140. |
__Chh- Records._ |
desiring Assistance in ye Ordination |
of Mr Peter Whitney ___ |
Voted Compliance with yeir Request. |
Voted to send two Delegates. |
Voted that Deacon Bond be one. |
Voted that Deacon Wood be ye other. |
With the Blessing the Chh were dismiss’d |
Sacrt |
NB. The Lords Supper had been adminis |
tred this Day. |
Nov. 1. Joseph & Ruth Harrington |
were admitted into Chh Fellowship. |
_____ 8. Lucy, of Joseph & Ruth Har- |
rington, was baptized. |
___29. Hannah, of Jos. & Ruth Harrington, bapt. |
Decr 6. Eli Whitney & Elizabeth |
his Wife, were admitted into ye Chh |
Sacrt |
____ The Lords Supper was adminis- |
tred. ____And Joel, of Francis junr & |
Priscilla Whipple, was baptized. |
13. The Chh was detaind, wn a petition |
signd by Twenty one Members, requesting |
a Chh Meeting, to reconsider ye votes passd |
about Mrs Andrews, was Communicated ___ |
(It was sdated Oct. 28. but was not offerd |
till Decr 9th). In complyance wth it, a Chh |
Meeting was appointed to be on ye 16th |
as one o’Clock p.m. |
16. The Chh met as appted & after |
Prayr ye Petition was again read and |
ye Report of ye Comtee therein referd to as |
Voted by ye Chh. The Matter being debated, |
the following vote was prepard & read over |
at least three times, -__ viz. |
Whether ye Chh does now, upon Condition |
yt Mrs Andrews’ Resigning ye Copys she has |
in her possessn thereof, Reconsider & Disan- |
null the Votes wc were passd by this Chh Con- |
cerning her on May 19 & June 2d past. |
It passd in ye Affirmative. |