__Chh - Records

    March 8. Ebenr of Moses & Mehit. Brigham &    bapt.

    Jane, of Jonn & Abigl Rolf

    ^ Brethn

    March. 15. The ^ Chh were Stopd, & ye Pastor in-

      of the

    formed ym yt he had recd a Petition for a Chh-

    meeting Signd by 10, to desire yt ye late Chh Vote might

    be reconsidered: but as he wd do everything yt might

    preserve Peace & Harmony in ye Chh, he wd consult ye

    Chh upon it, & having yeir Concurrce in wt is done.

    Their Silence consenting yt ye Request shd be ansd __ &

    accordly A Chh Meeting was appted to be next Tuesday; 1 p.m

    ====March. 17. The Chh met in pursuance of

    ^ apptmt

    ye forementiond ^: but Brr Saml Fay, tho

    ^ & noti-

    Seasonbly Sent to by the Pastor ^ did not come.


    A Number of the Brethren movd to have the

    Vote of March ye first reconsiderd, agree-

    able to ye Request of ye Petition for ye meeting;

    and Several Brethren who assisted in passing

    that Vote, said, that, upon Reflection, they

    conceiv’d the Chh were too Sudden in their

    then voting, & wd be glad, for their parts, yt it

    might be reconsiderd.

    After which,

    It was put to Vote, thus

    Brn if it be your Minds to re-consider the

    Vote of March 1, Concerning restoring Brr Saml

    Fay & admitting him to special ordces please

    to manifest it.    It passed in ye Affirm.

    by 18.

    out of 21.  ____

    After this it was Enquired into, What

    Reasons has Brr Fay given for his long de-

    linquency?   In ansr to wc, the Report of

    the Comtee (of last July) was read __ & it

    was put to vote, whether those Reasons were

    Satisfactory __? It passd in ye Neg. No Hand

    being up for it. ____

    Then the meeting was adjournd to tomor-

    row come sennight after Lecture __ (for the

    Chh desird that the Communion might not be delay’d

    any longer.) Concluded wth prayer, & ye Blessing.
