_Chh- Records.___


    was made thereto.


    On Apr. 4. The Chh met for ye pur-

    poses above mentiond: & opend wth Prayr

    The Commtee appointed to go to Brr Saml Fay,

    reported that they had been to him, as desird __

    but that they did not Succeed with him

    He would give no Encouragemt yt he wd

    return to his Duty, except upon ye Terms

    heretofore related.

    It was therefore put

    to the Chh to Signifie their minds, (that is)

    Whether this was Satisfactory to ye Chh?

    _____ There was no Hand for it.

    Then it was put,   Whether the Chh’s Dis-

    satisfaction with him remaind __ more espe-

    cially considering the grt Pains ye Chh had

    usd with him; & their candid Condescenti-

    on towds him?   passed in ye Affirmly

    After further debating, it was conceivd

    to be or incumbent Duty to proceed in Chh

    Dealing with him.

    It was put,

    Whether it is the Chhs Mind that our

    Brother Saml Fay be admonishd for his

    Conduct in Absenting himself from the

    public Worship, & from special Ordinces

    for so long time, without giving any satis-

    factory Reason for it; or so much as Comg

    to such Chh-Meetings as we in grt Gen-

    tleness have had on this Acct __ And that

    there be added,   That the Chh expects

    from him Submission & Satisfaction

    before he presumes to come to Special pri-

    vileges ?  Passed affirmly & unanimsly

    Voted that Brr Benj. Fay & Deacon.
