June 9 1741. The Following Young Women |
met at my House to conferr with me, & receive |
Instructions, respecting a Catechetical Exercise, |
which (besides that which I had kept up for |
Children) they were willing to attend upon |
Scil: Mary Bradish, Patience Forbush Mary Greaves, |
Thankf. Newton, Susanna Tainter, Sarah Tainter, |
Lydia Harrington, Sarah Bellows, Mary Newton, |
and Mary Parkman |
These Consented to prepare ymS. to Say Three Ansrs of |
ye Westmins. Assembly Catechism wth ye Proofs; and |
to wait upon an Exposition |
The First Exercise to be on ye 15th Instant. |
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June 15. was ye First Catechetical Exercise: & |
there were added to ye abovenamed Young Psons |
Jerusha Ward, Bulah Warrin, Susanna Grout, |
Mehitabel Grout, Lydia Hardy, Hannah Forbush, |
Dorothy Williams, Eliza Newton, Anna Rice, |
Hannah Maynard, Marcy Maynd Zerviah Rice, |
Martha Coburn, Ruth Hicks. ___ |
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July 13, were added |
Miriam Fisk, Sarah Shattuck, Rebecca Hicks, |
Ruth Bradish, Mellisent Rice, Eliz. Chamberlain. |
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