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     Conviction & humiliation for what is a breach of Gods rules, they think not


    But this Enterprise he sayth was undertaken that he might prevent his being

    deprived of Gods sweet & holy ordinances; how farr this complaint to ye

    court will prevent it the Church will in due time judge but it suits not with

    integrity to hold forth such a fear of being deprived of ye injoymt of god in his

    holy ordinances, wheras by your means especially its come to pass (throw the con

    tentions that you have raysed in Church & Towne) that ye whol church has

    bin long deprived of injoying ye lords supper & like to be still till you &

    some others who have bin irregular in yr wais & carriages & have ioynd wth

    you in makeing division be convinced of & humbled for their soe doing

    you further tell ye court what your aim was in makeing such a complaint viz

    to put a barr to the churches dealing with you as an offendour but ys is soe farr

    from putting a barr that it makes ye way more open & clear for dealing

    with you, this being added to ye rest that you have publickly complaind

    against Elder & church as if they had soe farr mistaken yms as to blame an In

    nocent man for an offendour.

    ffor the particulars you complain you are charged with the court did declare

    that you had broken ye 5th . 8th & 9th comandemt so yt the church received

    noe light from them wherby to alter ther apprehensions concerning your irregu

    lar speeches & carriages: the church is usualy above any brother & to be honoured

                                            so yr bringing Br Neh business

    ffor the 5th you not only neglected to obey him yt God sets over you in reffusing


    to come to a Church meeting when called but (contrary to ye apostles charg dis

    pise not ye church of God)[71] you dishonourd the church & ye assembly together before

    Town & strangers before you had taken any pains to convince them of any irre

    regularity wither in yr meeting or in any thing yei did when mett your speech

    also what care I who is speaking when it was told you yt I was speaking:


    ffor ye 8th comand I own not what is witnessed yt I shuld say you robd & stole

    I told you that it was a sin your denying me any maintenance for a whol

    yeer labor as to one half of ye week & stirring up all others to the like

    unjust dealing yt ys was a robbing God & ys I own still, nether dos a minis

    ter use too high expressions against a sin when he uses ye same that god in his

    holy word uses against the same.


    ffor the 9th besides defaming ye Church publickly for her meeting about & med

    ling with yt she had nothing to doe in wthout ye Town (though ye court sayd

    otherwise one of ye magistrates ther asked contradicting) this is a breach of ye

    9th as well as 5th comand, and it was a falls accusation yt yie meddled wth

    a matter yei had nothing to doe declare yr minds about one to another, & yrfore

    it was a disorderly practise to seperate from ym and to declare it had bin well

    if all had done as you did, you alsoe broak yor ingagemt made before ye counsill


    That you have bin a principall instrumt of ye breach of ye peace of ys place

    I doe affirm & doe desire the lord would help you to se it & be humbled for

    it ffor you were the principal man in ye Church yt did abett Daniel Weicon

    in yt presumptious & rude vote of his and did actually vote for Mr Shepard

    preaching a Monthly lecture, though you knew that ye whol church nor half

    of it agreed therto, you alsoe have continued striff & division by opposing

    the church in ye performance of ye lawfull promise of admitting your brother

    Jewitt going about to se what hands you could get to joyn with you in your

    groundless oppositions, and after your reasons were answered twice not only once

    in private but in publick before ye whol church & you had promised yt if ye

    church should (ye body of ym) concurr in takeing in Mr Neh Jewitt after yei had

    heard your reasons you would (as indeed your duty was) sit still but you still

    stood up to oppose to ye great distraction of gods work & ye greif of


    [71] I Cor. 11:22.