60. |
__Church___ |
=ing of ye Chh if it was expected for him |
to provide ye papers and Evidence needed |
and prayd that ye Chh would adjourn & |
give him thereby Oppty to prepare himself |
better than he now was or could be _______ |
The Chh accepted him in this & adjourned |
to next Monday come fortnight |
The Meeting yrfore concluded wth prayr & |
the Blessing ______ |
Sept. 13. The Chh meeting further adjournd |
to Sept. 29. _____ |
Chh Meetg |
Sept. 29. Chh met accg to adjournmt ^ & After Prayer to G. Recd |
& Read ye papers from Justice Nahum Ward, on |
ye Case of Cornelius Cook, heard ye witnesses wc were |
present viz. Deac. Tomlin & Noah How, on ye same |
and heard ye long declaration & Defence of sd Cook. |
and then After debating a while, ye Chh adjourned to next |
Friday come fortnight; and so concluded wth prayer |
Oct. 4. John, of Samual & |
Gamel bapt. |
Chh Meetg |
____ 9. The Chh according to Adjournmt |
Met and William, John & Jonathan Rogers |
being now present, Cornelius Cook was call’d |
upon to proceed with that part of his Decla |
:ration & Defence wch respected them (ye said |
Rogers’s) wc he did; and ye Chh recd also yeir |
Answers severally thereto and then desird |
Them to withdraw. |
The Chh having debated what they found |
needfull passd the following Votes. |
1. That ye Chh is not satisfyd with the |
Declaration made by Cornelius Cook, respectg |
his Guiltiness of ye matter of Complaint made |
against him. |
Nem. Contrad. |
2. That Cornelius Cook is, in the Judgmt of ye |
^ guilty |
Chh ^ of profane swearing; & expects his Humil |
:liation before he enjoy Special privileges in ye |
Chh. |
These Votes being passd They were calld in again |
who had withdrawn; ye votes were read & a brief Exhortn |
given to said Cook; & a word also was given to sd Rogers’s & |
to__ |