

    Febry 22.  Benjamin, Son of Aaron & Susanna

    Forbush (which last has own’d ye Covt at Marlboro)

    was baptized __________

    1st Sacrt

    March 7. Our First Sacrament was Celebrated.

    Jonathan, Son of Jonathan and Martha How-

    :ard (she being a Member of Marlborò Chh) was baptizd

    April 4. 1725.  Josiah Newton was admitted

    into our Communion.

    Patience, Dau’ter of James and Sarah Ball

    was Baptized.

    _______ 11. Daniel, Son of Hezekiah & Elizab: How

    (She being a Member of Marlboro Chh) was Baptized.

    & Zipporah, Dau’ter of Joseph & Elizah

    Wheeler, was Baptized, also.

    May. 2.  Beriah, Noah and Vashti Rice;

    William Son of Wm & Mary Holloway

    (both of which own’d ye Covenant at Marlboro.)

    Mary Dau’ter of Nathan & Mary Ball

    (who own’d ye Covt at Marlborò likewise) &

    Ebenezer Miller the Son of James & Sarah

    Miller were all Baptized. _____


    23. Our Second Sacrament was Solemnized.

    July:  11. Mary, Dau’ter of James & Mary Maynard

    (She being Member of Marlboro Chh) was Baptized.

    18. Ephraim, ye Son of Habijah & Mary

    Bruce (who had own’d ye Covent at Marlboro.) was


    25. Anna Rice, and Abigail Forbush were ad

    :mitted into our Communion, & Mary Parkman, Mem

    :ber of Cambridge Chh; Dorcas Forbush, Elizabeth Fay

    Mary Brigham and Bersheba Pratt members of ye

    Chh of Marlborò, being Dismissd to us, were receivd

    into our Fellowship.


    This day likewise the Sacramt was Celebrated.

    August 22.  Sarah ye Dau’ter of Nehemiah How

    member of Sudbury Chh, was Baptized.

    September. 5. Peres Rice & Lydia his wife, & Dinah

    Goodenough were admitted into our Communion


    & ^ Martha Howard also, being Dismissd to us from Marlb.

    wife of


    David Brigham, &
