__Records.__ |
19. |
____ 25. Nathaniel, Son of Nathan |
:iel and Mary Whitney, was Bap |
:tized. |
June 8. Elizabeth, Daûter of Simon |
& Rebecca Tainter, |
Thomas, Son of Thomas Junr |
& Hannah Forbush; & |
Phinehas, Son of James and |
Mary Maynard; were Baptized. |
Habijah Bruce & Mary his wife |
were the Same Day admitted into or |
Communion. |
15. Daniel, Son of William |
and Rebecca Nurse was baptized. |
29. Lydia, daûter of John |
Dantforth (who own’d the Covt |
at Billerica and Submitted to ye |
Discipline of this Chh) was bap |
:tized. ________ |
July 6. The Sacrament of the |
Sacramt |
Lords Supper was administred, at |
my urgent Request (being undr much |
Infirmity) by the Rev Mr Breck of |
Marlborough who was very unexpect= |
:edly among us to Day, instead of Mr |
Park. |
PM. Thomas, Son of Ebenezer |
& Mary Parkman, was baptized. |
July |