128. |
_Chh - Records. |
1764. |
Jan. 8. Timothy, of Ebenr & Sarah |
Maynard, was baptized. |
___15. Seth, of Barachias &Zerv. Morse,bapt. |
Feb. 5. Jonathan & Hannah Grout |
were admitted into Chh Fellowship. |
12. Jemima, wife of Constantine |
Hardy was admitted to ye Chh |
as was Martha How, after She had |
humbly confessd the Breach of the |
Seventh Commandmt and was restord to |
Charity. ___The Same Day, |
Jonathan, of Jonn & Hannah, Grout bapt. |
19. Susanna, of Martha How, bapt. |
March 11. Elizabeth Beals was ad- |
mitted into Chh Fellowship. and |
Sacrt |
The Lords Supper was administrd |
18. Martha, of Joseph & Martha Baker, bapt. |
April 8. John Bowker & Tryphena |
his Wife, having ownd ye Covt at Leicester |
&c. as appeared by a Certificat, presented |
their young Child, wc was baptized - |
the Name Persis. & |
Nathl of James & Mary Bowman, bapt. |
____13. The Chh met, by apptmt for se- |
veral Reasons ___ First, a Letter from Rev. |
Mr John Cleaveland of Chebacco was read |
^ from ye Pas- |
togr with a Letter ^ wc occasioned it. |
tor, |
__ Debates upon ye Affair wc was ye Subject |
matter of it __ But no vote was passd abt it. |
Secondly, Several Letters from one Mrs |
Hannah Child, requesting a Contribution |
__ but no one member encouragd it. |
Thirdly, mention was made of Mr Jonn |
Cook’s Desire of privilege __ wr as he belongs |
^ a Vote was |
to anor Chh & is under Dealing there. ^ |
passd yt there |
As ye Chh-Meeting was opend wth Prayer, |
shd be a con- |
so it was ended wth a prayer, & ye Blessing. |
tribution of |
ye Chh for better furnishing the Communion Table. |
22. |