__Chh – Records.______ |
119 |
March 22. Elijah Rice & Benj. Hills |
were admitted into the Chh. |
____ 25. The Chh was stopd on the occa- |
sion of ye two cases of Sister Judith Bel- |
lows, who presented an acknowledgmt |
and was restored to ye Chhs Charity, and |
to ye Enjoymt of Special privileges again: |
And ^of Brr Saml Fay, who offerd also |
an acknowledgmt which was accepted __ |
Each of these by full Votes __ after which |
were offerd Thanks & prayr & all was |
concluded with ye Blessing. |
___ 29. The Lord’s Supper was administd |
Sacrt |
and Abner, of Timothy & Rebecca Warrin |
Jonathan, of Thos & Ruhamah Frost |
bapt. |
& Sarah, of Joseph & Sarah Grout |
Apr. 26. Seth, Sherebiah, & Hephzibah |
of Samuel Fay, were baptized by the |
Rev. Mr Stone of Southborough. |
May 3. Molly Hills+ & Persis Rice ^ admitted into |
ye Chh. & The Lords Supper was administred. |
Sacrt |
P.M. Ephraim of Rich. & Eliz. Barns, bapt. |
__ 10. Asa, of Abijah & Abigail Gale, and |
Molly & Benjamin, of Benjamin & Molly |
Hills, were baptized. |
__ 17. Daniel, of Jonas Bradish, baptd |
24. Benjamin Gott, of Stephen & Anne |
Maynard, was baptizd. ____ |
June 7. Charles, of Benj. & Martha Fay, baptizd. |
___ 14. Daniel Forbes ^ junr & Persis his wife |
^ or Forbush, |
offerd Confessions of ye sin of Fornication |
& were restord to Charity. They, both of |
ym ownd ye Covt & their Children, |
Martha & William, were baptized. |
21. The Lords Supper was administred. |
Sacrt |
July 12. Katharine, Ebenezer & Azuba, chil- |
dren of Phinehas & Azuba Gleason, who |
had |
+ wife of Benj. ^ Dauter of Zebulun, |