Chh- Records._

    Apr. 4. Elizabeth, of John Forbes baptd

    _____11. Phineas, of Phin. & Persis Gleason,

    was bapt.

    May 9. Isaac Miller having been

    for a great while deliquent, both

    as to ye Communn, & even ye usual pub-

    lick worship, offerd an acknowledgemt

    and was restored.

    The same day


    The Lords Supper was admind

    16. William, of Paul & Abigail,

    Lampson, who, as Rev. M. Cutler

    pastor of ye third Chh in Ipswich,

    has given a Certificat, is in

    Covt with them, was baptizd.

    __  The Result of ye Late Council

    at ye South Parish in Bolton,

    was read publickly.

    23. Peter, of Benajah & Abl Brigh, bapt.

    At ye Desire of Jonas Bradish the

    Chh was stopd & a Chh-Meeting

    was appointed to be next Tuesday

    at 2 p.m. [NB. wn no mention of ye

    Place, is  formally made, it must be taken

    for granted, yt ye Meeting House is in-

    tended.] _____

    25. The Chh Met __ a Paper from

    Mr Jonas Bradish was read __ Ansr to

    it by ye Pastor.  A former Omission of

    waiting on ye Ordinance of Baptism for

    one of his Childrin, was conceivd to be

    owing to a misunderstanding be-

    tween him & ye Pastor.  Then he said,

    Jonas Bra-

    “For what has been since, __ Now

    dish’s ac-

    these some No of years I own and


    Confess has been faulty Neglect, in
