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    Jan. 15. 1765. at a Meeting of the Chh. a Com-

    plaint from the Chh. Session at New-bury-port,

    against James Hidden being read again and

    considered, it was voted, that Major Gage Dea=

    con Payson Capt. Jewett and Captain Pearson,

    with the Pastor be a Committee to prepare a

    Letter to be sent to sd Hidden, and to lay it be-

    for the Chh. for their approbation & acceptance,

      And voted that the Pastor Deacon Bayley

    Capt. Jewett and Eben Hidden go to Morrow

    and talk with James Hidden about the dissa-

    tisfaction he has given, to the presbyterian Chh. in

    the best manner yt they can.


        Jan, 13. 1765. voted yt Thos Ritter be

    dismissed to the 3d Chh. in Hartford, in Con-

               necticut. –– ––


    Feb. 19. 1765. Ezekiel Sawyer junr and


    Elisabeth his Wife appeared before the


    Congregation confessed their Sin of Forni-

    cation and were forgiven


    Feb. 20. 1765. the Letter proposed to be sent to

    James Hidden was accepted and voted to be sent

    to him by the Chh. And in answer to a letter from

    Chebacco the Chh. voted that Nathaniel Mighil, Major

    Thos. Gage and Capt. George Jewett go with the

    Pastor to join with the Council called there~


    March. 24. 1765. John Johnson appeared before the

    congregation confessed his Sin, and was admonished.