Chh Records |
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251 |
then proceeded to hear what Benja |
Warren had to Offer for the sin |
of profane swearing to this Chh |
for their Satesfaction & his peace |
which is as follows viz ___ I confess |
that I have wickedly transgressed a |
Righteous Law of God by profaning |
his Holy Name, & given just Occasion |
of Offence to my Christian Brethren |
and do now humble myself before |
God whom I have Offended and |
ask the forgiveness. of God __ and this |
Chh and prayers for me that I no |
more behave so unexemplaryly |
& Reproachfully __ Benja Warren |
he ordered his name to be inserted |
on which the Chh Voted their |
Satisfaction & Charity ______ |
Then the Chh Meeling was Dissolved |
Octr16. Lord Supper ^was Amenestred by Rd Sanford. |
& Phinehas Gleason, Rhah Reahamah |
Frost. Wife of Thos Frost. Antipas |
Brigham & his Hepzibah his Wife |
were admitted to full communion with |
the Chh |
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