_Chh - Records ______


    Sept. 30. Administred ye Lds Supper.


    Oct. 28.  Abigail, of Solomon & Thankf. Woods, bapt.

    And this Day read ye humble petition of Cor-

    nelius Cook for a public Contribution for

    him, being much reducd by ye Imprisonmt &


    Trial of his Two sons Robert and Step^hen, for killg

    an Indian at Stockbridge.

    Nov. 18. Administred ye Lords Supper.

    & Eleanor, of Simon junr & Mary Tainter &

    Antipas, of Joseph & Sibyl Bruce __


    Dec: 9. Elizabeth, of Stephen &Thankf. Maynard, bapt.

    Jan.13. A Contribution for ye Relief


    of Mr Alpheus Newton,whose House


    was burnt down in ye Night between the

    for Alpheus

    24th & 25th of Decr last; and we gatherd


    in our Congregation £44.15s & 6d Old Tenr

    Jan. 20. The Chh was detaind after ye Exercises.

    and voted yt on Consideration of ye Sickness and

    Mortality in Several Neighbouring Towns, a Day

    of Humilliation and Prayr be kept on some

    Convenient Day of ye ^ next week. After this was begun.

    Notice to  be given next Lords Day in ye Congregn

    27. Susanna, of Levi & Susanna Brigham, bapt.

    NB. Next Wednesday was appointed, in ye Congre-

    gation, to be a Day of Fasting & Prayer.

    30. Was observd as aDay of Humilln & Prayer on


    Acct of a Malignant Mortal fever raging in many

    Neighbouring Towns.  I prayd a.m. & Mr Stone preachd

    on Ps. 39.4.  Mr Barrett prayd p.m. & Mr Cushing preachd

    on Hos.4.7.

      March 10 was to have been ye Communion

    but by Reason of Stormy Weather it was de-

    Ferrd __

    17. The Lords Supper was adminisd

