Chh Records _____

    5  Voted this Meeting stand adjourned

    to Monday 27 current at 9 oClock

    AM. to be held at the Meeting House

    in Westboro further to consider of

    things Relative to this Chh as set forth

    in certain papers then to be produced.


    Octr 27. Chh met according adjournmt

    Opened by

    the Business is to consider some

    Prayer by

    thing^ of Mr Adams Case. Also try

    Revd Sumner

    the minds of the ^ Chh with respect to


    a Preacher -____


    1st Article. acted on in the Meeting is

    whether the Chh will Consider and

    Act on that part of a Report made

    last Jany 14. 1783 by a Committee

    Chosen to Examine. hear into the

    difficulty and foundation of Contrav

    -ersy between Br Danll Adams

    and his Wife Persis.. that that

    Rspected Sd Persis Passed in ye Negative

    2 __ Mrs Adams having Requested Priviledge

    by a line directed to this Chh