5ly Voted the Number be 3 |
195 |
Br Abijah Gale |
Br James Hawes |
Br Joseph Baker |
6ly Voted Br Elijah Bregham be a Clerk P. T. |
7 Voted the Meeting stand Adjourned to the |
Third Tuesday in the Next Ensuing March |
further to Consider a Report of Committee al- |
-ready made. and to hear the Report of a |
late Present Committee ____ |
Jany 19th Sophia of Isaac & Margaret Parker |
was Baptized by Revd Jona Newell |
___________________ |
March 18. 1783 The Chh met according |
to Adjournment. The meeting was Opened by |
Prayer, by ye Revd Mr J. Sumner, the business |
is to hear the Report of a Committee Chosen |
to do their Endeavor to Effect a Settlement |
of difficulty between Daniel Adams and |
his Wife Persis. __ Report that their Attemps |
are ineffectual & said Adams not dispod |
to treat with them as a Chh Commttee ____ |