were agoing to pay him. they |
Reply they or the Treasurer must |
give a Note. he says he will not take |
their Note __ then ye Question was Asked |
ye Deacon Hawes whether he had paid the |
full Sum to Rice’s Creditors that he |
exhibited in his a/c against his Estate |
he Answered every copper. no what no |
Abatement. not one farthing___ then |
he Observes to the Deacon his a/c is too |
high. whereupon it was in ye Sum of |
£15.0 ^___ ust Down about Seven Dollars __ ___ _____ |
Br Jos: Harrington to the like import |
and that D Hawes said there was |
no Abatement on a Note of hand agt sd |
Rice. in favor of Doct D Brigham |
Mr Gleason another of ye SelectMen says |
ye Same. Likewise Mr Jos Green Testifies |
that he Asked D Hawes whether he |
had paid ye whole face of Dct D Brigham |
Note which he exhibited as a Voucher for |
ye Sum Charged in his a/c as Specified in |
ye Note agt Rice |
D Hawes said |
Yeas every farthing |
Turn |