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                                     1678                       173       (107


    Church with the unanimous result of the councills advise & determination to be

    considered of by your self & the church, in order to your seasonable answer to that

    result of the councill, & therfore did not dissolve the council, & have waighted for

    your churches Answer now 5 or 6 weeks, we thought meet to signify to you that if there be not a speedy & satisfactory Answer to the sayd advise & determination of ye

    council, ther must be eer long another Meeting of the sayd council to advise what

    we have farther to doe in this case, Though we would yet hope, that upon second

    and more serious thoughts you will Speedily prepare & send us such a satisfactory

    Answer of your church to that advise, as may prevent any further trouble of a 2d meet

    ing of the council, soe we take leave resting


         Ipswich this 3d of 12 (78)   Your Loving Brethren & freinds

                                                  Tho: Cobbett

         I conceive noe less then the substance

           of the above written & that it is Incumbent

         on the Church, after soe long time of deliberation

          To give a positive Answer to the advise of the


                           Daniel Denison.


     Two Brethren were sent to Mr Cobbet to give an answer to the forgoing letter

    by word of mouth (it being my lecture week) in sume they gave this account that

    we had had a Church Meeting to consider of what ye councill left with us & ye rest

    of the church did Express their dissatisfaction as to sitting down with the councills ad

    =vise and that we had given an account of ye grounds of our dissent to ye Revered

    moderator Mr Ward wherin we conceived that we attended due order, though we

    sent not our Answer to ye councills advise to ye Revered Mr Cobbett &c.

    The council conveening again ffeb 25 we presented to them the following lines


         The Reasons why the church of Xst at Rowley viz the major part of them could

    not sit down with, nor act according to ye advise of the first Council met of Rowley

    at the desire, & upon ye complaint of Mr Philip Nelson Decemb 11 1678 presented to

    them at their 2d meeting at Rowley ffeb 25 1678

         Honoured Reverend & beloved in our Lord Jesus Xst

    At your first meeting and at your first appearance in publick yr was a long paper

    read composed by Mr Nelson to his councellors, which the church heard not off till

    then, and therfore did Express greif & cannot but doe soe still, that a paper contain

    ing soe many falshoods & unjust reflections upon the church, should be published before

    Town & Countrey, as if it had bin fully considered off by the Council, and the accu

    sations searched into as to the truth of them, & soe judged meet to be published &

    that before had opportunity to answer for our selves & to evince the groundlessness

    of these reflections, This gratified the offendour, but was a greif to the hearts of

    many of many of Gods servants in this place : Yea after the publication of this

    reproachfull paper, we requested that we might have it, or a coppy of it, that we

    might answer it, & we are misinformed if it was not promised us that it should

    be sent to us, but upon farther thoughts it was determined we should not have it

    And yet were advised to receive in the offendour and that before he had made

    good His charges, or Els acknowledg his sin in soe accusing, This is a strang way

    of seeking peace when instead of giving satisfaction to the Church for his offences

    he should falsly accuse the Church, And how he can purely and sincerly desire
