Records._ |
23. |
to ye Discipline of this Chh) was baptizd |
July 12. Having Recd ye Request of Mar= |
:garett McCollister to be admitted into or |
Communion with Letters Testimonial & recommen |
:datory from ye Chh of Worcester, She was Rec’d |
a member of this Chh. |
The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was ad |
Sacramt |
:ministered. & |
Jerusha & Martha, Dauters of Increase |
Ward, & Abigail Dauter of Habijah |
& Mary Bruce, were baptized. ______ |
Aug: 16. Abigail, Dauter of |
Hezekiah & Abigail Ward, was |
baptized. ___________________ |
Octob: 4. The Lords Supper was administrd |
Sacramt |
_______ 11. Lydia, Dauter of James |
& Lydia Fay, was baptized. |
_______ 18. Lydia & Thomas, Children |
of Thomas & Lydia Warrin, were bap |
.tized, upon their Parents publickly |
owning ye Covenant among us. ____ |
A Letter from ye Congregation of ye |
Ordinati |
Lord in Southborough to this Chh was |
:on at |
read; and ye Request of it, namely to send |
Southborô. |
ye Elder and ^ Messengers as ye Chh shd see |
^Such |
meet to yeir Assistance in ye Gathering a Chh |
there and ordaining Mr Nathan Stone |
their pastor, was voted. |
2d Vote that ye Church would send 2 Per= |
:sons with ye Pastor, its Messengers on yt |
occasion. |
3d Vote that the Two Deacons, be those |
Messengers ^ to go with ye Elder. |
Lastly ye Blessing of ye Chh gave Dismission. |
Oct: |