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    The sd Clark and Elders can afford us.

    Voted also yt Sd Meeting be adjourned to Thursday

    the 18 day of ys month, at one o’Clock afternoon.


    The Chh. met according to adjournment and ad-

    journed to the first Wednesday in Jan. next after lecture


     Jan.7, 1769. The Chh. Met according to ad-

    journment, heard the complaint against James

    Hidden and the Evidences to support the facts

    alledged against him, and his defence, and chose

    Capt Pearson Thos Lancaster, Major Gage Deacon

    Bayley and Capt Jewett With the Pastor to be a

    committe to consider sd Hiddens case, and to

    prepare what they shall think fit Respecting it

    to be laid before the Chh. at their next Meeting.

    And then the Meeting was adjourned to the first

    Wednesday in the next month, after the Lecture~

    The Chh. Met According to adjournment &

    heard Brother Hidden farther, and heard the

    draughts prepared by the above committee read

    once, and adjourned unto Wednesday fortnight at

    one of the Clock afternoon.


     Feb. 18. 1769. The Chh. Met by adjournment


    read the aforesd draught again, paragraph by


    paragraph, and voted it to be agreeable to their

    minds and judgments, till they came to the con-

    cluding clause. –– And adjourned to The first

    Wednesday in April, immediately after Lecture


     April 1. Chh. Met, heard James Hidden talk an hour or two

    voted that he should offer in Writing wt he had to offer &

     adjourned the Meeting to the first Wednesday in May next P. M.