200 |
Chh Records _____ |
5 Voted this Meeting stand adjourned |
to Monday 27 current at 9 oClock |
AM. to be held at the Meeting House |
in Westboro further to consider of |
things Relative to this Chh as set forth |
in certain papers then to be produced. |
______ |
Octr 27. Chh met according adjournmt |
Opened by |
the Business is to consider some |
Prayer by |
thing^ of Mr Adams Case. Also try |
Revd Sumner |
the minds of the ^ Chh with respect to |
Moderator |
a Preacher -____ |
___________________ |
1st Article. acted on in the Meeting is |
whether the Chh will Consider and |
Act on that part of a Report made |
last Jany 14. 1783 by a Committee |
Chosen to Examine. hear into the |
difficulty and foundation of Contrav |
-ersy between Br Danll Adams |
and his Wife Persis.. that that |
Rspected Sd Persis Passed in ye Negative |
2 __ Mrs Adams having Requested Priviledge |
by a line directed to this Chh |