__Chh - Records.__


    April 14.  The Chh was Stopd to hear &

    Desire a

    consider a Letter from ye first Chh in


    Woodstock desiring or Assistce in Council

    there on ye Last Day of ys month ____

    1. Voted Complyance wth ye request. but

    2. Voted to reconsider, & yrwth recall, ye former

    vote; for this Reason, namely, because the

    Letter Missive expresses but Delegate, or

    Messenger __ in ye singular No ____

    This was to ye pastors grt Astonishmt _____

    However for Peace Sake he gave way.


    28. The Lords Supper was administred.

    & Lydia, of Saml & Eliz. Harrington, bapt.

    May 26.  Edward, of Jonas & Persis Brigham,

    baptizd by Rev. Mr Stone.


    June 2.  Joshua, of Eleazer Whitney,                 bapt.

    Nehemiah, of Nathan & Lucy Maynd

    Letter from

    5. The Chh was Stopd, & a Letter from


    a No of agrieved brethen of ye West Chh in


    Sudbury, bearing Date May 14. 1754 - read -

    and left to Consideration till next Lords Day.


    9. The Lords Supper administred.

    P.m. The Chh being detaind, upon ye Affair

    of the Letter abovesaid ___ Voted not to send.

    NB. It was conceivd that ye Pastor was too

    nearly concernd, in part of that Controversy

    ^ yet

    __and there was ^ Time for those Brethren to

    Send to a more disinterested Chh, & wre

    probably they may obtain a Pastor.


    16. The ^Chh were desird to tarry & a Letter was

    From Danl

    communicated from Daniel Millen of


    Holliston, desiring or Assistce in Council
