120. |
Chh - Records. |
bapt. |
had ownd ye Covenant at Framingham, |
Sacrt |
Aug. 2. The Lord’s Supper administred. |
______ 16. Anna, of Saml Fay, bapt. |
Fast on |
23. The Chh was Stopd at Noon |
acct of ye |
Voted unanimously that Wednesday |
Drought. |
next be kept by us, by div. leave, as a Day |
of Fasting & prayr on Considern of ye div. |
Frowns in ye grievous Drought, wc |
we have long been under: to humble or |
selves under ye holy Dispensation of God |
towards his people __ to Supplicate Par- |
don, & to beg ye out-pouering of His holy |
Spirit upon us: and on Consideration |
of the present Favour of Heaven in the |
plentifull Rain now vouchsafd, to render |
hearty Thanks & praise to or most com- |
passionate God & Savr therefor. |
__ P.M. Asa of Danl & Abigl Adams, baptizd. |
NB. The above Vote of ye Chh was communi- |
(^ p.m.) |
cated to ye Assembly ^ who were invited and |
desird to join wth us in ye religs observg ye Fast |
thereby appointed. ____ |
==========26. Was observd as a Day of Fasting |
& Prayer, agreeable to ye Chh vote of ye 23. |
but in too imperfect a manr May God gra- |
ciously overlook & pardon or Defects! |
and in His infinite Goodness Accept or hu- |
miliations & Addresses for Jesus Sake! |
Sacrt |
Sept. 13. The Lords Supper was administred. |
Sacrt |
Oct. 25. The Lords Supper was administred. |
Nov. 1. Benjamin, of Saml Junr & Rachel Hardy, |
the Said Rachel having ownd ye Covt at Marlb. |
(as Certifyd by Rev. Mr Smith), was baptizd. |
Sacrt |
Decr 6. adminstd ye Lords Supper. |
Jan. |