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    recommended to the first Chh in Groton, Voted alsoe, That

    Tis an improper thing for any of the Congregation that are not

    in full Communion and regular Standing in the Chh to attend

    the Meeting of the Chh. for the Exercises of Discipline, unless

    particularly desired


      Oct. 3. 1750. the Brethren of the Chh. were stayed

    after Lecture, and Voted that Aquila Jewet Deacon

    Pickard and Eliphalet Payson go in the Name of

    the Chh, to James Hidden and Discourse with him upon


    the Subject Matter of offence given by him to the Chh. and


    See how his mind Stands and labour to gain him ––––



      Oct. 25. The Chh. Met and Voted That They were so


    far Satisfied with What James Hidden offered to them in

    Way of Satisfaction for the offence he had given them as

    that they were Willing that he should be released from the

    Censure of Suspension laid upon him and he was released accor

    dingly, and the Church also Voted That they believe that

                our Justification or of

    the Matter of our being entitled to eternal life is the


    Righteousness of Christ only, imputed to us. ––––


    Nov. 7. 1750. Nathan Plats and his Wife Elisabeth

     Were dismissed to the Chh. in Lunenburgh ––––


    At a Meeting of the Chh. Feb. 13. 1750. It was

    Voted that Messrs Samuel Payson and John

    Northend take Pains to enquire and find what

    Evidence there is of the Truth of the Rumours, that

    David Hammond and David Hammond junr

    have been disguised With Drink, and also that they

    Enquire of them the Reason of their neglecting the