
    Chh- Records.

    before them concerning his principles,

    on Consideration of which ye Administrn

    of ye ordce of Baptism to his Child has

    been deferrd. ____ wc was complyd wth

    Feb. 3.  The Chh came togr accg to ye

    Request of Eliezer Rice, as read yester-

    day __ The Meeting being opend by prayr

    Said Rice gave in a paper containg

    his Belief, especially respecting ye DoctƐ

    of Original Sin ____ wc was read ___

    & read a Second Time ___ After Some reply

    made by ye Pastor, and various Debating __

    the Members appeared ready to act upon it:

    and the following Vote was offerd __

    Brethren, you having heard wt Nr Rice

    has to offer concerning ye DoctƐ of Origi-

    nal sin, if you are now Satisfyd and

    if you are willing that he should enjoy

    the privilege of ye Administration of ye

    Ordinance of Baptism to his Child, please

    to manifest it by Lifting up yr Hands.

    It passd in ye Negative; no Hand being

    lifted up. _________

    The Chh meeting concluded wth prayer

    and the Blessing. _____

    Feb. 23. Jonathan Bond & Lydia Twitchel ^

    (wife of Jonas)

    dismissd from Watertown Chh, Eleazar Whitney

    dismissd from Waltham Chh, & Margaret

    Chaddock of Hopkinton, & Mary Bond, Wife

    of ye above mentiond Jonathan Bond, dismissd

    from ye Second Chh in Mendon, were admitted

    into our Communion


    March 1. The Lords Supper was administd
