Marriages.___ |
240. Aug. 25. Jonn Maynard to Ziph Bruce. |
241. Dec. 1. Ezra Bellows to Ruth Harrgton. |
242. ___ 8. |
Timothy Parker to Lucy Bond |
243. ___15. |
Seth Morse to Lydia Belknap. |
1775. |
244. Jan. 4 Danl Chamberlin to_ |
Lydia Harrington. |
245. Apr. 4. Benj. Whitney to Esther Higgins. |
246. Nov. 9. Hananiah Parker of Westb. |
to Hephzibah Warrin of Shrewsbury. |
1776. |
Jan. 11. No 247. John Fay to Mehitabel |
Brigham. and |
247. Thomas Andrews to Hannah Forbush. |
248. Feb.15. Reuben Maynard to Molly Garfield |
249. Mar. 28. Simon Forbes to Susan Miller. |
250. May 16. Benj. Tainter junr to Margt Hinds. |
251. June 13. Phinehas Forbes to Ruth Adams. |
252. Sept. 19. Isaiah Fairbank of Grafton to |
Ruth Eager of Westboro. |
253. Eleazer Pratt junr of Westborô to |
Mary Druce of Grafton Sept 26. |
254. John Beeton jr to Eunice Hill, the |
Same Evening with ye Preceding. |
255. Nov. 5. Saml Whitney to Lavinia Biglow |
1777. |
256. Jan. 2 John Belknap to Joanna Kendal. |
257. Feb. 13. John Wait of Alsted & Elizth |
Harrington of Westborough. |
nap. |
258. May 22. Benj. Ball to Lucy Belk^ |
259. June 3. Jonn Whipple to Hanh Rice |
260 Dec. 24. Rev Richd Barns to Jemima |
Maynard. ___ |
261. |