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    All Saturday from morning to night to stirr up those gentlemen to interpose such

    churches proceedings (wch how farr it was regular from such reformation & instiga

    tion we leave it to yms to consider) for my own part I did upon sight of yr letters prefer

    to deferr till I had spoaken with them yt writ to me, but I conceived yt my effort would

    not bear it without the Churches consent & yrfore according as strength & time would per

    mit I seek desired a hope to acquaint some of the principall of the church with ye

    letters & according he did at noon stope 10 or 12 & yei with one consent first moved

    that they thought these private letters with yeir private information shuld not put

    by what ye church had voted upon seeking to God & serious consideration,

    After sermon therfore I did declare to ye congregation Mr Nelsons offences & his


    Impenitency & ye church vote for his Excomunication which accordingly was admi

    nistered & by prayer Gods blessing upon soe solemn an ordinance, intreated & ye congre

    gation dismissed.

    a fortnight after Mr Nelson gave me a paper to read to ye Church wherin he desired

    ye Church to joyne with him in Calling a councill, his paper is as followeth &c


          To the Revernd Mr Phillips & ye Brethren of the church of Christ in Rowley


    The deep sence of that humbling providence in the Censure of Excomunication

    lately passed, hath put upon serious seeking to God, to shew me his mind

    and my sin; but upon my Earnest applying my self to God, & Search of my

    heart & wayse, I cannot judg my self regularly & justly Excomunicated

    and therfore think meet at this time to request your joyning with my self

    in the attayning of the ordinance of a Council wher I shall be ready by

    Gods blessing to submitt to ye light held forth in such an ordinance: Thus

    Craveing your speedy answer (that if you think it not convenient to grant

    my rational request in joyning with me in such an ordinance,) I may use such

    means as God shall direct to, for the repairing of my suffering name) & soe

    I Rest your distressed friend & I hope Servant of God

         Novemb 15 1678.                                 Philip Nelson.


    This was read to ye Church and after a weeks consideration they returned

    the answer following


         Mr Nelson

    The Church haveing considered the motion you make in your writing lately

    to ye Congregation for a council, their answer is they se noe ground or Rea

    son to joyne with you in calling any council, forasmuch as they have noe

    questions, or matters of difficulty to present to a councill, with reference to

    your Excomunication: Yet notwithstanding if you continue resolved to have

    a council who will attend upon ye councill to give account of the grounds

    of those proceedings with your self provided you give us seasonable no

    tice of the time of the thing, & alsoe pitch upon such to hear the case as

    we have matter of exception against

                        Samuel Phillips with the Consent of ye Ch


    The Church did object against Ipswich & Topsfield hearing the case because they

    had prejudged their part & were alsoe minded at Ipswich that their letters

    were not attended Mr Cobbet alsoe very deaf as to his hearing