lispt out something yt way

    we own it not for a congregational principle onely thus farr I own

    that every particular church organick have power to carry on all affairs

    and administrations in Gods house excepting when they cannot proceed

    [18] Possibly I Chron. 30:17.

    [19] “The wrong key is not legal.”