Baptisms |
269 |
May 8 |
Susanna of Samuel & Deliverance Fay |
Mary of Jonathan and Lydia Godenow |
Thomas of Cornelius and Eunice Cook |
Jonas of Stephen and Ruth Fay |
May 15 |
Amasa of James and Mary Maynard |
22 Katharine of Eeazer _____ How |
June |
5 |
John of Thomas Junr and Hannah Forbush |
26 |
Abigail of Joshua and Mary Townsend |
July 3 |
Timothy of Joseph and Katharine Joslin |
Hannah of Thomas and Sary Rilling |
17 |
Mary Sateny a child committed by the |
Select Men to the care of Simon Tainter |
and wife |
_____ ___ |
_____ _____ _______ |
Stephen Southward a child committed by |
its Parents to the care of Noah & Hannah |
Rice __________________________________ |
August |
21 |
Jonathan of Josiah and Mary Walker |
28 |
Abner of Abigail and Frances Whipple |
September |
Levi of Nathaniel and Mary Whitney |
11 |
Ebenezer com^mitted to the care of Ebenezer |
18 |
Lock a member of the Church in Hopkinton |
25 |
Abigail of Benjamin and Jane [Savorenir?] |
October |
16 |
Zerviah of Joseph _______ Thurston |
November Jemima of David Junr ___ Maynard |
6 |
Abner of Abner and Martha Newton |
13 |
Richard |
Hanah & of Richard and |
Tozer |
Elizabeth |
Seth of Seth and Dorothy Rice |
[3 illegible, pencilled lines] |