____The Names of______ |
1756. |
March 14. 1756. |
⊕ Mary Latiny. |
1757. |
March 13. 1757 |
⊕#Lucy Parkman |
April, 24. ___ |
⊕#Ebenr Parkman junr |
⊕#Elizabeth Parkman. |
Aug. 28. ___ |
⊕#Joseph Bowman |
1758. |
Sept. 10. 1758 . |
⊕Hannah Miller |
(wife of Ebenr) |
Oct. 15 ___ |
⊕Lydia Matthews __ |
(heretofore Bowman.) |
1759. |
June 10. 1759. |
John Belknap & |
⊕Ruth Belknap his wife |
dismissd from Southboro. |
Mary Pratt wife of Hezek. |
dismissd from Lexington |
Sept. 9. ___ |
Mary Knowlton |
(wife of Joseph junr) |
1760. |
Jan. 13. 1760 |
⊕Joanna Fay |
(wife of Jonathan.) |
Feb. 3. ___ |
⊕Joseph & Baker. |
⊕Martha |
June 15. ___ |
⊕Mary Chase (wife of Thomas) |
July 27 ___ |
⊕Solomon & Baker. |
⊕Sarah |
Aug. 30 ___ |
⊕Sarah Biglow (wife of Cornelius |
junr) |
⊕Thomas Twitchell |
⊕Joseph & |
Octr 26. ___ |
⊕Sarah Grout & |
⊕Rebecca Hardy. |
1761. |
March 22. |
Elijah Rice & |
⊕Benjamin Hills. |
May 3. |
⊕Molly Hills. |
⊕Persis Rice. |
1762. |
July 4. 1762 |
⊕# Lavinia Baker. |
Aug. |